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A Little Ode to You


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A Little Ode to You



Sitting down by the fire on this cold autumn night,

A hard day's work behind me, I felt it's only right,

That I dedicate this little ode to you,

Two years later, yet those first words you spoke have remained forever true.


A simple email was all it took,

To make me smile and take a look,

A beautiful girl from somewhere far away,

Who I thought I might indeed meet some day.


No sooner had several weeks passed and you were gone,

But I knew it wouldn't be for long,

While I worked I thought of you, knowing you were safe and warm,

On a summer journey you richly deserved, away from the stifling storms.


A journalist and a writer, I thought we’d make the perfect pair!

Two people with so much emotion and passion to share,

Why God put us so far apart I will never ever know,

Yet still we were faithful in our hearts as our friendship and fondness grew.


How my pulse raced when my first call came through,

At first I couldn’t believe it was really you,

During day and night we spoke, and for those precious hours,

Nothing else mattered but the time that was uniquely ours.


Dashing home on a Friday night, I knew you would be awake,

Anticipating that call I’d been dying to make,

To let you know I was still here, I hadn’t yet fallen asleep,

On occasion I would give my electronic post one more hopeful peep.


Those secrets we shared and stories we told,

Unlike others before, we never left each other out in the cold,

We embraced the true meaning of friendship, a sentiment seldom felt,

Emerging stronger and wiser despite the blows we’d previously been dealt.


While I know those sweet days may have gone,

As the inevitability of time moves us on,

I just wanted to dedicate this little ode to you,

For two years later, those first words you spoke still remain true.

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