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Men & Women who dont make sounds during sex!


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Anyone can answer this from their preference but I'm a woman so I have to come from my view here. Now I'm single by choice but I remember the best sex I have ever had was with a man who moaned and made noise during sex. This drove me wild. On the flip side its a real turn off to me when a man is quiet. Am I the only one who feels like this or do some of you prefer silence?

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Seems like this thread keeps coming up... women always like the sounds. My boyfriend is pretty quiet in the sack. I hinted to him that I too like some sound, and he rather discreetly told me he was kind of embarassed to make noise, like he thought the sound of a women is sexy but those of a man are just... awkward and not sexy. Which I disagree with.


But maybe a lot of men are self-conscious like that? Afraid of sounding wimpy or something?

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I don't see how its even possible to stay quiet during sex. the moans, growls,whimpers, groans are all a part of the movements that come with it. Albeit it can be a turn on when you have to try and be as quite as possible, and you try to let those sounds out by biting in their flesh instead.


Of course it depends on your comfort level, but it is a turn on to hear both making moans of need while being overwhelmed together.

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A lot of it has to do with just anatomy too I guess. I mean, orgasms and sex in general feels great, but it's not "OMG I CAN BARELY CONTAIN MY MOANS OF PLEASURE" great. It's not anything I haven't felt 200+ times before. I am just assuming that women feel something more intense because the reactions seem to be a lot different.


Unless you mean dirty talk, but that's not exactly "noise." I don't make a whole lot of "noise."

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I will admit, I do like to hear my boyfriend's heavy breathing and quiet "Oh my gods" when we are having sex. It's hot. I don't need to be hearing any grunting or anything though.


I make very little noise during sex. I will make a little noise here and there, maybe say a couple things, but that's about it. Sometimes I'm so quiet that I have had an orgasm and my boyfriend doesn't believe me because he thinks I was too quiet. Once he was like "What are you, a nun?" Haha. But I don't know, I feel awkward making a TON of noise. Maybe I'll try it some time.

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HELLO! That's what I'm screaming! I love this response!

I don't see how its even possible to stay quiet during sex. the moans, growls,whimpers, groans are all a part of the movements that come with it. Albeit it can be a turn on when you have to try and be as quite as possible, and you try to let those sounds out by biting in their flesh instead.


Of course it depends on your comfort level, but it is a turn on to hear both making moans of need while being overwhelmed together.

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There is just something about hearing a man moan during sex that heightens my pleasure during intimacy. I'm not quiet I'm sensual and moan a lot if he is too quiet that turns me off. If he grunts uh ... Lol I think that would be off! Clearing his throat oh baby who could resist! Can any hear the sarcasm here?

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I am so with you on that! One of the best things I've heard a few times is "oh baby its so tight and wet" that sends me over!

I do porn noises just because I'm not getting anything from it. It's a turn on to hear myself. LOL


But what I cannot stand is hearing my name or saying someone's name. SO CHEESY.

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