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Do you think people rush into sex too quickly?


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I've known plenty of people that have sex with their partners within less than 6 months of the relationship and those relationships don't last too long. Am I the only one that thinks many couples just rush into have sex too quickly before establishing a good relationship first?

Honestly six months is plenty of time. The real killer of relationships isn't waiting less than 6 months, it's more about getting to know the person more than anything. And most relationships don't last more than six months anyway. I'm certain that if all couples put in a serious effort to get to know the person they are with before sex within the first 3 months and then had sex, they could easily beat out the people who just kinda go along and wait more than six months.


But most don't do that and never will, so you are prolly better just waiting six months and getting to know the person your with at the same time.

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Ok so I'm interested...


Time aside, what do you think is necessary to be built and created and established BEFORE having sex in a relationship then?


As much for clarification and curiosity of this point of view as anything.


I think there should be some sort of obstacle you both go through together. Usually it's a "us against the world" kind of thing. That really bonds two people and makes you guys feel closer together. It's not quite necessary, though... but it helps.


Just my 2 cents!

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Yes, in terms of relationship maturity, but physical time doesn't really mean much. You can know your SO in a short amount of time.


Sex has gotten away from being something that people do when they love each other, and now it's become something that people do to find out if they love each other.

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As long as the sex is good sex, I have trouble seeing why that should make for a shorter relationship. In fact, I'd like to know early on if the sex is going to peter out or be less than good. More time and more experience in bed is a good thing with the right partner. No need to waste time with someone I am not sexually compatible with.


On the other hand, holding off on sexual intimacy for six months could signal a problem, for me at least. Kind of makes me wonder if there is much interest if it takes 6 months to trust and want to get it on. ime, a good friendship can take a year or two to develop. Not sure what sort of foundation would develop between the months 2 and 6 honestly. If I spend a decent amount of time with a girl, within the first month I'll know if the match is right. If you have questions about that, it probably isn't even close to the right match.


Countdown to first orgasm need not take that long. If I want a woman, I am to tell her that.

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