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Hi all. I just had a few quick q's...


I was suposed to start my new BC pack on friday, but forgot to get the refill for it and then yesterday they said i didnt have anymore.


So, i didnt take any BC pills friday or saturday.


What do i need to do when i get the new pack today?? Take 2, plus my one for sunday tonight? BTW, i am not on it for birth control, its to regulate my periods and keep them lighter and faster.

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uh I really don't think you take 2 at a time for those missed days, now you'll just have a shifted start date until next month and will need extra protection until you've had a steady month. I've heard it just takes a week but I'd do the full month with extra protection, that and taking 2, I don't know... I wouldn't want to do that, but maybe you can. I'd ask a pharmacist but i'd just go on as usual.

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I do not think you take all the missed pills at once!

Thats alot of pills. You only generally take an additional pill if you've missed one within a certain time..you've missed three. You're basically off birth control.


You just start the pack as normal, but you've basically lost all protection so you need to go another 7 days with a second method till you're protected again.

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Talk to the pharmacist, or read the instruction leaflet enclosed with your pills.


Most often, you are not meant to double up pills more than once, but your pills may be different. Be careful, and don't guess about these things.


Also, if you are sexually active, you should use a back-up form of birth control for the next month.

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