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This is a question for all the people who are health/nutrition conscious and have some secrets they don't mind sharing.


What is your health secret? Some vitamin/mineral that you know is good for you, and you eat/do something... every day/week/month?


Why is it good for you, what is your source of information etc.


I found out I have B-12 deficiency (like my mom and grandmother) and I take B-12 supplements now. But what is the right brand/amount I don't know. I always hear things about Omega or flax seed etc. But I don't really know where they are, what they are good for. So things like this. Babble away please...


I know chromium and thiamin are supposed to be good for me but I don't know if my vitamin supplement (one a day) has enough of these.

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I had low b-12 levels a couple of years back. In fact, there have been reports of people having severe neurological damage at how low I was. It turns out I lack the enzyme that allows me to absorb b-12. I have to get a shot periodically and take high dose sublingual tablets every day. My mother has the same problem.


I've also recently started taking omega-3 algae capsules and a tbsp of flaxseed oil every day. I actually noticed I'm not feeling anywhere near as depressed and my environment hasn't changed.

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I had low b-12 levels a couple of years back. In fact, there have been reports of people having severe neurological damage at how low I was. It turns out I lack the enzyme that allows me to absorb b-12. I have to get a shot periodically and take high dose sublingual tablets every day. My mother has the same problem.


I've also recently started taking omega-3 algae capsules and a tbsp of flaxseed oil every day. I actually noticed I'm not feeling anywhere near as depressed and my environment hasn't changed.


Why are you taking the omega-3 capsules and the flaxseed oil? What are they for?


Do you know if taking supplements like these can be bad for you? For instance if I already unknowingly have enough in my diet and I take supplements like you?

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Choose healthy foods but also don't ignore your cravings. You don't have to give up your favourite foods such as pizza etc...just make sure you are generally eating healthier foods on a day to day basis. Part of being healthy is also having a healthy mind and not obsessing about diet and exercise.

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Why are you taking the omega-3 capsules and the flaxseed oil? What are they for?


Do you know if taking supplements like these can be bad for you? For instance if I already unknowingly have enough in my diet and I take supplements like you?


My doctor actually recommended I take them. I was not responding to anything for my fatigue and depression. He is quite open to recommending non-drug treatments (amazing!). He said that there's a good possibility that I was deficient given my diet and to give them a try.


I don't think they are bad for you, but I have read some information regarding pregnancy and omega-3. They suggest not taking them because they can increase the risk of miscarriage. If you already eat a lot of fish or flax, then you probably don't need to supplement.

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I take a multivitamin, lysine (for lips & skin) & glucosamine (helps joints).


I eat veggie burgers for lunch everyday with an english muffin. And I also eat a lot of almonds. Nuts are good for you, but they say to not eat TOO many because they are high in calories. However, it seems like I am usually thinner at times that I eat A LOT of nuts. Just don't go for peanuts, I think they are the least-healthy of them all. I drink diet soda everyday, which I know isn't exactly healthy, but I also drink a lot of water. And I don't think the diet soda makes you gain weight like regular soda does, because if it did I think I would weigh a lot more than I do!

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My doctor actually recommended I take them. I was not responding to anything for my fatigue and depression. He is quite open to recommending non-drug treatments (amazing!). He said that there's a good possibility that I was deficient given my diet and to give them a try.



Which one is for the fatigue? Omega-3 or flaxseed?

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Well, the flaxseed contains omega-3. I bought both because I was worried about the taste. I think that my fatigue is related to depression, so I'm just seeing how that goes.


Oh ok. I feel fatigued a lot & the only temporary cure I've found is caffiene. Glad it's working for you!

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For all of those, do you know what they are good for, where did you hear about them?


I don't really remember where I heard about them, been taking them for a while. Multi vitamins are a combination of several different vitamins rolled into one pill. They are good for helping to supplement any of the daily value that you need of any vitamin that you might miss from your diet. They shouldn't be an entire replacement though, you should still aim to eat the recommended daily value of everything you need.


