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Is this Normal?

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I am a 16 year old guy and going through some extreme changes. I am growing constantly, and in the past couple of months I have grown almost a foot. Also I am gaing weight like crazy, and not good weight. In the past one and a half months I have put on just over one hundred pounds of pure fat. I have not been eating anything other than what I normally eat, and I've tried dieting to lose weight and it doesn't work at all. I have to keep on buying new clothes for my new height and my new weight. I have seen no one I know go through this kind of change. Is this like some weird thing to do with puberty or adolescence? This is really weird, I could really use some help on what you think this is and if you think there is any way to stop the gaining of fat, since the growing thing really can't be stopped. Thank you for the help

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I went through a change myself some what similar. I went from 115 to 185 over a length of summer. My diet was very minimal food. I would eat a hot dog for lunch and have a sandwhich for dinner that was it. However I started life guarding and change most of it to muscle.


Now I had / have an injury which has limited me from working out. All my muscle gone to fat. I've been limiting the amount of times I eat in a day and have lost 10 lbs. 2 maybe 3 times a week I do alot of ab and peck work wieght lifting. This keeps me low in wieght now.


I eat about 1 big meal a day (anything really)

or about 3 small ones

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At 12, I grew a lot over a summer and opposite to your problem, I looked like death because I was so thin. It took a while for me to pick up some weight.


One thing I can suggest is that you eat your meals at the same time every day and don't starve yourself. It is better to have a few small meals or snacks a day every few hours than one big meal once a day. Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day - don't skip it. Drink only water or fruit juices that you squeeze yourself - guarantees you're not drinking an entire chemistry set, preservatives and way too much sugar. Avoid prepackaged foods, microwaveable dinners etc. Eat fresh made foods. Keep on exercising and eat 1/2 of what you eat now.


One of the philosophers said that if you leave the table feeling like you could eat something else - that mean's you've eaten enough. If you leave full - that mean's you've poisoned yourself.

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