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Thinking of switching from marketing... need guidance

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I've created a few threads detailing how a few jobs I've applied for and accepted have not ended up being "good fits." I've started to wonder whether it's the field I'm in that is the problem.


While in college, I loved studying marketing material and found it to be very interesting. However, I just don't get the same kind of satisfaction out of marketing jobs in the business world. Introverted by nature, I hate anything that has to do with event planning, reaching out to the media, traveling for trade shows, etc. I've found that most marketing jobs involve a combination of these things.


I guess I idealized the theoretical nature of marketing. I was particularly drawn to consumer behavior and the interplay of economics and psychology. I know what you must be thinking -- why not become a professor? It's certainly crossed my mind, but I realize how expensive and time-consuming it is to get a Ph.D. I'm not ruling this option out just yet, though.


Since I have such a deep interest in psychology (what I minored in), I've also thought about psychology and counseling. I've even pictured myself as a career coach/counselor, helping people land in the right careers so that the same thing that happened to me doesn't happen to them.


As I said before, I'm introverted and reserved by nature, but I know I'm capable of coming out of my shell for the right job -- it's just a matter of finding it. I got laid off from my job as a Web Content Editor in November. That job involved sitting at a desk from 9 to 6 and just writing/editing content, which I loved doing. I guess it's all about finding jobs where the focus is more on the writing as opposed to full-fledged marketing/PR.


The job fell under "marketing," which means there ARE marketing jobs out there than can still suit me. For the most part, though, they cater to assertive extraverts who are quick on their feet -- something I'm not. My feeling is that I'm best suited to work at a small company, or in some capacity at an educational institution.


Should I broaden my options? Would I need to get a master's for counseling, or can I land a job in that field with my marketing degree? I'm only 24, but as you can see, I'm a deep thinker and always analyzing things from every angle.


I could use any tips/suggestions. Thanks.

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With a marketing background you could also look for work at a college or university as a recruiter or admissions representative. Once you get your foot in the door at a college or university there are endless possibilities for climbing into different positions, like an academic advisor or career counselor. The psych background will help too.

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