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Number crunching and pro/con lists


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Ok b/c I can never make up my mind on what I want to be when I grow up, where I want to live, etc, I am starting to think about moving to NYC instead of moving back to Florida (central Florida, most likely. Tampa or Sarasota).


I started thinking about moving to NYC and being a dog walker there like I am here in Atlanta. I started crunching numbers of how much I'd charge, how much I'd have to work, etc.


Right now, I charge $16 for a 30-minute visit with one client; I walk the one client's dog and then drive on to the next house. I service a 6-mile radius, so I can't exactly walk dogs in bunches like people think I do. I generally can do up to 10 visits from morning to late afternoon, usually a fully 8-hour work day. On Christmas and busy holidays, I have done up to 25 visits in one day, all 30 minutes. So you can see I don't make a lot of money each day, but it's a rewarding job and I love it.


Ok in NYC, you can walk dogs in bunches, therefore increasing the amount of time to dedicate to each client, while also servicing a smaller area of a few blocks rather than a few miiles. I started thinking. If I walked 4 dogs at a time each hour, charge $20 each dog (the average rate in NYC), and work 4 hours a day, and work 25 days a month (all very rough, optimistic estimates that aren't too optimistic) I'll make almost give or take $8000 a month. That's a lot of money, much much more than I'm making now. I realize the cost of living in NYC is much higher than it is here in Atlanta, but it's affordable if you're making good money.


So let's say I get an apartment. My friend has as studio for $1100 a month in Morningside Heights near Columbia University. If I were making about $7000-$8000 a month, that's perfectly affordable. Another friend has an apartment in a high-rise on the UWS and it's $3700 a month. If I'm making what I estimate, even THAT is affordable. I wont have a car. I won't have car insurance. That's an extra $400-$500 a month (gas, insurance, car payment). An unlimited subway pass is $80 a month, so I won't be spending much on transportation. Add in utilities, groceries, and any debts I have (student loan, money I owe to the Bank of Daddy), I can STILL afford to live in NYC and save money and put money away for taxes and all of that. Of course, I'd get a cheap apartment in a good neighborhood, as I don't have to live in a high-rise on the UWS.


So I started doing a pro/con list in my head of NYC. The cons: There are state, city, and federal taxes to pay each year. That hurts. I may have to have a walk-up apartment. It gets freakishly cold and I can't even handle Georgia winters, let alone NY winters. My sister is pregnant and I really want to be near the baby (they live in Orlando). Leeluu doesn't like lots of traffic or large groups of people, so it may stress her some, but she's extremely adaptable so she shoudl be ok. And I'd have to start over in a new city. The pros are that, hello, it's NYC. I have friends there already. It's a busy city filled with Al-Anon (very important to me) and grocery stores and cafes and my favorite restaurant in the world and great attractions (hello, Broadway!). It's a 3-hour plane ride from Orlando, which isn't too expensive to do. It's a 2-hour train ride from Philadelphia and friends I have in NJ. And have I mentioned it's NYC?


I want to get the hell out of Atlanta so bad. I hate it here. My dad and my uncles and my Al-Anon friends and my other group of friends and the guy I'm in love with are here. But otherwise, I hate it. I don't feel safe and I hate the weather (inconsistent weather). The public transportation sucks and traffic is enough to make you kill someone. I feel safer walking the streets of Harlem at night than I do sitting on my porch in broad daylight in Atlanta.


So I think it's possible. If only I werent' such a scared weenie to move somewhere so large and so busy and so cold. I was planning to move there before I moved here, but I didn't want to be a dog walker then (I had dreams of being a book editor, which I'd still do if the money were good). But I mean, working 4 hours a day, 25 days a month, charging $20 an hour x 4 dogs an hour, it all seems so in my reach that it'd be dumb not to.


So i'm just thinking. I dunno what I'm asking for. I guess to see what people's thoughts are on attainability. Who knows what I'll actually end up doing b/c really, I'm all talk when it comes down to it, but I'd like to think I can do something like this.

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sounds very attenaible... 7-8k a month is plenty if you have no bills.. just rent, food , fun...

just watch out for the perverts on the subway.. they sit there and whack it right in front of you... they bust like 20 a month doing it...:splat:


i lived in the city for a while.. but missed living in a house and the burbs so i moved to CT.. but the city is fun..

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IDK, NYC is really expensive. I wouldn't move there unless I had potiental steady clients lined up. I lived in Manhattan, I liked it but got sick of it because I lived only 15mins away from NYC all of my life. The rent is crazy & its not much better in the cities near by or NJ. The place is wonderful dont get me wrong & you meet a lot of great and sometimes crazy people lol. Hey if you think you would like it, do it. You only live once. I miss it like crazy now that Im in FL!


Let me ask you this. Are you a city person? Atlanta is a big city but nothing compared to Manhattan....


Oh and yeah definitely stay away from the subways hahaha.

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For a petsitter, you're pretty reasonable. When I was living in the Midwest and had a busy job (where I had to travel on occasions), I would hire a petsitter to come in to take care of the piggies (feed, water, play with them, and freshen up the cage). A half-hour visit ran about $20, and she charged by the half hour. She was a good, reliable petsitter and I didn't mind the cost.

