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Talking to Girls


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Whenever I talk to girls, I sometimes don't have interesting to say. When they start a conversation or if I do, we'd say "Hey! How are you? How are you doing?" etc and we're done. Also, whenever I meet a girl and talk to her saying "Nice ( ) you got there where did you buy that, or if I'm in a class "Do you know whats our homework or did you understand how to do this problem", I just can't have a conversation for more than 5 minutes. Its not that they dont want to talk to me, they do, but I have nothing interesting to say. I dont understand.


Can anyone help me?

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You don't machine gun them with questions....you use them to get them to talk about themselves.


You need to figure out some ice breakers.


I'm sure there are plenty of guys here on ena that can give you pointers.

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I have this problem too. I can approach a girl and sound confident, but I run out of things to say way to damn fast. My converstations are usually like 10-20 seconds. One time I talked to this girl I was into for 5 minutes and I was so proud of myself lol.


But I'm interested to see others opinions on this since I too suck at keeping a conversation alive.

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I have this problem too. I can approach a girl and sound confident, but I run out of things to say way to damn fast. My converstations are usually like 10-20 seconds. One time I talked to this girl I was into for 5 minutes and I was so proud of myself lol.


But I'm interested to see others opinions on this since I too suck at keeping a conversation alive.

LOL I also feel proud of myself if I was talking to a girl for more than 5 minutes. But it soon fade away fast

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there is this girl i have been talking to and I let her talk so much that she eventually just said to me after about two hours "so you should talk about yourself!"


Is that a sign of interest?


LOL there isnt much to say about myself. Thats the problem

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LOL there isnt much to say about myself. Thats the problem


so change that. believe me, you won't find yourself in chasing women. you have to find yourself on your own.


do you not have any hobbies? (and video games *don't* count). i can sympathize somewhat, I've been there. its easy to get caught up in a few things you enjoy, especially when they're easy, forgiving, and don't require you to reach out and do things that scare you.


but its only through challenging yourself that you will *find* yourself.


want some advice? go skydiving. jumping out of a plane is a damn good way to get out of your box. and when someone asks you what you like to do for fun, skydiving is always a *win* answer.

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so change that. believe me, you won't find yourself in chasing women. you have to find yourself on your own.


do you not have any hobbies? (and video games *don't* count). i can sympathize somewhat, I've been there. its easy to get caught up in a few things you enjoy, especially when they're easy, forgiving, and don't require you to reach out and do things that scare you.


but its only through challenging yourself that you will *find* yourself.


want some advice? go skydiving. jumping out of a plane is a damn good way to get out of your box. and when someone asks you what you like to do for fun, skydiving is always a *win* answer.


I know but you dont talk about hobbies all the time when you talk to girls

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I know but you dont talk about hobbies all the time when you talk to girls

Well, what is there to talk about?




The news?


Yeah, THOSE are real exciting. "Oh, I work in finance" "I'm studying fruit science" "Have you heard about swine flu and the economic problems?"


Alternatively, you can talk about what you do for fun. "I surf." "I go rock climbing." "I DJ and play electric violin." Much more interesting.


Basically, unless you're a secret agent or a member of a rock band, you'll need to fall back on your other hobbies for conversation topics. The news is depressing 98% of the time, so I just don't like talking about it to begin with.

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I have this problem too, I think most guys do. Best advice I can give is come up with some good, non boring questions and really listen to what she says and try to branch off.


here is an old post with good questions:



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  • 2 weeks later...
I have this problem too, I think most guys do. Best advice I can give is come up with some good, non boring questions and really listen to what she says and try to branch off.


here is an old post with good questions:




Thank You that helps

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