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Threatened and verbally abused at work


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I work in a games store and today a man and his gf came in wanting to return their PS3 because it wasn't working. They'd had the console since the 22nd of dec last year and my works policy is that we can return a console for the first 30 days, after that the warranty is through the maker - in this case Sony.


I explained this to the customer and how I wished that I could help but he wouldn't listen - he kept going on about how he wanted a new one and this it was all B.S that I couldn't replace it. After half an hour of this they told me to call my manager as they were getting more and more angry at me. I told them he would say the same thing I did but they wanted to speak to someone higher up in the chain so i called him. He wasn't impressed as it's his day off today and I'm calling him about work stuff.


Anyways, he says the same thing to the guy and his gf as I have. They get even angrier about not getting a new console or a refund and complaining that we have the ability to return the defective product and give them a new one. I tell him to calm down or I'll have to call security. He says "what are they going to do? Kick me out?" Eventually I couldn't figure out what to do so I told them to read what it said on my computer screen about the warranty they had and it says *quote "Under no circumstances is the product to be returned for a new model after the first 30 days of the warranty".

After they then verbally abused me saying I was unfit to work, an idiot and many other profanities, the guy finished up by saying he was going to come back on monday with a weapon and "... may as well rob the place cos you've robbed me..."


I've never been so scared in my entire life. I immediately call security (my first ever time in 3 years in retail) and he comes running. But they left when they realised I was calling security. Once my knight in shining armour arrives I asked him to get the rest of the customers out, close the doors, go out to the storeroom and burst into tears. I seriously feel like I've been assaulted.


Did I do the right thing here? Was there something more I could have done? After I settled a little I called my manager back again and told him that I needed to go home for the rest of the day. I'm still shaking from what happened and it was almost 7 hours ago. The police say they can charge him for threatening violent behaviour but I can't even be sure if he did say he'd come back with a weapon. I have no idea what to do.



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You took action to potentially save others lives, based on your perception. You did the right thing. Don't let anyone tell you different.


Does your shop not have videos of what occurred? I totally feel for you. From what I can tell, he threatened your life even though he did not actually have a gun. Either way, that is illegal. I hope you guys have video. Please inform me with more. I'd like to help you as much as I can.

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Unfortunately the policies of the company forbid stores to have internal videoes as they believe it's "watching" their employees. I understand that but it would be good to have a tape of the people who did this so that we can get a good description around. The police are going to be coming to my store tomorrow morning to see if they've returned or if I can remember anything else about them that might be useful. While I spoke to them this afternoon I was kind of out of it as I took an anti-anxiety pill since I was so shaken. At least now things are a bit clearer. I really hope they don't come back. It was way too scary the first time.

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OK, you need to be smart. You need to assume that they are going to come back. How can you possibly assume differently? Your employer, assuming they are legit, would logically reconsider their policies required to protect you, that is business.

Your life was threatened based on your argument. Your employer should be doing all they can to protect you. If they are not, you need to find another employer, period.

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well my manager came down to the store immediately after I called and made sure I was ok. He was the one who called the police and he's gone through everything with them. I mostly just have to tell them what I remember tomorrow moning. Also my district manager was notified and he's going to be making a recommendation to the higher guys that security camera be put in my store and all the surrounding stores as they've had similar problems with difficult customers and robberies. He also said that if I needed someone to talk to the company would foot the bill as it all happened on their time.


My boss has been great in all of this. He's been calling me every couple of hours to check up on me. And even offered for me to stay at his place while my partner is at work so I don't have to be alone.


What should I do if they do come back?

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my district manager was notified and he's going to be making a recommendation to the higher guys that security camera be put in my store and all the surrounding stores as they've had similar problems with difficult customers and robberies.


What should I do if they do come back?


Don't worry about that right now. You need to move on and live your life. You need to stand up and make sure that security cameras are put in place at your office. You really need multiple cameras to cover all peeps at all times. If something happens to you, it is your employer's mistake, period. If it goes to law, your employer will serve as the defendant in court. As a good employee, they must understand you are not willing to deal with that type of crap. It is simply not acceptable.


With proper security in place, you store can proudly market that reality to all potential customers coming in from the outside. If you/they do it well, you will have no concern because the types of peeps who previously threatened, will be be intimidated and move on.


What I am telling are things you can use to move up the company if you argue them respectfully. Take care, be smart, and learn from this experience. It will pay you in health, with life, and prospectively in salary, down the road.

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It sounds like he was just an outrageous bully. I think he was just trying to intimidate you into getting his own way, and I doubt you'll see him back on Monday.


Some people are angry bullies and do this kind of thing. They don't carry out their threats, but can't control their anger and pit a fit when they don't get their way.


