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whatd oes unfinished business mean


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what does it mean if an ex says that it feels like you have unfinished business. Its been almost 7 years since seen him.

does it mean he hasnt been able to move on?

would u be upset if you were in a relationship with someone for 6 years and they still felt they had unfinished business with their ex?

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what does it mean if an ex says that it feels like you have unfinished business. Its been almost 7 years since seen him.

does it mean he hasnt been able to move on?

would u be upset if you were in a relationship with someone for 6 years and they still felt they had unfinished business with their ex?


Unfinished business can mean different things to different people. It could be meaning that they still have feelings for them, need to tell them off, still have to return something, or anything really.


I would ask him exactly what he means.


Most likely it means that he will not be content until his business is finished. I would tell him to come find you when he sorts it all out if he still has feelings for his ex....

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Well, he doesnt have anything to return to me, and doesnt need to tell me of as we have always stayed in touch and i didnt do the breaking up..he did. I didnt do anything ever to him for him to feel like he needs to be upset with me, or anything like that. That much I know. I did ask him but he didnt really explain it to me. He did say at one point in conversation that 'we sooooo didnt have an ending'.

I just dont know if that means he never really moved on because we never really had closure or if it just means he realises we never really had an ending and thats all.

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the only thing that comes to mind, if he was the dumper and you kept in touch always..that he said that to make you realise, that he's done with that. He claimed that you are the one to have unfinished business. like you were never able to let go.

Especially if you are always the one to initiate the contact.


But if he reciprocated..he has done the same thing and is upset with himself and projects that unto you.


Thats my feeling.


and otherwise you will have to elaborate some more..because your English is a bit confusing to me

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It could mean that he feels he didn't get the closure he wanted by having final talks etc.


It could also mean he has an anal personality where he needs to feel in control all the time and didn't with that breakup.


Your question to him should be, 'so fine, what would it take to make you feel you have closure?'


If he can't answer that, then it's really a non-issue and his own mental problem (i.e., perhaps his ego was hurt and he is still irritated by that... only he can fix those kind of feelings, not you).

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he was saying HE has unfinished business NOT me. That I know for sure. No doubt.


I will ask him directly what it is he needs to seek closure but he never just comes out and says thinsg straight up. He has trouble opening up. So I am often left thinking 'huh?

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