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Big Corporations vs. Small Companies: Which are better to work for?

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In big companies you are just another number, in small ones you are more of a person.


If you rely on your employer for health insurance and benefits- big companies usually have a better, less expensive package.


I worked for a small family owned business and realized after 8 years that I could only climb so far before I hit the ceiling. Big companies offer more room for advancement.


It does seem like small companies tend to have more profit sharing programs.

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it really doesnt matter and it depends more on management than the size of the company. the more easy going the better the employees are treated and the better everyone interacts and feels about their job.

you could get paid 6 figures but if your bosses crap all over eachother they are going to crap all over you. and you wont be happy.


when i worked at the dog food plant everyone was very laid back, there wasnt alot of unreasonable demands made on the employees and administration really. so it never fed down to me or my boss.

it was the best place i've ever worked.

where i am at now its everyman for themselves. and that feeds down into creating a very stressed and hateful atmosphere that makes me really hate my job. even though i get paid over double what i did at the dog food place.

and this place as a company is far bigger and makes larger profits than the dog food plant. its just management is tighter, and less forgiving.

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Small companies: more flexible, typically broader jobroles, getting more responsibility very fast, more autonomy. Often possible for more individual negotiation of salary package. Little bureacracy


Large companies: greater career options long term (especially if you are looking for specialist or management positions), more fixed salary (often put into a salary bracket), more narrow jobroles and more bureaucracy.

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Actually in my experience, small companies pay better. If you're good, they're much more keen to keep you where at a larger one, there's always someone who can replace you.


I used to work for a small software firm until it was bought out by a larger one which I work for now. My salary/bonus progression in the 3 years I was at the small company was 65/10, 75/19, 85/25. After the buyout, it turned into 87/13. Bleh.


Benefits, however, are much better at a larger company, as is job security. When working for a larger firm there's more "breathing room" to focus on career/skill development and many more opportunities to do so, while at a small firm you really have to hustle and be much more proactive when expanding your skills. Not to mention, there'll always be fires to put out and more work than time to do it in, so to better yourself you will have to put more effort in while finding time.


Working hours are much better at a larger firm. My hours are now 10 to 6-8, where before it was 9 to 8-9pm, then go home, eat, work out, bust out the laptop at 11 and often find yourself on the phone with your boss at 1am because there's a deadline and he's burning the midnight oil too. This is all offset by work being a ton more interesting, though, not to mention the feeling that what you do matters.


Bottom line: if you're young and single, find a small company to work for. You won't have a life but you'll lay a very solid foundation for later.

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I think smaller companies are better for introverts like myself. I like the more personal atmosphere and it tends to be slower paced, less people to become overwhelmed by.


At the same time, smaller companies might not pay as much and you won't be as anonymous. You might have more duties since there are less workers. You might also be more likely to be laid off...but then again, not really, becase if you're really good at your work, you'll be valuable. In a big company, they'll lay you off without knowing you.

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Here's an example of the kind of BS you put up with in a bigger company: I spent nearly two hours sitting there listening to hot shot executives talk about ethics. This is all in the middle of a lot of stress and work that our group is going through. Higher ups have absolutely no problem with wasting your time with these useless training sessions, but they go berserk if you don't attend them since you are trying to get more important things done, like reach a deadline.


I've had thoughts of moving to a smaller company even though I already know the risks. I'm an introverted person and prefer a smaller atmosphere and an atmosphere where I don't feel like a tiny little speckle in the universe.

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