Fish and Flaxseed Oil/ Omega 3 is important for heart health, brain function, eyesight and nervous system, blood pressure, and can reduce the risk of arthritis, heart disease and some cancers.


Grapeseed extract is great for skin and immune system. Helps the body fight viruses, allergens and carcinogens. Can improve your your arteries and tissues, your blood circulation, vision, and joint flexibility.


Also very important to get enough calcium. Aim for about 1200 mg a day. But you need to space it out throughout the day. Your body can only absorb up to 500 mg at a time, and won't even necessarily absorb that much. If you take it with iron, they will compete with each other to be absorbed

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I log everything I eat & drink as well as all exercise. I know it sounds cumbersome, but it takes maybe 5-10 minutes per day. I use an online tool to accomplish this. There are many out there but I use link removed Honestly, this tool really helps me make better decisions. As far as supplements go, I take a multi-vitamin and 1200mg of EPA/DHA (the fatty acids in fish oil - read the label) daily.

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I take fish oil too which is supposed to be great for your hair and skin and helps

with better digestion. Also take multi vitamin every day. Also been drinking Green Tea which has laods of anti oxidants and helps promote fat burning.


Also try to work out at least four times a week.

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I never drank alcohol in my life.

I never smoked a cigarette in my life (or anything else).


Yet I spent a lot of time of my life without doing regular sports and that had serious effects on my health, to the point of making me partly disabled in an unprepared sports incident (spine disc herniations). So, since about 3-4 years, I make up for these problems by walking, and I enjoy doing so. I sometimes walk from one city to another, and every day from home to school. I'd say that on average I walk 3-4 hours daily.


Ever since the day I had to stop doing any physical activity, I lost 15kg merely by walking!


I have also started to sleep more regularly.


Food-wise... no snacks and fastfood stuff, more vegetables (although not entirely vegetarian).


And drink a lot of green tea.


EDIT: Oh, and by the way, being happy and full of laughter strengthens your immune and blood systems in a way that generally boosts the rest of the body equilibrium. That's why I watch satire shows and South Park regularly

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There is a place called hi health,its a health store, you can also go into GMC, Its the place I go to with my health question as far as what should I be taking...I bought some powder supplement a while back, its supose to take the water out of your muscles and keep you from tearing your muscles during a workout or stretching, I never took it, I realized Im okay with out it, but I also thread the taste of it, its more of a guy thing, I think...Lke my bf will drink that stuff with ice cream and milk,or mix it with water, I think its discusting, but I guess what ever floats your boat riight?

Umm I like buying exerisizing videos, i do the carmen electra strip tease and I also do bill blanks, taebo, but I kind of slowed down a little bit, i cannot seem to be consistant with working out, its not in me....LOL

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I take a multivitamin, lysine (for lips & skin) & glucosamine (helps joints).


I eat veggie burgers for lunch everyday with an english muffin. And I also eat a lot of almonds. Nuts are good for you, but they say to not eat TOO many because they are high in calories. However, it seems like I am usually thinner at times that I eat A LOT of nuts. Just don't go for peanuts, I think they are the least-healthy of them all. I drink diet soda everyday, which I know isn't exactly healthy, but I also drink a lot of water. And I don't think the diet soda makes you gain weight like regular soda does, because if it did I think I would weigh a lot more than I do!


Thanks! Can I ask where you heard/read about lysine and glucosamine? Are these in your multivitamin or you take them separately? Any brand names you can give us?


I try to eat nuts too. It is usually walnuts or cashews. 7-10 pieces.. 1 or 2 servings at most a day.

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milk thistle is good for flushing the liver of toxins.


delicous, i think you mean GNC. is the stuff you are talking about called 'creatine'? i have no idea why you'd want to kick water out of your body. if so, creatine, helps you store water so your muscles can swell to increase mass for muscle to grow. i've never heard of any supplements that kick water out so your muscles don't tear.

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