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Will you go to hell if you commit suicide?


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I was always taught that a person will go directly to hell if they commit suicide...what do you think? Personally, I think that if you pray for forgiveness before you commit the sin then you should be forgiven.

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I was always taught that a person will go directly to hell if they commit suicide...what do you think? Personally, I think that if you pray for forgiveness before you commit the sin then you should be forgiven.


Suicide is seen as a complete rejection of Gods gift of life (if you are religious) and as such, unforgivable.


Do you have a Priest/Pastor/Rabbi/Imam you could talk to about this?

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For those who believe and find solace in their God, should not need to commit suicide, because God will help them, or lead them.

But for those who do not, they have their own ideas.


Personally, I think it is a sin, but as someone who is suicidal, anythings got to be better than this world has it not?

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There is not a person here who can truly answer that question. They can give you their take on it but no one is qualfied to give the absolute correct answer. I think the best option is to not do something like this so that you NEVER have to find out.

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It all depends on whether you're a believer or not. For people who believe in God, yes, because suicide is a sin.


Not everyone who believes in God, believes that though.


But I agree with Jaded. I wouldn't want to find out the hard way.

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Not everyone who believes in God, believes that though.


But I agree with Jaded. I wouldn't want to find out the hard way.


I don't know, I've pondered on this question myself. It's hard to answer. But like you, I wouldn't want to find out either.

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How about not even thinking about commiting suicide as that is really the cowards' way out. You got your family that will miss you a lot if you do that. Now if you're talking about the world then it would be no different, the world would still be there with no less person. No there is really no such thing as hell nor heaven you would just be no longer on earth with many putting you roses or stuff.


Don't do it, there's more to life than to even be thinking about it.

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I don't know if someone who commits suicide goes to hell or not, but they certainly put the people they leave behind through it.


^ exactly.

we don't know for sure about the afterlife, none of us have been through death.

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I've always been told that if you do committ suicide, you do go immediately to hell. If you think your problems are bad now, then they will be so much worse since hell is forever...no way out. Again, this is what i've heard. As someone has said, no one has been through death and been able to tell us about it to say what its like.

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I dislike the word "sin", because it has come with so much loaded moralizing (of the religious type.) However, I do believe that human beings commit atrocious acts, heinous acts, abominable acts, or at very least, acts that damage themselves and others.


I do not believe that suicide is a malicious kind of destructive act (in most cases). It's a desperate act to escape pain, and for that anyone should have compassion.


However, it's still killing a person. A human being.


Suicide is the murder of yourself.


Would you murder anyone else?


Would you deem another's life unfit to live, ask for forgiveness, and then do them in?


No, you wouldn't. You would consider it an unpardonable crime. A crime of the heart, mind and spirit to deprive a human being of life.


So the only thing that separates the justification of suicide from the justification of murder is that of self-determination. That you have a right to call your own shots.


I don't believe this is any less of a crime though, because there are many other ways to call one's shots than to end the game in such a brutal, short-sighted and self-abnegating way. Forfeiting life, the brief chance we have here, is not the way to peace. The way to peace is to stick with the game long enough to figure out the riddle if you can. Why not ask for forgiveness for hating yourself or not cherishing your life, if you are religious, and then find your way back to those (self care and love), instead? You can call your own shots without murdering yourself.


Also, the damage you leave behind for others, the pain and anguish of the irrevocable loss, will bring to them a suffering equal or greater to that which you are suffering now. And you would bring this to someone else's feet, knowing the torment of life and loss and pain?

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I don't think you will be sent to Hell, for if you had to consider suicide, God can give his understanding and sympathy to you, surely.


Though, that is one main reason I don't try anymore.

I wouldn't want to find out.

But I think I'm going to Hell anyway so whichever, I'm doomed.

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I was always taught that a person will go directly to hell if they commit suicide...what do you think? Personally, I think that if you pray for forgiveness before you commit the sin then you should be forgiven.

I too was taught in the roman catholic way that it was a mortal sin but I am hoping that it isnt so , If I lose the strength then I would hope that if there is someone or something there, then they would have compassion and understanding for the torment that would drive someone to that level.

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There is not a person here who can truly answer that question. They can give you their take on it but no one is qualfied to give the absolute correct answer. I think the best option is to not do something like this so that you NEVER have to find out.




I wholeheartedly agree about no 1 being able to provide a definitive answer but there will always be someone who is going to push the boundry .

Personally as I have posted my views on this I think I am one of those to push & see.


until now I have lived by the ethos "Hey I am immortal...............well at least so far" but now I am facing my own dark thoughts I am seeing how absurd it can sound


I used to believe my own hype



not so sure.


Just got to see if life has a course for me and IF it does then where will it send me

if not then ho hum

if so.....

poss see


DW out

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There is not a person here who can truly answer that question. They can give you their take on it but no one is qualfied to give the absolute correct answer. I think the best option is to not do something like this so that you NEVER have to find out.




I wholeheartedly agree about no 1 being able to provide a definitive answer but there will always be someone who is going to push the boundry .

Personally as I have posted my views on this I think I am one of those to push & see.


until now I have lived by the ethos "Hey I am immortal...............well at least so far" but now I am facing my own dark thoughts I am seeing how absurd it can sound


I used to believe my own hype



not so sure.


Just got to see if life has a course for me and IF it does then where will it send me

if not then ho hum

if so.....

poss see


DW out

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  • 1 month later...
What is suicide exactly? If I let myself become obese and shorten my lifespan by years, is that suicide? You can eat your way to death, but no one will talk about how you'll go to hell for it.

I tried to do this once. I heard that saltwater will kill you if you drink it and no regular water. They lied.

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I was always taught that a person will go directly to hell if they commit suicide...what do you think? Personally, I think that if you pray for forgiveness before you commit the sin then you should be forgiven.


i'm not sure what happens after a person dies... but the one thing i can promise is that you will never get a definitive answer to this question for one reason... define suicide. see as far as loose terms go this is probably pretty high up on the list.


what i mean is that if someone does commit suicide (and assuming god doesnt like it) they could simply say "i was trying to advance my understanding of how the universe works by shedding my physical body" now that suicide just turned into a quest for scientific understanding.


so there is no way to answer the question because it has an unlimited number of variations within itself.


i dont know if that helps anyone but its my 2 cents

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yeah... jury is out on this one. i guess u have to put urself in God's shoes, think of urself like his child... would he send u to hell or would he feel really horrible for u and what u were going through?


my personal opinion is if i killed myself and had to face my maker - i'd expect him to understand that i just hated my life, or i was mentally ill, or all the circumstances leading up to why i made that decision and actually did it - he should understand.


if u were God... what would u do??? i think we just have to put ourselves in his shoes to decide on the answer to that. I dont think Hell would be it, i think we'd have to face our own dissappoint within ourselves in the next life too. maybe u'll be a spirit and go "dang it... maybe i should've tried just a little bit harder" lol

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