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Breakup Lines: Which have you heard/used?


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lines ive used..

you've changed

im not happy with you anymore

i gave you a chance, you just keep giving me more reasons to end things

you only say you love me, but never act like you do

we are too different


lines ive heard...

i just want to be single right now

we can be really good mates instead ha!

i dont want to hurt you, and i dont want you to hurt me

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ex fiance gave me this one:


"You're just not motivated enough for me. I don't think you have a good future ahead of you"


She hasn't held a job in almost 2 years, is a college dropout and lays about the house all day. I am close to finishing my MBA, am training for a strong man competition and work full time. All I could do was laugh and think, really???

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ex fiance gave me this one:


"You're just not motivated enough for me. I don't think you have a good future ahead of you"



Translation - "I am looking for a man who is willing to be my slave and servant. I am 'entitled' to a model handsome, tall, wealthy husband who will provide me with a life of luxury and extravagant indulgence. HE needs to crazy about me to the point that he will fulfil my every whim to keep me happy - however I will never be truly happy i because I am a bottomless pit of whiney , neurotic wants and needs.

OH, and in return, I will show HIM just how lucky he is to have me by granting him occasional access to that golden prize winning lotto ticket between my legs. "

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Translation - "I am looking for a man who is willing to be my slave and servant. I am 'entitled' to a model handsome, tall, wealthy husband who will provide me with a life of luxury and extravagant indulgence. HE needs to crazy about me to the point that he will fulfil my every whim to keep me happy - however I will never be truly happy i because I am a bottomless pit of whiney , neurotic wants and needs.

OH, and in return, I will show HIM just how lucky he is to have me by granting him occasional access to that golden prize winning lotto ticket between my legs. "


HAHAHA!!!!! Couldn't have said it better myself. That's exactly what I was thinking. This is hilarious because I just heard today that she's ALREADY putting pressure on the dude to get engaged/married. What a loon she is haha.

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HAHAHA!!!!! Couldn't have said it better myself. That's exactly what I was thinking. This is hilarious because I just heard today that she's ALREADY putting pressure on the dude to get engaged/married. What a loon she is haha.


Nah, he's the loonie one. There are other harsher words to define women like your ex..

BTW, did you ever hear that old saying ," You can't turn a h0 into a housewife". ?

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BTW, did you ever hear that old saying ," You can't turn a h0 into a housewife". ?


Thanks to having a brother who listens to rap music, I believe this happens to be a song by Ludacris, called "Ho"

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so, no one can make sense of my conversation? I was hoping someone could say oohh, obviously it was ... Personally, all I could think of was that she wanted me to wait around for her while she tested the waters. If I never called her out on the emotional distancing I felt, we probably would have stayed status quo until she met someone worth leaving me for. What's weird though, is that I have been told she wanted me to chase her. Why would anyone chase someone that said life with them would be unsatisfying.

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Thanks to having a brother who listens to rap music, I believe this happens to be a song by Ludacris, called "Ho"


"when it all boils down, you're gonna find in the end that a b***h is a b***h and a dogg is a man's best friend. So what, you found you a h0 that you like...but you can't make a h0 a housewife" Snoop Dogg, if only I had listened to your wisdom from the get go. hahaha. And yes, like someone else said earlier, the guy is just as nutty as she is. He's one of those wannabe fratboy douche bags who never actually went to college, and he's skinny and fat at the same time. With a faux-hawk. HA!

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hmm....well I'd say it definitely sounds like she was the one who ended it. You don't say things like "marrying you would be a mistake" to someone who you plan on being with. NC by you was a good plan, and honestly i can't say I blame you for sleeping with her when she literally jumped into bed with you. I know personally I would have a hard time staying friends with my ex fiance and NC has been difficult but satisfying. It sounds like even though she ended things between you romantically, after some NC she is missing the conneciton and confused. I can't say if she is trying to get back together with you without knowing more about her.

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A girl I know just told me this one was said to her by her boyfriend of one year. They were sitting a bar and had just finished one drink together when he looked at his watch and then he turned to her and said "Okay, girlfriend expiring, we are finished, nice knowing you"


I thought, hmmm that's a good one!

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for me:


"You're just to clingy"

"You don't call me enough"

"I don't love you anymore because I became a lesbian today!" (I am NOT kidding you...)

"I love you, but you're the only guy"

"how could anyone love you?"

"tu pinche jotoguey!" (an insult--she's mexican)


And a bunch of other jolly stuff!


god, I wish I was dead sometimes...

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"I dont want to be with you unless I'm 100% sure" - Me

"I cant do this half heartedly" - Her 6 months later

"I need some free time" - Her

"There is nothing you can do" - Her

"You have dont nothing wrong - it's me." - Her

"We have been hiding behind the truth" -

Me have this feeling that you are the only person in the world who can make me happy"

Her not"

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my most recent ex used these on me almost 9 months ago...


"it's not you it's me"


"i love you but it's a different kind of love...unconditional love"


"I NEED MY TIME AND SPACE" -- this one is a classic!


"I'll be back with a better state and a better mind" -- bull * * * * , whatever.


"I won't get my game on"


"I will not trade you for anyone else"




unfortunately for me...I've always been dumped. LOL. I never dumped a guy.


these are pretty much all the things she said to me

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lines ive used


im gay,

i dont want to be with you anymore,

i really dont want you in my life,

our friendship has gone,

the magics dissapeared,

ive had enough,

the jigs up,

you dirty stinking * * * * * , how could you, your evil, its over and never darken my doorstep again! (my door slams with her on the other side)


ive done all these face to face and never by phone, ive had water thrown over me, they have laughed at me, slapped me around the face, smashed up my beloved sound system,

ripped up my clothes, i may now try the phone, it would be cheaper and less expensive!!!


the really hurtful ones i used when i found out the rat was cheating, that was my defence kicking in.

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