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To the unemployed... Do you get these feelings?

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1. When the weekend rolls around, you feel happy in being able to spend more time with your special someone or loved ones (those employed), but you feel crummy that while they're about to enjoy 2 days off following a busy work week, you're just going through the motions of another day that was just like Monday, Tuesday, etc.


2. You know you have time to be doing things you'd otherwise not be able to do while being employed (go to the beach, walk around the park, etc.), but while you're there, you don't enjoy it as much as you'd like to because you'd rather be working, like most other people you know.


3. When other unemployed people you know land jobs before you do, you feel happy for them, but in a way it leaves you feeling worse: "Misery loves company."


4. You get tired of being the one who other people call during their work breaks, and sometimes wish you were too busy doing your own work to talk to them.


5. You hate being the last one to say "good night" to friends on instant messenger, because other people have to get up early for work and you don't.


6. You dislike when someone tells you they're taking a few days off from work for vacation, etc. You might be glad you'll get to see them more during that span, but you have to be home because you have no other choice, and that's what makes you feel bad.


7. You appreciate when people ask you how your search is going, but it irks you when people start the conversations by asking "Did you find a job yet?"


8. It bothers you that you helped other people look for jobs while you were employed, but now that you're the one without a job, those same individuals aren't really helping you.


9. It bothers you when people complain about a hard day at work, and you wish you could do the same.


10. You wish you could spend your spare time doing things with other people, but they're all working.


Do you guys experience some or all of these feelings? Feel free to keep adding to the list.

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Sometimes I'm very glad that I'm not employed, but other times I wish I had a job.


When I have friends telling me that they have to work and can't do something, I feel a bit awkward and wish I had a job; at the same time, however, I feel relief that I'm not stuck at a desk for eight hours, bored out of my gore!


Also, I feel kind of crummy when people I know have money to do a lot of cool things--and I really can't. My "savings" that I do have goes towards stuff for school, gas, and my phone bill.


The times I really wish I had a job were at night. I'm a night owl. All of my friends are, for the most part, early at going to bed. So I get really bored at night...and I wish I had a job that'd keep me busy from around midnight-7AM.


Overall, it doesn't bother me too much. Mostly just wishing I had more money.

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I had to CUT TWO PEOPLE OFF because of number 9. Why in the world would I want to hear someone who is EMPLOYED, b*tch and moan about their job? I mean did they forget that I don't have a job at all?-lol I think it's because I don't act SAD that I don't have a job so they feel they can talk about what's bothering them at their job. That is not a conversation II'm interested in having when I'm not employed

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  • 2 weeks later...

YES! i feel all those things....i have never had much luck with jobs and now im unemployed again and am struggling to pay my rent.im so worried.


I wish i could decide what i want to do with my life but im totally clueless,i think if i could pick a career then have a plan and go for it my life would be better cos id have a purpose but i really dont know what i want to do.does anyone else ever feel like this?


i hate the fact that even though ive applied for heaps of jobs and have been unemployed for 6 weeks that im still jobless and it just makes me feel worthless and not good enough.

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1. I actually kinda look more forward to weekdays now, cause that's when everyone else is working


2. yeah I don't think that's happened


3. yeah, especially when they were in my graduating class. "Oh, you're at a graphic design firm in chicago now, eh? that's great"


4. not really


5. that one kind of sucks. Everyone turning in early because of work.


6. I guess it annoys me when people can afford a vacation, or five


7. I guess it would


8. Hmm, never helped other people look for jobs


9. Nah, I like bragging about my hard day of sleeping in


10. Yeah, it's tough scheduling things around people's work schedules, especially with more than one person's work schedules

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1. lol sometimes... i'm also glad though because unlike m-f i don't feel like i'm lazing around doing nothing when i should be doing something else.. (even though i don't laze around and do nothing during the week either- i keep job searching)


2. definitely... and while there's more time to do such things, there's less money...


3. i don't know if i'd say so. i wouldn't say misery loves company in this case but it makes me wonder what i should be doing differently in the job search... wondering when i'll find one.


4. maybe... although i have friends who are less occupied than i am at the moment so sometimes i'm the one who's busy.


5. well when other people are like "i should go to bed, have to get up early for work tomorrow" and i feel weird that i can't honestly say "me too", makes me wonder


6. like the weekend thing, having free time off is less of a treat


7. not really when people ask "did you find a job yet." they're usually saying it to see how i'm doing. but when people make unnecessary comments like "get a job"... as if i'm lazing around doing nothing all day and mooching off of other people when they know otherwise.


8. that hasn't really happened to me, but i'd be annoyed if it did.


9. makes me feel a little guilty


10. sometimes, and i'd like to be working too... and if none of us were working we'd all have the time but again we wouldn't have the money...its like work and no time or don't work and no money. oh well lol


YES! i feel all those things....i have never had much luck with jobs and now im unemployed again and am struggling to pay my rent.im so worried.


I wish i could decide what i want to do with my life but im totally clueless,i think if i could pick a career then have a plan and go for it my life would be better cos id have a purpose but i really dont know what i want to do.does anyone else ever feel like this?


i hate the fact that even though ive applied for heaps of jobs and have been unemployed for 6 weeks that im still jobless and it just makes me feel worthless and not good enough.


i haven't had much luck with finding jobs or doing well at them once i've landed them either, even though i'm a hard worker and do my best at whatever it is. i'm also having a hard time establishing a career path which is stressful and discouraging at times when i've personally poured so much energy into trying to do so, but i'm still doing my best. best of luck to you too.

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yeah, i mean i am still looking for a job nearing graduation.


however i really cannot simply do nothing....so i start my own business with the skills i know...however i wish i had a more regular income.


so all of the above i feel whenever my client list drys up.

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