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OMG, I was SO bad this weekend with my diet! Friday, Trey and I went to eat at Boo Rays [this fcking amazing cajun place] where I ate stuffed shrimp on a bed of dirty rice and green beans..it was SO good..and I was SO stuffed when I left..then we went to see The Hangover..which was hilarious, btw..thennnn we went home and hung out..it was amazing.


On Saturday we woke up and went shoppin' for stuff for our future house together..then went to eat at pulidos [mexican place] && then partied it up at his house since his parents were gone..with some of his friends..it was awesome.


Monday..uhmm..well..my diet is startin' back up today..hardcoreeee.

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fiber one bar - 145cals. + coffee.


hot and spicy chicken picante noodles - 420cals.


several hard candies - 70 cals.


peanut butter crackers - 120cals.


3 bottles of water..and one drink mix packet - 10 cals.


765 cals total for the day..so far..


I haven't worked out yet..and here lately i've been burning around 500 calories [according to the machine, dunno how accurate it is] everytime I work out..and I still have dinner left..


I really wish someone would critique my diet/workout strategy..I promise i'll hear you out.


I'm GAINING weight. It sucks so bad.

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food journal of the day;


chicken burrito - 300 & somethin' calories..


packet of drink mix - 10 cals.


baby ruth fun sized - 85 cals.



so far.


edit1: fat free peach yogurt - 100 cals


2 hard candies - 45 cals.


water water water...


I'll have a package of peanut butter crackers before I work out later..which will be 120 calories...and that's all before dinner.




I've been rounding at about 750 - 800 calories before I work out..and I've been burning around 500 cals..so..that's good..I guess..? right??

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fiber one bar for breakfast - 145 cals.



healthy choice chicken, spinach and tomato penne alredro lunch - 230 cals.



chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, biscuits, gravy..and sweet tea later for dinner..


omg so bad but sooooo good.

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I think i'm bipolar..


yesterday I questioned my feelings for my boyfriend..just because I miss flirting..just because I miss being able to hang out with my old guy friends..just because I feel like i'm being smothered sometimes..but in reality, he is the most important person in my life..I love him more than anyone or anything and I have no idea what I would turn into if I lost my boyfriend. We realize that we can HOPE for forever..but forever isn't always promised..or even real..feelings can change and they will..for the better or for worse..and we promised eachother to do everything we can to make it work.


and have an unhealthy obsession with food..


seriously, it's all I think about..what am I going to eat next..what i'm eating tomorrow..what i'll be eating a week from now..I know how to eat extremely healthy..but sometimes I snap and order the fried chicken sandwich with french fries..even though I told myself walking into that place.."grilled chicken sandwich, side salad is what i'm getting" why do I give in? How did I lose those fifty pounds two years ago? I'm trying so hard to lose these last few pounds [that i'm the only one who notices I have them] and i'm sick of it. I want to give up..and eat everything in sight.. I can seriously eat as much..if not more than my boyfriend..and he's 300lbs! [nothing against him, i'm just saying..I shouldn't be able to pack away as much food as him] I need help.

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You obsess about food because you are constantly trying to deny yourself of it.


That is why so many diets and efforts to lose weight and keep it off fail. If you constantly deny yourself a little something, the desire for it becomes overwhelming and then you over indulge.


Be kind to yourself girlie. You have done more than a lot of people can do. If it means anything, I'm way proud of you.

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That is why so many diets and efforts to lose weight and keep it off fail. If you constantly deny yourself a little something, the desire for it becomes overwhelming and then you over indulge.


Be kind to yourself girlie. You have done more than a lot of people can do. If it means anything, I'm way proud of you.


thanks, metro..i'm trying.

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