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The BellaDonna, Get off Your Ass Journal


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Thanks, as always, my friend.


Yeah chasing kids is a lot of work- he's the reason I gained weight to begin with but it was for a good cause. Now he's helping me to lose it.


I am also taking a vitamin b12 complex along with my daily vitamin and fish oil every morning because it's supposedly good for metabolism. I think the water intake is key as well- I have a minimum of 64oz of water per day, somedays I have 96oz (if I've filled my water bottle 3 times) I just sip on water all day, starting as soon as I finish breakfast, up until 1 last glass before bed.

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Bella, I'm really inspired by your results and would like to try this plan myself.


I went on the website and couldn't find much info - sounded like I had to buy all these Medifast meals. Is that what you are doing? I got the impression there was a list of recommended meals or a recommended daily diet. I don't want to buy special diet products as I already have a dining contract at school. Am I missing a portion of the site? What do you typically eat every day?

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I did the medifast meals/take shape for life program for 4 weeks only- it did jump started my weight loss- stopped me from being addicted to sugar, and changed the way I think about food. It's expensive but it worked really fast and gave me the kick in the behind that I needed to do this on my own.


But after 4 weeks I transitioned on to all whole foods and follow a similar regimen of eating 6 times per day- but I am not officially on that plan anymore. I no longer have any medifast meals.

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I did the medifast meals/take shape for life program for 4 weeks only- it did jump started my weight loss- stopped me from being addicted to sugar, and changed the way I think about food. It's expensive but it worked really fast and gave me the kick in the behind that I needed to do this on my own.


But after 4 weeks I transitioned on to all whole foods and follow a similar regimen of eating 6 times per day- but I am not officially on that plan anymore. I no longer have any medifast meals.


So is how you eat now similar to a South Beach kind of diet? Are you low-fat low-carb low-cal?


I think I'd rather try a whole foods plan first and see if that works.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was SO BAD on Halloween. I ate about 4 Reeses peanut butter cups, a snicker's bar, and 2 Halloween cupcakes that my mom made




Can I count the trick-or-treating I did with my son around the neighborhood (to get MORE CANDY) as "exercise".....?


I guess I should have worn a pig costume for Halloween since that is how I ate.


Oh well, it's over. I won't be doing that again for a year. Yum

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I don't know how the heck this happened- but this morning I did a double-take when I got on the scale. Despite my Halloween tirade with chocolate peanut butter cups- I somehow lost another half of a pound. That's not much, but I've been leveled off for a a few weeks now so I'll take it.


Maybe all that chocolate tricked my metabolism a bit.


Total weight loss is now 27lbs

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I don't know if it is due to the colder weather or what.....but I've been getting terrible cravings lately. I've been hungry specifically for carbs and sweets.


I've been trying to drink tea in between my 6 meals to curb the feeling.


This is the time of year that I have to really watch myself with all of the holiday food around.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I weighed myself this morning and I am still on track. No gain, no loss.


I'm posting this as a gentle reminder to myself not to overdo it with Thanksgiving eating.


I have to be careful about the mashed potatoes and dessert servings.


Yum. A few bites to savor then I'll be moving on.


Turkey (white meat) and salad are better for me than the rest of the fixings.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still on track. No gain, no loss.


Since the weather is getting colder I'm going to start my bellydancing DVD's again because it's not really inviting to take my son out for a walk in the morning when it's frigid- and that has been my main form of exercise.


I also picked up a green tea + acai berry antioxident capsules to help with energy and immunity. I get really tired and just want to hiberante this time of year. I hate daylight savings time and that it gets dark so early. It's far too easy to become a couch potato under a blanket so I have to keep on task.


99% of my holiday shopping is done so I don't really have any stress related to the season. That helps. I'll be turning the big 3-0 very soon and I have to say that I feel MUCH better about it because I am as thin as I was at age 21. Dirty 30 I am ready for you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jello came out with these very convenient "Mousse Temptations" snacks. They are only 60 calories, 3grams of fat, and sugar free.




I'm in heaven.


The more alternatives I have for killing the late night chocolate monster, the better. I'll add this to my arsenal.


They are pre-packaged which is excellent. In the past if I wanted sugar free mousse I would have to "make" it- which was annoying (messy powders and cleaning a cake mixer). It always took long to set and I'd eat it before it was ready. Anything that allows me to spend less time in a kitchen is welcomed. I abhor preparing food.

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Comfort food and the woes of Italian culture when it comes to having a waistline


One of the biggest challenges to me eating well is to resist the temptations of my grandmothers' cooking.


Holidays always present a conflict.


Italian food is delicious, and is the enemy. These women do not use lowfat or low carb recipes. They shudder in fear when they even hear the phrase "wheat pasta".


I decided that on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day I am going to live it up because I am blessed to have both of these women in my lives and someday I will miss their awesome cooking.


Here are just some of the menu items:


Christmas Eve (paternal grandmother throws a huge dinner party that can always feed about 70 more people than she has actually invited)


Frutti di Mare


Roast with mashed potatoes


stuffed peppers

sausage and peppers

chicken parmesan

eggplant parmesan

pork ribs



italian wedding soup


I won't even get into her desserts!!!!


Then on Christmas Day the maternal grandmother puts on quite spread too:


2 chickens

antipasto with prosciutto and provolone

twice baked potatos


ricotta stuffed shells


broccoli & cheese casserole

Bread, tons of bread including focaccia


But the real temptation is always her 12 different kinds of cookies, especially the italian egg biscuits.


-2 days of feasting- then I will be back on schedule. I'll still be watching my portion sizes but will not stress.


Both of them have already geared up for starting the pasta sauce ("gravy" as they call it) Apparently it is a process that can take up to a week. Their cooking can be smelled from down the street too.


I use JARRED sauce (to their dismay) when I "cook".


It's no wonder I have to actively work at staying thin with this culture of comfort food surrounding me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I made it through the holidays. I indulged a little bit, but didn't overdo it.


I didn't end up gaining anything. One of the things I did differently this year was I did not take any leftovers home (cookies, cakes, etc.)


In the past I would take the excess home when my grandmother offered them, and I would feast on the leftovers for the entire week after Christmas. I declined this time.


If bad food is not in my house within easy reach, I simply won't eat it. I can't resist Grandma's cookies if they are right on the counter though. I know my weaknesses.

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I think I may have lost a couple of more pounds- but not by choice. I will weigh in tomorrow morning to confirm, but my stomach feels flatter.


I have a tooth pulled out last week and since it was fused to my jaw bone, the recovery has sucked. It was a residual baby tooth, in the back, that was causing problems so I finally had it out and will have a replacement in about a month.


I've been living on soup and oatmeal for the past 5 days. I haven't had much of an appetite for much else either. For some reason this one baby tooth coming out hurt more than having 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed in the past. Luckily I'm not swollen or bruised at least, but I feel like crap. :silly: I stopped taking the pain meds because they were making me so tired.


I can't wait to have normal food again.

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Thanks Annie. I definitely feel better today than I did the day I had the tooth out....there was a curve ball thrown at me in recovery lol


MMMMMM real food would be nice though. I never thought I'd find myself craving salad but I do miss it right now.

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On a more positive note- I decided that I am going to go back to weight training this year.


I'm not quite ready to start tomorrow- but realistically I will start a regimen March 1st that will prepare me well in advance for the summer ahead.

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