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Breakup Lines: Which have you heard/used?


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Just out of curiosity, I'd like to know which breakup lines everyone hear has heard and/or used in the past, or do you plan on using in the near future?


No offense, but it seems that men are usually a bit more, um, "challenged" when it comes to breaking up. They'll beat around the bush, whereas women will usually just flat out say the reason: "I don't love you" "I want someone hotter" "You're too boring for me" whatever it may be. Not in all cases, but most.



So...what are some lines that you've heard or used?



From my most recent breakup, I heard:


1. "Its not you, it's me"

2. "It was never about love. I always loved you."

3. "You deserve better"

4. "I just need time to figure things out"

5. "We can still be friends"

6. "I just don't see a future" --really? Yesterday you did!

7. "I don't believe in true love or soul mates"

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Lines I've heard


- I'm not sure what I want right now.

- I just don't have time for a boyfriend.

- I love you so much that I don't want to wake up one day and hate you. (Ya this one confused the hell out of me.)


Lines I've used


- I just don't have any feelings for you.

- I want to see other people.

- This isn't working out.

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Lines heard

I can't do this any more...

How did you know? (she was cheating on me)

We can be friends...


Lines I've used

See ya... buh bye.

How long has this been going on? (for the skank that was cheating)

You're not committed to this relationship.

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Lines I've heard

- I just don't have time to be in full-time committed relationship right now.

- Why would you want to be with a damaged goods like me?

- You'll find a much younger guy who will sweep you off your feet.

- If you find someone, let me know and I'll congratulate him. (WT ef, seriously?)


Lines I've used

- I care for you, but there's just nothing there anymore.

- I don't want to keep seeing you because that will give you hope and I can't answer whether we'll get back together or not.

- I hoped for things to get better and they didn't so I can't do this anymore.

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This is a good thread:


Lines I've Heard


- I don't want the pressure of a relationship.

- It's not you, it's me.

- You deserve someone better.

- I'm useless, let me go.

- I think I'm still in love with my first girlfriend who I last saw when I was 17 (guess what, she STILL didn't want him!).


Lines I've Used


- We've just grown apart and are going in different directions.

- I want a 50/50 relationship, not one where I do all the work.

- If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it (or is that Beyonce!!)

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@ some of these lines.


A lot of them are just repetitive. And others are just...what the heck was this person thinking?


Oh, and I'd like to add one more I heard, but didn't really understand:


"I want to be able to see and do whoever I want, whenever I want...I just prefer the life of solitude" --Ummm, how is it a life of solitude when you still want to see people? Duh. Learn your vocab.

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well i'll give the conversation since I still don't know which of us ended it.


Me: This isn't working, I love you but you have a wall up.

Her: Only my grandmother knows the real me.

Me: That's sad. I really want this to work.

Her: Marrying you would be unsatisfying.

Me: Ouch.

Her: You get so crazy, I just stresses me out.

Me: I'm sorry.

Her: You just want this to work because you like fixing things.

Me: Don't you have anything nice to say?

Her: You are good at arguing.

Me: I think you are a pretty great person and you have a lot of qualities I admire.

Her: I really want to stay friends.

Me: I don't think so, you'd be ok with a friendship knowing I was madly in love with you?

Her: Why are you trying to make me feel guilty.

Me: (sarcastically) because it's so easy.

Me: Good luck in life, I hope you find happiness.


after 2 weeks of NC (ignoring calls and such) she breaks into my bedroom at 330 am


Me: What the hell are you doing?

Her: Why won't you be my friend?

Me: What the hell?

Her: You turned everyone against me.

Me: You need to leave.

Her: If you really want me to, then I will.

Me: I really want you to leave.

Her: Too bad, I'm not going anywhere.

Me: Why are you doing this?

Her: I missed you.

Me: Then let's try to make this work.

Her: You just want to own me (climbs into bed)

Me: Do you sleep with all of your exes?

Her: No

Me: Are you drunk?

Her: No


We sleep together....


the next morning...


Her: I have to go take care of the dog.

Me: Ok

Her: Do you want to come over and help me move some things?

Me: Is that what you needed?

Her: Are you still mad at me?

Me: Get one of those other guys you and your roommate always have over to move it.

Her: Your an a##hole.


3 days later...


She is spending the night with one of my friends.


You guys tell me.

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His lines


Before break-up (the day of):

-"I never said I wanted to break-up. You assume too much."

-"Let's talk tonight (in person)."


During the break-up:


--"I had an epiphany."

--"I'm not ready to be a husband or father (and neither are you...wife/mom)."

--"I want to be a good husband and father."

--"I need to find out who I am as a person."

--"People need to leave before they return" (example: my brother).

--"I don't want to be dependent on you."

--"I don't want YOU to be dependent on ME."

--"I still want to be friends."

--"Don't lose my number! It would hurt so much if I could never talk to you again!"

--"I don't want anyone else. There's always a place for you... (points to heart)" BUT

--"Don't wait for me. I don't want you to have false hope or be disillusioned."

