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Why do these things happen to people?

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I graduated in December 2007 and, up until that point, I had never worked on a full-time basis. I was excited about finally going out into the world and searching for a great job.


Long story short, I spent about 7 months carefully searching before I found a job (in June) that was a good fit. Before accepting that offer, I had other opportunities I could have opted for -- about 5 other offers at different times over that 7 month span -- but chose not to accept them for a variety of reasons (extensive travel, tyrant bosses, etc.) I did accept one position before the one I just mentioned, but I ended up leaving it because it didn't turn out as expected (they hadn't been upfront about the responsibilities, etc.)


The job I accepted in June went well. I thought I was slightly underpaid, but I let that pass. I got along well with my co-workers and enjoyed the work very much. Unfortunately, the economic downturn hit the company hard, and I ended up being laid off only 5 months into the job. It was very unfortunate because I thought I had found a home at this company.


So, back to the job market. I landed a job with a big corporation in mid January. The job paid well and had good benefits. However, from the get-go, I never felt like this company was a good fit, either. Trying to adjust into a huge bureaucratic company after working for a laid back start-up was almost overwhelming. The company was extremely dynamic and fast-paced -- things that don't normally cater to a reserved introvert like myself. The companies were complete opposites in terms of structure, culture, and anything else you can think of. They were happy with my work, but they told me they wanted me to be much more assertive/change my personality and project the confidence and experience of someone far beyond his years. For someone with only 5 months of work experience, I found this most intimidating! I dreaded getting up to go to work in the morning. I would break down before heading off to work and after arriving home. I wasn't getting much support from my supervisors, either. In mid March I decided to leave the company.


To be fair, I sort of knew what I was getting into in accepting that job. They told me it wasn't an entry level job (which was the type of job I was really gunning for), and they said I wasn't going to be taken by the hand. I guess I'm still at a stage where I need some guidance, yet this company threw me to the wolves and didn't offer much help. Despite knowing what I was getting into, I still accepted it because of the money and benefits. I sold myself so well during the interview (mind you, I did inflate my accomplishments on the resume as well) that I unwittingly opened up a can of worms. I accepted a mid career level job even though I was only looking for something more entry level.


If you had told me I would experience this craziness in the job market around graduation, I would have probably laughed in your face. I was the most dedicated straight A student you'd ever meet. Unfortunately, my academic success hasn't yet translated into anything meaningful in the business world, because I haven't even worked full-time at one job for 6 months yet. The one job I enjoyed laid me off after only 5 months, and the other two I accepted ended up being bad fits. Of course, no one knew the economy was going to be in bad shape, either.


I'm fortunate enough not to be in debt, have children, or otherwise be in a position where I have to take any job to survive. I'm not upset I don't have a job -- it was my decision to leave that company. I am upset I haven't found the right fit since getting laid off.


This has led me to question whether I picked the wrong field. Even though I loved studying marketing in school, I've had a rude awakening about how marketing jobs really are in the real world. Most involve travel and require you to be very outgoing. I love to write, which is one thing that drew me to marketing, but I realize my personality doesn't always mesh with this line of work.


I know I've been selective in taking jobs, but I'm the type of person who can't stand being in a job that just doesn't feel right, for whatever reason. I just hope and pray that I can find the right opportunity soon. I know how bad things are out there.


Has anyone else experienced this, or am I losing my mind? Any suggestions welcome.

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I would say that Marketing is on of those fields where being an extrovert really helps. Did you not have an internship that showed you this? If you did not, your school really shortchanged you. I see many people start out in my career thinking they will love it, and then realize you need a great deal of confidence, quick thinking, and social skills. What looks like a good fit in school may not hold up in the real world. You should be looking at more start up companies. There is a risk working for those companies, but it seems that is what fits you best. Next time, tell the truth about your experience. This will save both you and your employer much grief.

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