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I started thinking. If I walked 4 dogs at a time each hour, charge $20 each dog (the average rate in NYC), and work 4 hours a day, and work 25 days a month (all very rough, optimistic estimates that aren't too optimistic) I'll make almost give or take $8000 a month.


I think that it might be a bit optimistic to think that without any/many contacts or connections, you could find 16 steady clients who want their dogs walked 25 days/month. I mean maybe it's possible, but I don't know. On the days I work from home I take my dogs to the dog park and there are always dog walkers there, and it seems like they are always trying to scrounge up more customers. I live in LA, though, so maybe it's different in NYC.

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IDK, NYC is really expensive. I wouldn't move there unless I had potiental steady clients lined up. I lived in Manhattan, I liked it but got sick of it because I lived only 15mins away from NYC all of my life. The rent is crazy & its not much better in the cities near by or NJ. The place is wonderful dont get me wrong & you meet a lot of great and sometimes crazy people lol. Hey if you think you would like it, do it. You only live once. I miss it like crazy now that Im in FL!


Let me ask you this. Are you a city person? Atlanta is a big city but nothing compared to Manhattan....


Where in Florida do you live?


I don't mind cities. The number of people and stuff don't bother me. The loud noises don't bother me. Mostly I like convenience--how far do I have to go for fun, food, basic needs, etc.


As for subway perverts, yeah, i'm familiar with them. I've had issues in the subway before but it's not all that scary to me. Nothing I can't handle, I think.


People in the north aren't as friendly as they are in the South. It's weird not to smile and say good morning to someone you pass on the sidewalk down here, and in NYC, it's unheard of almost! I tried starting up a conversation with a random person in a restaurant last weekend, and they looked at me weird. In the South, that's normal behaviour. So that'd take some getting used to.


Yeah, it's an expensive city, but look at how much I'd be working--4 hours a day. That's 20 hours a week. I could STILL get a part-time waitressing job at night or something. I don't think it's so hard to do. And even if I couldn't do it, I could always go back down to Florida like I've planned. It'll just be later than I thought.


So I dunno if I want to do this. I want to be near my sister, I want to be near the ocean, I don't want to be cold anymore, but I love NYC and have been obsessed with it since I first went there. It's not as scary and impossible as people say it is, so I think it's worht a shot, ya know?

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Just one caution, I do think NYC might have an overabundance of petsitters esp since there are so many professionals out there who have animals and also have high-powered jobs.


Not sure.


I know here where I live, there are a number of petsitters, compared to the city I used to live in, and there were only a handful of petsitters (count on one hand).

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I think that it might be a bit optimistic to think that without any/many contacts or connections, you could find 16 steady clients who want their dogs walked 25 days/month. I mean maybe it's possible, but I don't know. On the days I work from home I take my dogs to the dog park and there are always dog walkers there, and it seems like they are always trying to scrounge up more customers. I live in LA, though, so maybe it's different in NYC.


Like I said, that's optimistic. When I was on the subway platform last weekend in NYC (I went for the weekend on vacation), a girl had her dog in a dog purse and I asked about him. We started chatting about him and she mentioned how she needs a dog walker for him to socialize him. I told her I'm a dog walker in Atlanta and she said "Oh too bad you're not here! I'd hire you!" It seemed so easy, ya know? So i dont expect to round up the clients immediately of course b/c I know it'll take time, and I don't expect each client to need me 25 days a month, and I do expect to take on cat sitting as well like I do here, but it seems realistic either way, albeit optimistically realistic (if that makes sense!)

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Just one caution, I do think NYC might have an overabundance of petsitters esp since there are so many professionals out there who have animals and also have high-powered jobs.


Not sure.


I know here where I live, there are a number of petsitters, compared to the city I used to live in, and there were only a handful of petsitters (count on one hand).


Oh yeah totally. I've already been looking online and there are SO many, but also think of how many people there are in NYC anyway. In Atlanta, there are like 6 pet sitters each neighborhood--it's very competitive. People have said I can re-open my business down in Central Florida, but I started looking in Tampa and Sarasota and there aren't that many pet sitters down there--whcih means it's not competitive which means there's not much a market for it, so oepning up my business there may be sort of pointless.

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90% of the best times in my life was in Manhattan or from people that live there so I dont know why you wouldnt want to lol. There are tons of dog walkers there already though & Im sure people are being thirfty there too since the economy is crap. So I wouldnt count on making ALL those hours right away. You can probably get a waitress job somewhere in the meantime because getting those connections will probably take some time. & yes its really not too normal to say hey good morning there unless you are walking into work or something but not randomly lol. That was hard for me to adjust to in the south & some people here still think Im very mean


I live in Navarre, near Pensacola. Going to Tampa next week though to visit family The beaches are great, cold weather stinks!

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Oh yeah I'm such a weenie in the cold. I hate it! But with all the money I'd be making, I coudl buy extra coats


Money wise I agree NYC is one of the places to be, if you can make it there you can make a lot of money. BUT I dont know about living there...I dont know I got sick of living there quickly but liked having it only 15mins away over the hudson in NJ.


