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I'm being accused of plagerism in one of my course

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Oh, and I agree w/ La'isla: if you paraphrased something you read, you should still cite the source. I too think it might be a citation mistake, but even if this is the case, please do go and show your instructor your notes, what sources you reviewed to complete your assignment, and any rough drafts of your assignment, if you have them.

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May I ask: which text do you think you may have accidentally copied?

Do you mean from the movie or other resources you looked at?


Movie text. I couldn't really find much in terms of other resources.


it's most likely the case that you didn't reference properly. it was a mistake. a lot of people do this innocently.


It was a mistake. If I did it, I did it without me knowing. A mistake. I've read that people do it by accident a lot.

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Movie text. I couldn't really find much in terms of other resources.


Well, citing the movie text/script is a citation mistake, not really plagiarism, per se, since the movie text/script is NOT analysis.


Unless your whole first paragraph is mainly the movie text/script, how can the whole first paragraph be plagiarized?


Anyways, since you and your instructor know the assignment best, and IF the problem lies in citing your sources inaccurately, you really should try to explain that the "plagiarism" (OR rather, inaccuracy in citation) was unintentional.


Good luck! I hope the misunderstanding is cleared up b/t you and your instructor.

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The truth is it is unintentional. I guess its like one of those things that just happens while your unaware of it. My whole first paragrah is from the movie text, but I did change it as much as possible into my own words.

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The truth is it is unintentional. I guess its like one of those things that just happens while your unaware of it. My whole first paragrah is from the movie text, but I did change it as much as possible into my own words.

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It was a mistake. If I did it, I did it without me knowing. A mistake. I've read that people do it by accident a lot.


you should go to one of those referencing seminars at school. i hope your instructor is forgiving.

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It was a mistake. If I did it, I did it without me knowing. A mistake. I've read that people do it by accident a lot.


you should go to one of those referencing seminars at school. i hope your instructor is forgiving.

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From now on I don't think I am going to do any furthering education. I don`t know how this plagerismn thing is going to effect me in terms of furthering my education any in any other ways. I`m just ready to boost the country and move down to greece.

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From now on I don't think I am going to do any furthering education. I don`t know how this plagerismn thing is going to effect me in terms of furthering my education any in any other ways. I`m just ready to boost the country and move down to greece.

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If I don't pass the course then I could do a 2 week make up course and gradute. I've spoken to someone at the school that said that I have to wait until the 21st of the month and if I dont pass then they can get me into to the make up course.


Like you said la'isla its only out of 5 and the final quiz that I have is worth ~30 marks, but has a weight of 15%. So as long as I do well on it then I should be fine.

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If I don't pass the course then I could do a 2 week make up course and gradute. I've spoken to someone at the school that said that I have to wait until the 21st of the month and if I dont pass then they can get me into to the make up course.


Like you said la'isla its only out of 5 and the final quiz that I have is worth ~30 marks, but has a weight of 15%. So as long as I do well on it then I should be fine.

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The truth is it is unintentional. I guess its like one of those things that just happens while your unaware of it. My whole first paragrah is from the movie text, but I did change it as much as possible into my own words.


Yeah, that's pretty much plagerism if the whole 1st paragraph (half the project) is taken from movie text and doesn't contain any original thought/input.

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Yeah, that's pretty much plagerism if the whole 1st paragraph (half the project) is taken from movie text and doesn't contain any original thought/input.


But it was my words. Keeping in mind I had to make it with specific references to the movie.

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You have to cite EVERYTHING! Ideas, spoken words, movie dialogue, written journals or textbooks, all of this (and much more) has to be cited in History papers. I have a BA in History and because of this, I still document every, single, form of research I use. History is one of the more complex areas of study when you are writing papers. I had to use parenthetical documentation, end notes and footnotes, and indexes, for every paper I wrote. I have degrees (minors) in Psych and Science and their papers are SO much easier to write!

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Movie Quote: Must be in quotations and properly cited...


"I can't think about that just now. I'll think about that tomorrow, after all, tomorrow is another day" (Scarlett O'Hara, Gone With The Wind)


Paraphrase (a.k.a. plagerism): there is no interpretation or new idea here- just a regurgitation of the dialogue from the film....


Scarlett says she won't think about her problems until tomorrow, because she can't right now.


Original Work: You reference the dialogue, but only to support your assertion...


In the end, Scarlett's true character comes through. Despite the tragedy and heartache she faces, she seems determined to press on the only way she knows how- by not thinking about her troubles, but instead focusing on what she is going to do (i.e. return to Tara).


Now- I have been out of Uni for 14 years, so others please feel free to critique my example, or citation format....it's been awhile...


But to the OP- do you see the difference?

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Yes I do see the difference.


With the movie I saw nothing was said like your first example. It was like someone was reading an essay out to you in movie form. Thats why I wrote this just like any research paper. The information presented to us, in my own words.


In the movie they said "One this side of the world they were doing this this and that" while I said "On the other hand, during this time on the side of the world they were doing this this and that".

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What we had to do was write about the movie with specific references to the movie


Writing a synopsis of the movie using the movie dialog is not what your prof was looking for.

Any Ya-Who can do that. He wanted your impression of the movies historical events. He wanted you to expound on the historical moment in time that the movie can only "pretend" to portray. He wanted you to reach down and delve further for the reasoning why the events happened the way they happened. He wanted you to do research to find the real truths to the historical event potrayed in this movie. This you did not do. The grade in my opinion was justified. Sorry......

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Yes I do see the difference.


With the movie I saw nothing was said like your first example. It was like someone was reading an essay out to you in movie form. Thats why I wrote this just like any research paper. The information presented to us, in my own words.


In the movie they said "One this side of the world they were doing this this and that" while I said "On the other hand, during this time on the side of the world they were doing this this and that".


You are paraphrasing...there is nothing new in your example. Yes, that is plagarism.

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