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what does it mean if an ex says they wonder 'what if'?

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What does it mean to wonder 'what if'?


he broke up with me 5 years ago. we keep in touch here and there. He told me yesterday in an email that of course, he often wonders 'what if'.


Just as a side note, incase it makes any diffrence, we r both in committed rships currently.

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do you think this only about the exs you really cared about or all of them?


be nice to know i meant something i suppose.


he gave me an analogy of icre cream cake. He said there was a time he really wanted an ice cream cake when he was young but when he got it he couldnt eat it all and he wished he could have. He said it was like I was his unfinished ice cream cake. Never got over fact that he didnt get to eat it all.


what does that mean?

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I agree. It is selfish etc. Thanks heaps for your input.


I wont be looking into it anymore. Over time I have wondered if I ever meant anything to him, its nice to knwo that he at least thinks about it.


This is kinda silly tho as seems immature and egotistic of me but were all human.


I wont be talking to him about it any further.

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