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I'm being accused of plagerism in one of my course

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One of my courses this term is an elective. I chose history. We did this assignment last week, based on a movie we saw the week before. I took notes, really good notes and even rented the movie.


What we had to do was write about the movie with specific references to the movie.


Thats what I did. I used the notes I got from the movie plus what was said in the movie to do the asssignment. I wrote it in my own words as best as possible, but now I am being accused of plagerism and I recieved a grade of 0/5 on it.


What should I do? Just leave it be or ask if I could redo the assignment and submit it by friday?


I don't copy other peoples work. I do my own work all the time. I dont have time to sit there and copy other people work, this is why I do my own.


I just feel that I am always being picked on, whenever I do something right or wrong. I feel that when I write a kick --- essay I get accused of copying because its so good, but when I don't I get a good grade I get picked on for not trying.

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One of my courses this term is an elective. I chose history. We did this assignment last week, based on a movie we saw the week before. I took notes, really good notes and even rented the movie.


What we had to do was write about the movie with specific references to the movie.


Thats what I did. I used the notes I got from the movie plus what was said in the movie to do the asssignment. I wrote it in my own words as best as possible, but now I am being accused of plagerism and I recieved a grade of 0/5 on it.


What should I do? Just leave it be or ask if I could redo the assignment and submit it by friday?


I don't copy other peoples work. I do my own work all the time. I dont have time to sit there and copy other people work, this is why I do my own.


I just feel that I am always being picked on, whenever I do something right or wrong. I feel that when I write a kick --- essay I get accused of copying because its so good, but when I don't I get a good grade I get picked on for not trying.

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Did you properly notate the paper? The idea, not just the words, has to be your own. You said you used your own words "as much as possible", but if you took direct quotes from the film, but did not put it in quotations or notate it- it's plagerism


I agree that you need to talk to your teacher. Set up a meeting to review and make sure you understand why, and what you should have done. If you take it as a learning opportunity rather that percieving it a personal attack, you may get the opportunity to re-do it....


Good luck

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Did you properly notate the paper? The idea, not just the words, has to be your own. You said you used your own words "as much as possible", but if you took direct quotes from the film, but did not put it in quotations or notate it- it's plagerism


I agree that you need to talk to your teacher. Set up a meeting to review and make sure you understand why, and what you should have done. If you take it as a learning opportunity rather that percieving it a personal attack, you may get the opportunity to re-do it....


Good luck

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Did you properly notate the paper? The idea, not just the words, has to be your own. You said you used your own words "as much as possible", but if you took direct quotes from the film, but did not put it in quotations or notate it- it's plagerism


I agree that you need to talk to your teacher. Set up a meeting to review and make sure you understand why, and what you should have done. If you take it as a learning opportunity rather that percieving it a personal attack, you may get the opportunity to re-do it....


Good luck


This is very true. When I write papers, I reference everything bc my instructors use a program that scans the paper for plagerism.

Maybe if you explain to your instructor you did not know this was plagerism and ask your instructor for tips to avoid it in the future, he will be more compromising? If he does not budge, go to the dean with your concerns. It doesnt sound like it was intentional so you shouldnt have to accept the grade. Some schools expell you for this, so this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

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Did you properly notate the paper? The idea, not just the words, has to be your own. You said you used your own words "as much as possible", but if you took direct quotes from the film, but did not put it in quotations or notate it- it's plagerism


I agree that you need to talk to your teacher. Set up a meeting to review and make sure you understand why, and what you should have done. If you take it as a learning opportunity rather that percieving it a personal attack, you may get the opportunity to re-do it....


Good luck


This is very true. When I write papers, I reference everything bc my instructors use a program that scans the paper for plagerism.

Maybe if you explain to your instructor you did not know this was plagerism and ask your instructor for tips to avoid it in the future, he will be more compromising? If he does not budge, go to the dean with your concerns. It doesnt sound like it was intentional so you shouldnt have to accept the grade. Some schools expell you for this, so this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

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What exactly is your instructor accusing you of plagiarizing? Another student's answers OR a published essay/article/review about the movie?


As others have said, there's a software which allows instructors to scan student's essay into the computer and the program lets the instructor know how much of the student's essay is plagiarized and from what source.


You should take your notes to the instructor and ask; maybe it's a problem with citing the sources correctly. If this is the case, at least your instructor will know that it was not intentional.


[ADDED] Also, is the instructor giving you a zero for this assignment, zero for the course, and/or is the instructor sending this to the honors court?

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take your notes..show him...


if he said you cheated. tell him where and what did i cheat on. If he cant find where you cheated, how does he even anything to stand on. I would also talk to someone else too in higher authority.guidance...your dean of your major...someone

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He is saying I plagerized the whole assignment. Well at least the first paragraph as my assignment was only supposed to be two paragraphs. I am getting a zero on the asignment



I dont know what to tell you since your instructor was not very specific [about which source you are accused of copying]??


Even BEFORE instructors report cases of plagiarism to the honors court, they must make certain that they have irrefutable proof of plagiarism, since it's such a sensitive issue to both the instructor and student involved.


Anyways, I think you should at least show him your notes and tell him that you watched the movie again to take notes. I know you must be frustrated but try not to act confrontational. Also before taking it up to a department head or someone else, talk to your instructor first and try to resolve it with him.

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What would my defence be other then I didn't plagerize?


Should I say "I feel that I did not plagerazie the work; however, while trying to paraphrase and write my own notes into my own word I might have accidentally copied the text in which I do apologize. I would also like to know if it would be possible to redo the assignment or just get the plagerizm thing removed from my record "

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show him your notes and any rough work you did. it's most likely the case that you didn't reference properly. it was a mistake. a lot of people do this innocently. ask him if you can redo the assignment.

if your school has an ombudsperson or someone to help you with academic integrity cases, go to them, they will tell you exactly what to do.

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What would my defence be other then I didn't plagerize?


Should I say "I feel that I did not plagerazie the work; however, while trying to paraphrase and write my own notes into my own word I might have accidentally copied the text in which I do apologize. I would also like to know if it would be possible to redo the assignment or just get the plagerizm thing removed from my record "


Well, that definitely would be the best defense! And your notes are your evidence.



May I ask: which text do you think you may have accidentally copied?

Do you mean from the movie or other resources you looked at?

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