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Do women like keeping in touch after breaking up with a man?

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Here is what is confusing to me. She is the one who broke up with me after 6 years. 6 years of a very decent relationship. She decided that she is not sure what she wants in life and not sure if she is ready to decide if she can spend the rest of her life with me. So she breaks up with me. I understand all this but the part I dont understand is that she still calls me everyday or at least every couple of days. It's been two months since our break up and still wants to know who I was with on a Friday night. And many more varieties of actions that makes me feel like she cannot let me go. As a man, I am used to not wanting to contact my girlfriend after a break up if I was the one to decide on the break up. Is that different for women? Why is she still in touch with me and playing games, when she is the one who broke up with me? I am very confused. Is it an ego thing where she wants to keep me on the side for just in case situations? I am confused so please ladies, tell me what this is all about.

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You need to set your boundaries. Tell her that you think it is best that you limit your contact, or go without contact for awhile so that you can move on. She may not know what she is doing, but she is controlling and manipulating you by keeping in contact with you every day and asking who you were out with. It isn't any of her business who you were with or how you spend your day. If you don't set a boundary, it is keeping the door open to keep doing what she is doing.

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I think all of you made good points. I need to slap myself on the face and remind myself that she is doing this only because I am allowing her to. But I have to also confess that everytime I get a call or message it makes my day a great day. I am embarrased to say this but that's the truth. I will work on this and will try to set some boundaries. Otherwise, I will not be able to ever move on.

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