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Shelby...as we know it.


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I'm feeling worse and worse about myself as the days go by..


I'm the highest weight i've been since I dropped 50lbs two years ago..135..I feel huge.


My boyfriend continues to try and make me feel better..but it's just not working.


I'm unmotivated..as in going to the gym like I was..and how hard I was working out.


I'm so glad i'm about to have a 3 day weekend..with my baby and his family..that's all I have to say.


In the next year we will have our OWN house..on our OWN land..and i'm super excited..

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I have an appointment with the OB/GYN on Friday..i'm due for my regular examine anyways..so this 'situation' is just going to be included in the mix as the nurse said.


She said it might be because of me stopping my birth control pills three months ago..but I don't get how, i've had regular periods until now.


I told my mom on monday that there's a possibility..and she made me tell my dad yesterday, just so there wouldn't be any big suprises if it came out that way. He started talking about marriage and all this BS - I'm sitting there thinking "uhmm, no..?" I'm NOT getting married yet. Marriage, IMO, has nothing to do with kids.


I guess we will see on Friday..

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I'm sorry Shelby! Why wont they do a blood test?? Is it too early?


He did a urine test..quote "They're the same as you've been doing.." which turned out negative as expected, alllll the others have. I've gotten ONE faint positive out of probably..12 tests..lol!


He said the urine tests are 99.9% accurate - which I disagree with..so he said do another test in two weeks and if it's positive call him.


My primary doc said wait another month and then they would do a blood test.


I feel like i'm at a stand still and I can do nothing. My period either is going to start or i'm gonna start getting bigger. Who knows..

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I dont understand why he didnt do a blood test. If they see an increase in hcg then they know you're pregnant. They did one of these to confirm the date of my pregnancy at 7 weeks.


hmmm...I'm trying to logically think about this. If your period is late a week, then your last ovulation was approx 3 weeks ago. So, that would date a pregnancy at about 5 weeks (it is dated from the first day of your last period). It should be far enough to show on a urine test. Honey, all you can do it wait.


Actually you could do this...go to an emergency room and complain of cramping and tell them that you think you're pregnant. A hospital doc will run all of the tests to confirm a pregnancy before they try to treat you. Tell them about the fatigue, nausea, etc and dont mention your doctor's appt.


When I was 7 weeks, I had horrible abdominal cramping. It turned out to be intestinal, not related to the pregnancy, but they ran the hcg blood test among others to be sure of pregnancy.

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I'm having all sorts of symptoms, but it could be stress.


My nipples are SO sore, i'm having cramping which is increasing especially today..it's sooo painful, moderate nausea..i've only thrown up once, frequent urination..it may just be all in my head.


I just might go to the emergency room.

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hey..when you got the faint positive, was it recently? My OB told me that false positives were rare. He said, either the hormone is there or it isnt. Was the faint positive the last one you took? This is rather frustrating!!!!!


The faint positive was last friday..


all of the tests i've taken this week [with first morning urine, even though you don't have to] have been a big fat negative.


Since my abdominal pain is getting worse, I may go tonight or in the morning..I dunno. I just want an answer.


I've done a little research..and there's a chance it could be an ectopic pregnancy..but I don't want to freak out and jump to conclusions..which I already am..

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I went to the emergency room on Saturday..because I developed flu like symptoms on Friday right before I left work.


POS small town hospitals - I should've driven 30 more miles and I would've had help.


Basically all they did was a nose swabbing - the PA said "You don't look sick..you don't have a fever right now..so I think it's just in your head..I'll be back in just a moment when your results on your nose swabbing return.."


then a guy comes in and is like "You have to pay 200$ if you want to continue to be treated by the doctor or you can choose to leave without further treatment."


I'm sitting there like "uhh..wow."


I have two insurances..on my primary insurance I am the policy holder..my secondary is under my mom's name.


I am disgusted that people just have medicare and medicaid or simply nothing at all - live off the government, have 15 kids and have alllllll of their medical needs taken care of above and beyond.


But those of us who work...? Ha, no..we get the crap end of the deal.


I'm extremely bitter about everything right now, I just want to quit my job and do nothing for the rest of my life.


On a good note, today is Trey and I's one year anniversary.

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As some of you know, my uncle recently passed away about two weeks ago..I don't really recall posting much about it..but I could be wrong.


My grandma took it rather hard due to this being her 2nd son she's buried - she has a history of leukemia, she's had it for the past 5/6 years. She's done rather well with it...the only symptoms she's had the past years is weight loss, loss of appetite and weakness. We kind of expected her to go down after my uncle died..


On Tuesday night she called my mom and stated she had been having vomiting, diarrhea and shortess of breath all day. We immediately took her to the emergency room because of her medical history.


When the ER doc was going over her condition - all they found was low sodium and chloride levels in her blood, which meant they couldn't release her. As of yesterday she started having more persistent shortness of breath, so a chest xray and EKG was ordered on her. Her heart tests came back normal - so apparently her heart is okay. However, the chest xray came back abnormal. There's apparently some type of effusion [pocket of fluid] on her lungs, they ordered a CT Chest this morning which is in the process of being done. Her kidneys are starting to slow down, unforunately. From what i'm assuming from my medical knowledge - this is some type of malignant effusion on her lungs..possibly due to her leukemia starting to act up, cancer..maybe? I can't say anything until we get the CT results back. FORTUNATELY - if she has to have any type of surgery in her chest to drain the effusion, chest tube drainage, etc. The doctors I work for are cardiothoracic surgeons..and I definitely trust Dr. K to take my nanny under the knife.


My family and I could use your prayers if you pray or good vibes if you don't. I'll keep updating in my journal in regards to this.

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