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Do dumpees have the right to hurt the dumpers?


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People can't live with pain, be it emotional or physical pain.. so what he's doing is his way of redirecting the pain by hurting YOU. A very immature, shallow way of dealing with it.


Glad I never did that. It's just not helpful to anyone involved to play * * * -for-tat...


Just ignore him. Don't get sucked into it.

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Thanks guys. All of this plus with the stress of school work has gotten me to tears today in class (I sneaked into this website when I should be doing my mathematics. I know, I'm a rebel, hahahahaha!)


But whatever. If he's hurt, then I'm sorry, but that's no excuse to make me feel like crap about it. Funny thing is that 2-3 days ago he was waiting outside this class room door, as if waiting for someone, and once he saw me, he went back to class. Why did he have to see me? No matter, cause I reported his butt to the teachers and thankfully, they said they will make sure he won't be in my way any longer.


I might also add that he suffers from bipolar. He never takes medicine for it, and he self-medicates with marijuana.

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i do not believe in a * * * for tat or games when it is a break up and breakupee, i think i spelled that wrong. Games are for suckers and best thing to do is have absolutely no contact for awhile imho


You're right. I just woke up sorta crying because I've done so much for him... and now he's all "I don't give a crap about this girl."


I remember baking him a birthday cake last year from scratch and with every ounce of my love... I hope that, with NC, and with loads of time (I give it 2 months, 3 months max) for him to remember that birthday cake... I don't know.


A part of me thought that this break up will help him in some way. And that maybe he'll change for the better, whether it'd be me, or with a new girl.


I hope that he'll make someone very happy, even if it isn't me.

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You're right. I just woke up sorta crying because I've done so much for him... and now he's all "I don't give a crap about this girl."


I remember baking him a birthday cake last year from scratch and with every ounce of my love... I hope that, with NC, and with loads of time (I give it 2 months, 3 months max) for him to remember that birthday cake... I don't know.


It's the worse feeling when you know you've made so much effort for the other person and now it seems like they don't care or appreciate any of it.


I could make a huge list of all the nice things I did for my ex, I expected nothing in return but love.


I think in time they will look back at their relationship and realise how much of a catch we were and they will probably regret even breaking up with us. I hate to say it but I think in order for them to do that they need to get in rebound relationship and then the truth will hit them.

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It's the worse feeling when you know you've made so much effort for the other person and now it seems like they don't care or appreciate any of it.


I could make a huge list of all the nice things I did for my ex, I expected nothing in return but love.


I think in time they will look back at their relationship and realise how much of a catch we were and they will probably regret even breaking up with us. I hate to say it but I think in order for them to do that they need to get in rebound relationship and then the truth will hit them.


I've read so many posts from you around here and I must say I am terribly sorry for what you've been through.


I've done so much for him. All he has done to me in the relationship (middle to the end of it) was disrespect me and treated me like I was this friend with benefits kind of friend. It hurted me, and I had to end it. It was hard, truly, but now I sit here and realize, if someone's getting a high off of hurting you, then they don't deserve you, dumper or dumpee.


I offered him time and my friendship, and what did he do? Push me to an open pit of flames.


Shame, really.

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It hasn't been easy but I think I will come out a stronger, better person because of it.


I know it's easy said than done but you have to move on or you will never heal fully. Feeling like you have been used then regretted is a huge blow to anyone's ego. Try best not to make yourself bitter over it.


You'll be ok

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It hasn't been easy but I think I will come out a stronger, better person because of it.


I know it's easy said than done but you have to move on or you will never heal fully. Feeling like you have been used then regretted is a huge blow to anyone's ego. Try best not to make yourself bitter over it.


You'll be ok


I know... it's still hard to believe that he was so happy to be with me, and now he's happy to be without me.


Of course, he's imperfect, and he's just not the right one for me. But it kinda sucks to know that, after a year and half being with someone, that it took them merely days to say, "MAN AM I GLAD SHE LEFT ME! NOW I GET TO BE A MAN * * * * HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

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