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Would you rather be the one that loves the most or the one that loves the least?


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I would most definitely rather be the one who loves the most. I don't go into anything I think I'm going to half-ass... If I feel that way about it, I probably, honestly won't even start it. I love with all I have, and am not afraid to "put myself out" for someone else I love. I believe that unless you're loving with all you have, then you're not loving at all. Love, to me, isn't a "sometimes, maybe" thing; it's unconditional, insanely powerful, and life-changing, when true, no matter what the circumstance.


So, all in all, the one who loves the most.



YES, its so BEAUTIFUL. Love is beautiful when you love a person with all your heart, with passion. Thats also the time I know I am in love.

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I feel safer being the one who loves less, but I feel like such a bi*ch. I don't want to be that way. I find it hard to be giving and loving in a relationship nowadays, which is why I am having problems in my relationship now.

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A friend said to me once, and I thought it was nonsense at the time, that a man should love the woman slightly more. That is the right balance and makes for a successful relationship because a man is by nature a pursuer.


I now believe that there is some truth to this. Seems like in the long term relationships that I've witnessed, the guy appears to love the woman slightly more. Therefore to answer the op's question, I want to love the least (albeit slightly less!)


How interesting. In all my relationships, I have been the one who loved the most, but in this one, I feel that my boyfriend loves the most. I feel that I can't give all of myself or be "too" open because I refuse to be hurt again.


I think you might be right, because a man is a pursuer, then its the right balance that he should love the woman more and I'm afraid to say that I don't think that a woman should give all of herself to a man (100%) because in my experience, once you give all of yourself and they know they have you, you get taken for granted and are liable to cheat/mistreat because they always know where you are and that you're waiting for them.

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How interesting. In all my relationships, I have been the one who loved the most, but in this one, I feel that my boyfriend loves the most. I feel that I can't give all of myself or be "too" open because I refuse to be hurt again.


I think you might be right, because a man is a pursuer, then its the right balance that he should love the woman more and I'm afraid to say that I don't think that a woman should give all of herself to a man (100%) because in my experience, once you give all of yourself and they know they have you, you get taken for granted and are liable to cheat/mistreat because they always know where you are and that you're waiting for them.


Exactaly,making a men fell too safe is the worst mistake you can make.Makes them fell like they can do whatever they want with you and that you always will be there.

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It is interesting that a lot of women subscribe to this notion that the guy needs to love more or else they take advantage. I remember a former friend of mine said that the guy needs to love more this way he is more committed to the relationship and won't leave. However, taking advantage of someone who loves more is what some people do, be they male or female. There are plenty of heartbroken men who loved the woman more and the woman walked all over him. Love should not be about who loves more and which is better. Love should be as equal as possible. In the grand scheme of a relationship there will be times when feelings falter a bit..when one loves a bit more than the other...but the ideal is when the love is pretty much balanced so that both sides feel secure and comfortable. Love is not the same as neediness. You can love someone more and yet still walk away if treated badly..that is when there is healthy love. Unhealthy love is tied in with neediness. It is a sad thing when one person really loves more than the other. Saying that the other person should love more is, in essence, saying you prefer to be loved than to love..and that is selling yourself short. It is the equal reciprocity of love which makes a relationship fulfilling to both parties.

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Hi Crazyaboutdogs, I agree that a balanced relationship is the healthies and most fulfilling. Yet, from what I see in some happy marriages one partner does seem in the eyes of an outsider more loving than the other. The point is they both are content and happy in their relationship. Maybe some people just seem to have more love to give and they dont really mind if the other could return as much love as they give. People may love in different ways



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