The only thing you need to do differently next time is just state the policy, and if the person goes on about it for more than a minute or two, let them talk to the manager, and if they escalate to angry words or verbal assaults, immediately call security and don't wait a long time while the person gets more worked up.


re: Monday, any chance you can take the day off so that you don't spend all day stressed and worried he'll show up? I think once that passes and you realize the guy was hot air, you'll be OK. Most bullies are just that, hot air, and the guy probably calmed down once he left the store and realized that threatening people somewhere there might be cameras is not a good idea. He had no way of knowing he wasn't being filmed.

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I also doubt that he will be back. He's probably calmed down by now and is re-thinking his loss of control and the risk of arrest from his behaviour and threats as we speak.


But there is no way on this earth that you should be behind that desk on Monday without a security guard being close by for the whole of the day for your peace of mind and protection, it is what they are paid for afterall! Also, I would ask for a walkie-talkie so you can contact him immediately on seeing this guy enter the store and get him to call the police.

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I also doubt that he will be back. He's probably calmed down by now and is re-thinking his loss of control and the risk of arrest from his behaviour and threats as we speak.


But there is no way on this earth that you should be behind that desk on Monday without a security guard being close by for the whole of the day for your peace of mind and protection, it is what they are paid for afterall! Also, I would ask for a walkie-talkie so you can contact him immediately on seeing this guy enter the store and get him to call the police.


Yes, very good advice...especially the walkie talkie.

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I can feel your pain and empathize with your predictament. I was HIT at work by some guy and they didn't do NOTHING about it! Instead they acted like I was some "trouble-maker" just b/c I complained about being hit by some guy!


Scary to be threatened or assaulted N13, isn't it? I told the company that they need to install video cameras in their office, be/c if a guy can get away with hitting someone a lot smaller than they are, they are liable for a lawsuit.


At least your company is backing you up.. but I'm a bit surprised there's not video cameras in your store. It seems most places you walk into now.. they videotape you everywhere. the grocerty, the gas station, a dept. store, etc.


Yeah.. I can imagine you're scared to go to work. If you want to, N13, please PM me.. I know what it's like to be threatened at work too. Pretty traumatic experience.

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It's kind of hard to say because we were not there with you. I know in a situation like that a customer will want to feel you are going that extra mile to help they as much as you can. I think you should have went to talk to someone first just to show them you were trying to satisfy their needs. But if it was the case where you were just out right saying-"there is nothing I can do" then I can understand their frustration. Sounds like you were giving them SCRIPTED customer service and not going above and beyond to help them. So I'm thinking that's why they were angry.

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It's kind of hard to say because we were not there with you. I know in a situation like that a customer will want to feel you are going that extra mile to help they as much as you can. I think you should have went to talk to someone first just to show them you were trying to satisfy their needs. But if it was the case where you were just out right saying-"there is nothing I can do" then I can understand their frustration. Sounds like you were giving them SCRIPTED customer service and not going above and beyond to help them. So I'm thinking that's why they were angry.


OMG don't get me started. I don't care if your dog has died, your wife left you for your brothers girlfriends mother or you were just pissed off because someone didnt go that extra mile as you put it....There is NO excuse for that behaviour, none.

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OMG don't get me started. I don't care if your dog has died, your wife left you for your brothers girlfriends mother or you were just pissed off because someone didnt go that extra mile as you put it....There is NO excuse for that behaviour, none.


Yeah the behavior was wrong but I'm just saying that they probably erupted because of the scripted customer service. Still no excuse for the way they acted and the language they used. I'm just saying that when a situation like that comes up, a customer service has to do more than just say-"sorry it's beyond 30 days and we can't assist you"

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Yeah the behavior was wrong but I'm just saying that they probably erupted because of the scripted customer service. Still no excuse for the way they acted and the language they used. I'm just saying that when a situation like that comes up, a customer service has to do more than just say-"sorry it's beyond 30 days and we can't assist you"


Actually, no they don't. If the company policy is no returns after 30 days, that's all they have to say. How you take it is up to you.


People like that have already worked themselves up into a "right fight" frenzy before even coming into the shop, possibly over a series of a few days so nothing you do or say would placate them anyhow and certainly not a few understanding awwww's, pitiful looks or even a few more sorry's.

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Actually, no they don't. If the company policy is no returns after 30 days, that's all they have to say. How you take it is up to you.


People like that have already worked themselves up into a "right fight" frenzy before even coming into the shop, possibly over a series of a few days so nothing you do or say would placate them anyhow and certainly not a few understanding awwww's, pitiful looks or even a few more sorry's.


This is what I mean


Customer have a broken ibox and need to exchange for a new one"


Customer Service think that once it's beyond 30 days you can't exchange but let me see if there is anything else I can do. I will be back in a sec."




See right there the customer would have felt that that the person who was the cashier is actually trying to come up with a solution to the problem and even if the result was the same they would have not been angry because they would have felt like the company puts the customer first.


