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anyone helped spouse lose weight?

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Well I haven't exactly helped my spouse lose weight but I've lost a lot of weight myself, so I know what it takes.


Its all about a lifestyle change. To lose weight a person needs both diet and exercise. So for your spouse you need to be planning and cooking healthy meals, lots of vegetables, lean meats, go easy on the carbs, and don't let him keep any junk food in the house. Cut out fast foods all together out of the diet. Even if a person just cut out fast food and junk food, it makes a huge difference.


Then you need to find activities you can do togeher that keep you active. Think golfing, dancing, tennis, going for bike rides, playing frisbee in the park. Summer is coming so think of all the fun you can have!

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Well I haven't exactly helped my spouse lose weight but I've lost a lot of weight myself, so I know what it takes.


Its all about a lifestyle change. To lose weight a person needs both diet and exercise. So for your spouse you need to be planning and cooking healthy meals, lots of vegetables, lean meats, go easy on the carbs, and don't let him keep any junk food in the house. Cut out fast foods all together out of the diet. Even if a person just cut out fast food and junk food, it makes a huge difference.


Then you need to find activities you can do togeher that keep you active. Think golfing, dancing, tennis, going for bike rides, playing frisbee in the park. Summer is coming so think of all the fun you can have!

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I lost alot of weight and in tow my SO followed my lead. We've since broken up, I've gained back 60% of the weight, whereas he's only gained a few pounds.


It was funny because we did a weight loss challenge at the gym together, for some reason when they did the numbers he 'won', he didn't feel he deserved it. Because I had been coaching him...


While my SO followed my lead he lost weight because he wanted to, not because I wanted him to. Once he wanted to he asked questions and was happy for me to encourage and help him lose weight.


I've never seen anyone try to make someone lose weight and have it work, in fact I've typically seen a reverse reaction.

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I lost alot of weight and in tow my SO followed my lead. We've since broken up, I've gained back 60% of the weight, whereas he's only gained a few pounds.


It was funny because we did a weight loss challenge at the gym together, for some reason when they did the numbers he 'won', he didn't feel he deserved it. Because I had been coaching him...


While my SO followed my lead he lost weight because he wanted to, not because I wanted him to. Once he wanted to he asked questions and was happy for me to encourage and help him lose weight.


I've never seen anyone try to make someone lose weight and have it work, in fact I've typically seen a reverse reaction.

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My help was requested. Not sure if that makes a difference for the responses here.


We don't eat junk food. We eat healthy home cooked meals. He doesn't drink soda. He just has large portions - but then, he's a big guy (muscular build) and feels weak if he doesn't eat enough.


We went for a jog tonight. That was so fun and I think we'll make it a regular thing.

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He might be cutting his portion out too dramatically.

He should maybe only try cutting out 50-100 calories for a week, then gradually go down of 50-100 by each week. I think his system would probably "react" better instead of being in shock to a reduction in portion size.

I totally understand the weak / fainting as that's what happens to me. I can't go on a 1200 restrictive calorie diet like most people here as I am a naturally big portion eater even though I eat healthy things (most of the time =)).


What we will start to do is take regular walks to the market (we're pretty close by) with the stroller but with some kind of goal - go to La Bottega and pick up a few italian goodies for supper or another meal. It's a good 6km walk.

Do you jog with your baby in the stroller? That sounds like an interesting idea when we get more in shape haha.

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Has anyone in here successfully helped their partner lose weight and keep it off? Any tips?


Gah! My bf is overweight and had asked me to even make a meal plan for him. I made a draft and he never even followed it lol.

THEn he said we'd go for walks... Uhh... still waiting.


So now I have kind of given up. I'm not his mother and if he really wants to lose it, he'll work on it. In the mean time I'm trying to be a good example by making him healthy snacks when I'm in the mood and we'll share. Or for instance, soon I will be hitting the gym again.


I know he wants to lose it, but he just seems a bit lazy to get off his butt (I don't blame him.. I struggle with excersizing too).


What I found hardest was making a meal plan for his weight and body type since I am much smaller and weigh less.


The only tip I can give is not to stress yourself out or try and police him. Give him some ideas and see if he goes for the healthier choices. And see if you both can work out together or something. Or have him go with a friend.

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It was easier when there was snow and we could drag the sled. She's going to have to learn to improve her running speed or we will have to leave her alone at home watching dora the explorer.


Hahahaha! That's hillarious. I'm trying to picture her trying to run on such little legs =) Must be quite cute though.

"It's not my fault you need to stay alone, it's your daddy's!"

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