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Should I ask...


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"P" to come to our mutual friend's house to play WoW with me tomorrow afternoon?


Yesterday, I went over to the mutual friend's house to play WoW and we all played for a few hours. Afterwards, the mutual friend and I sat up chatting about WoW strategies. He then told me that if I want to do a dungeon run, we can do it Sunday afternoon, after practice, since some people will be around.


I asked him if "P" was coming down to his house tomorrow. I told him that I would like it if he joined us in the raid. He told me that he didn't know "P"'s schedule, but if I wanted him to come over to play WoW, I should ask him. He's like "yeah, go ask P if he wants to come and play. He'd probably do it if you asked".


Should I ask or is it too forward, this early in the thing? And if I ask him, it will definitely send him a clear signal I like him, esp because we can play as a group respectively from our own homes because it is an online game.


I just would like to see him again.


If I ask, I'd probably email him.


What u guys think?

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Go for it!


What could it hurt? You're not asking "P" to marry you, haha. You're asking "P" to come and hang out and do something you have a mutual interest in.


If you don't do it, you'll probably just wonder what would have happened if you did.

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I just feel weird asking him because it will really show I like him.


It might also feel like I am bugging him to go out of his way since we call ALL play together online, since WoW runs on an online platform


Also, the only way I can ask him is to email him. He doesn't have a cell phone. He does have a home phone but I feel odd calling his house phone.


The mutual friend thinks I should ask him to come down and play.

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since it's a group event, i don't see why not. but be prepared - it's saturday, and he may already have other plans, so don't take it too hard if he says no.


No this is for Sunday. The mutual friend wants to do the dungeon run Sunday afternoon, after practice, since quite a few people will come over to his house to hang out.


If I ask, I will ask this afternoon, via email

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I have his house phone number but he lives with his parents and I would feel weird calling him about this.


How old is he - is he of your age?

The reason why I ask is because I noticed you guys have different standard in the States and living with your parents after certain age is not so common.

It got me little bit worried how ideal it would be choosing to date a guy who might be 34?, into WOW,living with his parents plus not having a mobile for at least a little bit of privacy.


I apologize if this was too frank

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How old is he - is he of your age?

The reason why I ask is because I noticed you guys have different standard in the States and living with your parents after certain age is not so common.

It got me little bit worried how ideal it would be choosing to date a guy who might be 34?, into WOW,living with his parents plus not having a mobile for at least a little bit of privacy.


I apologize if this was too frank


No, it's fine. I do admire frankness in people. This is the same guy I have been talking about in my last few threads. I have a crush on him and we have known each other a few months.


Nowadays, it seems to be more common for people to live at home OR move back home due to the economic crisis and people losing their jobs and homes.


In many ways, he is VERY similar to my ex. Kind of scary. "P" is 33 years old.

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Ren you're putting too much thought into it. Just call or email and see if he wants to come. Calling would be better because there's a good chance he wouldn't see the email in time. Take that chance. I don't get why you are afraid of him knowing that you're interested....didn't you say before that he already does know for sure? So nothing to be afraid of. Sometimes we have to just take those risks. If we always hold back because of our fears, we'll miss out on so much.

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