--"We are holding each other back."

--"We can't make the changes we need to make although we've tried."

--"We need to get out of our comfort zones, which we are for each other."

--"I will always love you. I would marry you now if I could but I can't."

--"I still want you too! Don't make this harder..."

--"It wasn't a waste of time."


After the Break-Up (very limited contact, mostly initated by me)


--"I don't want to hurt you."

--"We lost ourselves in the relationship. Now we are free to be ourselves."

--"We were not ready for the commitments we planned."

--"Maybe we can talk when things get easier" (a month after break up)

--"It was the best thing for both of us" (2.5 months after break-up)

--"Good luck with work--I'm sure you'll find happiness." (last I've ever heard from him).


Yes, these were all from the same guy.

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Mine was basically "I still care about you so much, but just not in the same way that I used to, I've hung on through so much and it doesn't feel right anymore.I hate hurting you like this. I'm sorry."


My boyfriend said he told his ex that he had some great memories of their time together but that he couldn't be in a relationship just because of happy memories.


I've never been broken up with before. *touch wood*

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Lines I've heard:

- You are a better person than I am

- You'll meet someone better, plenty of fish in the sea (wth, just buy cans of sardines, won't you)

- My ex who I broke up with 5 years ago emailed me. She's the love of my life.

- Sorry sorry sorry .. (100x) but I have to do this, I don't want to be unfaithful to you.


Lines I've used:

- just *poof* .. I've never really dumped anyone, it's always that we grew apart, parents disagreed, or other mutual reasons.

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"I want to be able to see and do whoever I want, whenever I want...I just prefer the life of solitude" --Ummm, how is it a life of solitude when you still want to see people? Duh. Learn your vocab.




He wanted to 'do whoever he wanted??!!!


Thanks for this thread, it's been a great laugh so far!

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He wanted to 'do whoever he wanted??!!!


Thanks for this thread, it's been a great laugh so far!


That was my response when he said that!


I was like, "you want to do whoever you want?" And he screamed, "YES!!!!" So I told him, "good luck with that"


...You'd have to meet my ex to know he's not the ladies man. He had one "partner" before me, and she left him right after they had sex for the first time...I guess she didn't think he was good enough.


Glad you're getting some laughs though!

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my most recent ex used these on me almost 9 months ago...


"it's not you it's me"


"i love you but it's a different kind of love...unconditional love"


"I NEED MY TIME AND SPACE" -- this one is a classic!


"I'll be back with a better state and a better mind" -- bull * * * * , whatever.


"I won't get my game on"


"I will not trade you for anyone else"




unfortunately for me...I've always been dumped. LOL. I never dumped a guy.

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Ive never dumped anyone either. Then again I'm extremely picky with who I chose to date. I never go on "blind" dates because I pretty much know what I'm interested in.


I dont date casually. I've only fell in love twice. The 2nd time seemed much more real and intense, therefore breaking up hurt 10 times more.

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Ive never dumped anyone either. Then again I'm extremely picky with who I chose to date. I never go on "blind" dates because I pretty much know what I'm interested in.


I dont date casually. I've only fell in love twice. The 2nd time seemed much more real and intense, therefore breaking up hurt 10 times more.


I am like you. I am very very selective. I don't date casually and have only been in love ONCE - with the most recent ex.


All I can say is...time has a way of putting things in perspective.

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THis was at the end of 2 year, live-in LTR - she was a little older with two kids


She, "This is not working out for me."

Me, "ok, why not ?"

She," We do not have enough people round to dinner"

Me," So you think we are too isolated?"

She," Why do you always get so logical ?"

ME, "Just trying to hear what you are meaning here.."

She, "OH and you do not do enough in the yard,"

Me, "We have a yard guy, a pool guy and a leaf man. Perhaps we also need a twig man ?"

SHe, " There you go again "


Me, " What is the real problem ? "

She, " I dont know "

Me , "So you want to break up a blended family for no conscious reason? "

She," OH, and my daughter does not like you."

ME," An adult relationship does not need a child's approval."


And so it spiralled downward into more silliness and we parted a few days later...

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Lines I've heard:


"I just want to be friends" (from a guy who I only dated for 2 months so no love lost there)


the rest, all fr my recent ex:

"This relationship has run its course"

"I can't deal with the pressure and demands of a relationship."

"I don't know what I want."

"I don't want to break up with you." a couple of days later: "I think we should break up."

"I really want to stay friends."

"My feelings for you have changed" (after crying only 2 weeks before when I left Australia after visiting him for a week, telling me he'd "wait for me" and "please come back to me soon")

"There's nobody else in particular, but maybe I want to see other people."

"I still care about you a great deal."

"I want to focus on my work."

"I don't really know what I want in life."

"Our love just isn't the same as it was in the beginning."

"I'm don't really see a future with you anymore."

"I don't know if you are what I want."


Lines I've used:

"It's not working."

"I don't think you are right for me."

"I don't love you."

"You're too young for me." (i meant immature but couldn't say it)

"I just don't want to be in a relationship right now."

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