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The secret to good health is, "Eat healthy food, exercise regularly, and give your body ample time to rest."


I used to work out a lot and didn't give myself enough time to rest and let my body recover. It really messed me up so this is a really good thing to follow.


I wanted to add my own healthy routines. Everyday I start by drink a large glass of water first thing in the morning. I try to make sure not to eat breakfast until about 30 minutes later. Not sure where I read about this but I remember it being something that Japanese people did. I believe it helps with detoxification.

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Thanks! Can I ask where you heard/read about lysine and glucosamine? Are these in your multivitamin or you take them separately? Any brand names you can give us?


I try to eat nuts too. It is usually walnuts or cashews. 7-10 pieces.. 1 or 2 servings at most a day.



They are both separate from the multivitamin.


My bf suggested taking lysine because a medication I take (accutane) makes my lips extremely dry. I just bought a bottle at Walmart. And I started taking the glucosamine (plus chondroitin) because I thought it might help with the tendonitis in my shoulders. Not sure if it has, but I figured it can't hurt. Got the bottle at Walgreens.

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I take a multivitamin, lysine (for lips & skin) & glucosamine (helps joints).


I eat veggie burgers for lunch everyday with an english muffin. And I also eat a lot of almonds. Nuts are good for you, but they say to not eat TOO many because they are high in calories. However, it seems like I am usually thinner at times that I eat A LOT of nuts. Just don't go for peanuts, I think they are the least-healthy of them all. I drink diet soda everyday, which I know isn't exactly healthy, but I also drink a lot of water. And I don't think the diet soda makes you gain weight like regular soda does, because if it did I think I would weigh a lot more than I do!


in regards to nuts, calorie and saturated fat wise, your best option is raw almonds and the right portion for it is a handful

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Oh ok. I feel fatigued a lot & the only temporary cure I've found is caffiene. Glad it's working for you!


Have you had a full blood test recently? fatigue is usually a sign of iron deficiency, which is very common among females.

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I worked as a pharmacist assistant for a couple of years, so i had ongoing training on vitamins

With multi-vitamins, they usually dont contain enough each vitamin, they do have different vitamins in them but not enough to make a big difference.


The best thing is to talk to your doctor, based on you eating habits, lifestyle, age, etc pick a few vitamins your body really need supplements for and take those ones.

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Can you tell us in what way was that helpful? I always wanted to do it regularly. I've only tried it once.


well after a long hard week it's very relaxing to just chill in there for a while and just sit back.


It just sweats out all the crap inside you.. my friend said it cures his hangover..providing you keep drinking water..


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  • 2 months later...

I take a daily vitamin, biotin supplement, and eat a well balanced diet. No food after 7:30 pm....I get my carbs in early in the day. The only caffine I have is my cup of morning coffee (i'd die without it) and the rest of the day water...I prolly drink almost a gallon of water a day. NO CARBONATED DRINKS. I eat 5-6 small meals a day to keep my metabolism going. I make sure to sit down and eat, chew my food very very well. I also work out at least 4 times a wk, bout an hr cardio and 30-40 mins weights. (i use to do more, but med school and two jobs makes it hard).


Whatever you do don't go for diets or fads....make good healthy eating choices and stay active. Don't smoke, if you drink do it in moderation (alcohol is full of empty calories), no sodas period-even diet-they're all horrible for you. Instead of a 'diet' make it a new way of life. Don't live to eat, eat to live. Don't look at food as a prize or a way to celebrate, look at it as a way to survive.

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I take a multivitamin, lysine (for lips & skin) & glucosamine (helps joints).


I eat veggie burgers for lunch everyday with an english muffin. And I also eat a lot of almonds. Nuts are good for you, but they say to not eat TOO many because they are high in calories. However, it seems like I am usually thinner at times that I eat A LOT of nuts. Just don't go for peanuts, I think they are the least-healthy of them all. I drink diet soda everyday, which I know isn't exactly healthy, but I also drink a lot of water. And I don't think the diet soda makes you gain weight like regular soda does, because if it did I think I would weigh a lot more than I do!


I read almonds are good for weight loss and can even help lower cholesteroal. Those are just a FEW of the health benefits so every day I eat about 6-10 almonds, and b.c I have a sweet tooth I'll eat a TINY piece of chocolate with it, so it tastes wayyyy better.

You can find info about almonds benefits online.



And I eat carrots everyday. Full of Beta Carotene I think or is it vitamin A?

A bit of dressing on the side helps me stick to this healthy habit. (cucumber ranch dressing.. yummm)




I try not to drink any juices/soda during the day. Usually it's just water at work for me, and at home too.


Not drinking anything with your food will help your body absorb the vitamins better too.

Your stomach needs to be lubricated, not flooded. When you drink fluids with meals, you drown your dgestive enzymes and only partial digestion takes place. therefore drink fluids, juice, or water 30 minutes away from meals (before or after).


(Source: book called You are what you eat).

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I take two capsules of fish oil every morning, vitamin e, vitamin b12 and vitamin d. I also take two to three capsules of bitter orange at work throughout the day. It's basically like ephedra without all of the side effects..does wonders for curbing my huge hunger cravings.


Although I tan..wear SPF and use lotion to keep your skin soft, supple and healthy..


Drink LOTS of water! No soda..limit diet soda..and alcholic beverages.


Exercise..especially cardio..[i'm bad at this..but i'm getting back on track!] and stretch..a lot.

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I take a multi, flaxseed, and fish oil. I think I am going to start taking Grapeseed too


Flaxseed and sesame seeds (ground together in a coffee grinder from actual seeds not from supplements) do wonders for my skin, along with fish oil.

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I have a question: I saw those flaxseed cookies and decided to test one out: not bad.


My dad said they're not good and it would be best to eat flaxseed itself. Does it make a difference?


Once flaxseeds have been ground, they oxidize and lose their benefits. Apparently if you keep them whole you can use them in baking and it's fine. If you're going to ground them, then make sure you eat them raw. It won't hurt you if you do heat them, but I'm assuming you want to get the most nutritional value possible.

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