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Fast Food Frenzie!! Would you like fries with that?

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If some of you may know, they're trying to pass a law in which fast food restaurants cannot get sued for obese people. I was more or less just wondering what everyone else thought about this. On my way to work the other day i heard them talking about it on the radio. All i kept thinking was how it's a good idea to pass the law because think about it, person eats fast food{by own choice!}, person becomes obese, person sues fast food restaurant, gets more money to spend on other fast food restaurants if win, become more obese. So why just give them more money to make themselves more obese. In other words, if they're going to blame their bad eating habits on fast food thats just as ridiculous as saying that you blame your money for buying the food so why don't we just sue the money? Ugh! People think. It's sad that society has sunk that low.

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I hope they pass it - it's gotten to the point people can try to sue for their OWN lack of judgement or weaknesses. Places that provide a service should not have to babysit adults and tell them "you're overweight, thereforeeee you should be buying the salad, I can't sell you those fries," any more than an appliance salesman should have to say "you're overweight - so I can only sell you the exercise equipment, not the TV or videogames." People need to be responsible for their own choices and actions.

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I totally agree. There are so many things people can sue over. Like I once heard this story where a man broke into someone's house & tripped over something & got injured & sued the home owner for it. He ended up winning which I find to be rediculus considering the fact that its the mans own fault he got hurt in the first place. I really hope they do pass that law because people need to start taking responsibility over their own actions when it comes to eating & such. Hopefully this law gets passed & people will start eating healthier instead of eating fast food everyday. Probably won't happen because it is hard to break eating habits, just like any habit, but it still is possible to do.

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I once read a great quote that I think applies totally. I don't remember it word for word, but I remember the point.


Basically, in a couple hundred years, The United States will be considered the country that fell because of its political correctness.


I mean, that is totally why these people think they can get away with suing over the dumbest things. They are taking advantage of the fact that everything has to be politically correct. Coffee has to say its hot or people will sue. What is this world coming to?!!

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