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A little confused I would say??

Dark Prince

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So, I would say that I'm not very experience in the flirting area and have failed at my attempts in the past, so I need some help for this new attempt. So, I've been recently going to this pizzeria for pick up and the occasional dine in.


There's this one girl that works there that has caught my attention lately that I didn't even realize what I was doing. I haven't really made small talk with her at all outside of saying hi and the general chatter after that. My only problem is I don't know where to go to make small talk with her. She's working so it would be rude of course to interrupt her too long. I would say that I'm interested in getting to know her, as I never really gotten to know her name, which is pretty sad, I know. I was trying


I really want to make the effort to get to know her a bit and see if she'd like to go out, asking her as a quick thing since don't want to take up too much of her time working. So, I believe I'm a little confused as to where to go of course, learning her name would be a nice step in the right direction first.

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I would consider to introduce yourself to her, shake hands and then chat a little bit. While shaking hands she usually reveals her name ;-). Afterwards tell her that you would like get to know her and see what happens.


Keep it light and easy. There's a fine line between "being interested" and "being intrusive".

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I would consider to introduce yourself to her, shake hands and then chat a little bit. While shaking hands she usually reveals her name ;-). Afterwards tell her that you would like get to know her and see what happens.


Keep it light and easy. There's a fine line between "being interested" and "being intrusive".


See, the only problem I have with this is that this is her work though. I would probably have to end up asking if she can spare 5 minutes. Plus, this is the only time I see her the random times I'm over there.

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I like that the last poster mentioned....Since you dont know her name that be a great opener to other conversations.


Once you have her name thats a start. What i would advice try to figure things she likes and read her body language to see if she open to anything other than small talk.


Do she seem interested in you?


OR attracted to you?


What kinda small talk do you have with her so you know anything about her....? insight would help me help you...LOL

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I like that the last poster mentioned....Since you don't know her name that be a great opener to other conversations.


Once you have her name that's a start. What i would advice try to figure things she likes and read her body language to see if she open to anything other than small talk.


Do she seem interested in you?


OR attracted to you?


What kinda small talk do you have with her so you know anything about her....? insight would help me help you...LOL



Heh, well...I don't even know to tell you the truth. I've only said hi to her maybe once or twice. I didn't really have much small talk with her at all. I think I may have mentioned that wrong. I'm not even sure if she is into me at all because I haven't spent more then a minute talking to her.

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well then we need to take baby steps i would go with the finding out her name first and see how receptive she is to it.


If she seems interested in sharing that with you can ask her how her day is going to open up small talk if you go there one or twice always ask her hey how is your day going of depending on the day of the week ask her how her weekend was or if she has anything fun planned for the weekend.


the important thing is to come off in a non threatening way like obvious that your trying to hit on her u want to come off like your just being nice so everytime she sees you and starts to reconize you she associates you as a nice guy.


Also since u know nothing about her take a look at her hand for rings like an wedding band or engagment ring before you attempt anything...but little by little try to have small talk and some info out of her nothing personal but to get a feel for what type of girl she is and what she is into...

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I would say try to flirt a little some stupid joke, heres and example: hey so what do you say meet me on the moon? I know this sounds so stupid but its actually funny in a way and some ladies like the sillyness you might even make her giggle..personally when a guy is being silly like that it makes me giggle and thats a plus, at the same time ill think he is flirting...

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I would say try to flirt a little some stupid joke, heres and example: hey so what do you say meet me on the moon? I know this sounds so stupid but its actually funny in a way and some ladies like the sillyness you might even make her giggle..personally when a guy is being silly like that it makes me giggle and thats a plus, at the same time ill think he is flirting...


no.. this isn't funny or silly .. and definitely won't get you the girl.

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You dont want to come off as flirty until you know if she is interested or not baby steps and you can work your way up to flirty and corny jokes....LOL but some woman do like guys like that but what they dont tell you the guy that told that joke they were attracted to before he said the joke. U'd like to know if she is attracted before you attempt that..

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You don't have to be corny or overly flirty if you are just trying to get a girl to notice you and make her feel flattered in a situation like that.


Sometimes all you have to really do (and this can be trickier than it sounds for some)... is be very simple and confident. A very straightforward "Hi my name is ___.. and you are?" "You have very nice eyes ____" Or whatever. Not cheesy, not coming on to strong, just very simple and matter-of-fact like. Think of the scene in Office Space where Ron Livingston asks out Jennifer Aniston's waitress character that he's been crushing on... very confident and straightforward but relaxed.


If she's seeing someone or just not interested, sure she may reject you, but that is the risk you take when approaching someone. But confidence is a definite turn on, and it is memorable.

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I was thinking that the next time I walk in there and there's an opportunity arises for it, I will say something.


Saying something is a good idea to start communication Don't wait for an opportunity, create one. Walk up to her and strike up a conversation. Keep it short and funny. You always have time for small talk while working.

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Saying something is a good idea to start communication Don't wait for an opportunity, create one. Walk up to her and strike up a conversation. Keep it short and funny. You always have time for small talk while working.


Would it seem weird if I walked in there one day to order something and decided to try and chat with her?

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