There is no risk in trying, you might love it & never come back to the south. Or you might hate it & leave in 2 months...either way you wont know unless you try

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Can you set up the business before you go? I would want a guaranteed minimum income before I went, just in case. I'm worried you're being overly generous with the business.


That said, I say if you can get a basic income, do it! You're 26 years old, you have friends there, it will be awesome to live in the liveliest, buzziest, most amazing city on the planet when you're in your twenties. It's not a lifetime commitmetn, if it doesn't work out, you can go back home or relocate somewhere else. But why not try it, although be sensible and get income sorted first.


Go for it!!

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I moved to New York 4 years ago around the same age as you are now just because I loved the Manhattan city life. So I took the plunge and moved here without knowing a soul! Here's some helpful advice:



First of all, forget about that $8,000 a month because that's just unrealistic especially if you're just starting out....


You need to be looking at the situation in a more practical manner such as $40,000-$50,000 a year.


Some tips:


if you're going to live in manhattan it might be wise for you to get a roomie or two until you get your clientele and money rolling in because Manhattan rent is pretty crappy, especially for the amount of space you get in return.


You can also try some trendy areas right outside of Manhattan such as Astoria, Long Island City, and Sunnyside...There's more in parts of Eastern Brooklyn as well.


Make sure you have some money in the bank before you get here...This is a must!! lol


You will be working alot if you move to New York because that's just the way it is here....everybody is just hustling everyday.


I currently have a full-time job, a part-timer, and I'm about to start a another part-time job.



Other than that, I say go for it!! Manhattan is an awesome place and if I could live in the city even just for a year I would jump on it so fast! (I currently live in Queens)


You have a great advantage of not having a car note, car insurance, and I presume not much debt. That will help with the financial burden greatly.


About the weather:


The weather here is great. I am originally from New Orleans, LA where it is humid and hot as hell during most of the year. New York has a real summer, spring, fall, and winter. It does get really hot and humid in the summer, but for only two months (July and August). New York winters are pretty mild compared to other parts of the NorthEast. We really don't get alot of snow and the cold is usually pretty bearable.


Oh, and summers in NYC are the best because so much is happening everywhere for FREE!!


Based on what I know about you, I believe that you would love living up here and you know that you can always go back home if you don't like it.


I say if you're going to take the big leap, do it while you're still young and fresh....hehe



About your dog-walking business:


You can do dog-walking plus offer other services to help increase your income (pet-sitting, bathing, etc)


If you ever need help or have any questions just holla!!! and good luck!!

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Wow girl, I think you make good money for pet-sitting/pet-walking and I don't mean that in a bad way!

Could you afford to do a temporary move to see if you really like it ex: staying with friends etc..(you can pay them rent or whatever) but not tie yourself to a one year lease etc... Try it out without the commitment?

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Wow girl, I think you make good money for pet-sitting/pet-walking and I don't mean that in a bad way!

Could you afford to do a temporary move to see if you really like it ex: staying with friends etc..(you can pay them rent or whatever) but not tie yourself to a one year lease etc... Try it out without the commitment?


i've thought about that. but i don't want to leave my dog behind and i'm not sure if i coudl have anyone to stay with who'd be ok with her there. so i'm not sure.


i was telling my dad about it, and he was surprisingly very supportive of it. he said i shoudl go for it, b/c running the numbers with him, we determined (on a more realistic level instead of optimistic like i was doing) taht i'd still make good money there once i get started and still have moeny left over and be ok. so he thinks i should go up there and do it. that was very surprisiing to me b/c he's not a supportive guy. it's just a matter of saving up enough money to move up there to get started, which woudl be the hardest part i think.

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Maybe you can start looking at your current expenses and crunching numbers on where you are spending your money. Try cutting 10% in those categories and put the sum towards the savings for that?

I'm no monetary expert but that's what seems most logical to me.

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Maybe you can start looking at your current expenses and crunching numbers on where you are spending your money. Try cutting 10% in those categories and put the sum towards the savings for that?

I'm no monetary expert but that's what seems most logical to me.


oh yeah most of my money goes toward dining out and buying DVDs. I've been downloading movies and checking them out at the library instead of buying them, and I've been making myself go out ot eat less (also helps since I'm trying to lose weight). Hence I actually have money in savings right now instead of none at all like I've had forever.

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oh yeah most of my money goes toward dining out and buying DVDs. I've been downloading movies and checking them out at the library instead of buying them, and I've been making myself go out ot eat less (also helps since I'm trying to lose weight). Hence I actually have money in savings right now instead of none at all like I've had forever.


That's a great start =)

I wish I had something interesting and challenging to strive for like that... nothing inspiring as of yet.

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Really, I think I'm all talk. I've talked all sorts of goals for myself and i don't actually do them. I've decided not to set anymore goals for myself long term, and I'm just going to let my Higher Power do with me what needs to be done. If that isn't moving away by September, then that's ok. If I don't take taht approach and I still don't make that goal, then I'll just abuse myself for not meeting it, which is counter productive for me. So I'm leaving it up to the HP to help me out! (

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