Customer Service is problem solving not rehearsing a policy on a product

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This is what I mean


Customer have a broken ibox and need to exchange for a new one"


Customer Service think that once it's beyond 30 days you can't exchange but let me see if there is anything else I can do. I will be back in a sec."




See right there the customer would have felt that that the person who was the cashier is actually trying to come up with a solution to the problem and even if the result was the same they would have not been angry because they would have felt like the company puts the customer first.


Customer Service is problem solving not rehearsing a policy on a product



I do know that, it used to be my job for a few years. But where are you gonna go if your tied to the desk? Duck down underneath it and pretend your doing something about it when you know that you can't?

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This is what I mean


Customer have a broken ibox and need to exchange for a new one"


Customer Service think that once it's beyond 30 days you can't exchange but let me see if there is anything else I can do. I will be back in a sec."




See right there the customer would have felt that that the person who was the cashier is actually trying to come up with a solution to the problem and even if the result was the same they would have not been angry because they would have felt like the company puts the customer first.


Customer Service is problem solving not rehearsing a policy on a product



I totally agree. While the customer did get way too aggressive with the threats, I can understand the frustration. I too can get angry if a customer service person doesn't bother to show that he/she is trying to be helpful and just blows me off. When that happens I typically insist on speaking to someone above them. However, I do sympathize with the OP because it is very distressing when someone lashes out like that..and the threats were over the top.

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I do know that, it used to be my job for a few years. But where are you gonna go if your tied to the desk? Duck down underneath it and pretend your doing something about it when you know that you can't?


A phone call. Or get the person's contact information and then make it a point of calling them back with the information. It is a matter of showing that you are willing to try to help them and not just blow them off. In the end, rules are rules, however, customer service is more than just rules...it is about making sure your customers feel like you have their best interests.

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I totally agree. While the customer did get way too aggressive with the threats, I can understand the frustration. I too can get angry if a customer service person doesn't bother to show that he/she is trying to be helpful and just blows me off. When that happens I typically insist on speaking to someone above them. However, I do sympathize with the OP because it is very distressing when someone lashes out like that..and the threats were over the top.


I can totally understand the frustration too, but I can totally understand the frustration even more at being shouted at by rude and aggressive people when you are feeling trapped and threatened in a vulnerable position when its not even your fault.


People take out their frustrations on the wrong people.

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A phone call. Or get the person's contact information and then make it a point of calling them back with the information. It is a matter of showing that you are willing to try to help them and not just blow them off. In the end, rules are rules, however, customer service is more than just rules...it is about making sure your customers feel like you have their best interests.


She didnt blow them off, she phoned the boss.

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She didnt blow them off, she phoned the boss.



She only phoned the boss after the customers became so irate that they insisted she contact the boss. In the future it might help if, before it gets to that point, she says that she will speak to the manager when the manager comes in and takes their contact information.

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Yea, your right, she could have taken down his address but so the police could go around and arrest him.


In my opinion...If you can't be civilized over a stupid problem and feel the need to abuse and threaten a poor girl because she didnt smile enough or make a phone when you think she should have, then you shouldnt be allowed out of the house.


I wonder if he came back for her or robbed the store?

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Yea, your right, she could have taken down his address but so the police could go around and arrest him.


In my opinion...If you can't be civilized over a stupid problem and feel the need to abuse and threaten a poor girl because she didnt smile enough or make a phone when you think she should have, then you shouldnt be allowed out of the house.


I wonder if he came back for her or robbed the store?


Bad customer service leads to uncivilized behavior. I'm sure they were civilized when they first entered the store.

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In the future never question a customer who is angry enough to ask to see a manager. That will only ignite their fury. Once your manager was there, at that point you should have let the manager handle this customer 100%. I wouldn't try to be a hero. It sounds like the manager was called before you told the customer you would have him kicked out...the manager should have been the one to deliver this speech. NOt because that person might be stronger than you but because their job is to handle the escalations and most stores the manager's have at least had some training on how to handle people who are beligerent - and I doubt any store ever existed that didn't have one or two of these at least on occasion.


Once the manager was called that could have been your queue to go on to another customer or observe quietly if you were unsure if they would cause physical harm and be on hand to go call security. If a customer is that angry don't threaten to call security - that just makes them angrier - just go ahead and do it.


Out of curiosity if the manager did come out and talk to the customer why did you have to threaten him with security vs the boss? Most managers would have intervened when you said that and said they would take care of it.


There will always be beligerent people when you are in a customer facing job. This is a good time for the employees and management to discuss what exactly is the best procedure in the future so that a clear and defined plan is known and executed should you have another one like this. It sounds like no training or plan was ever discussed - if it had this would have likely been avoidable - at least it wouldn't have gotten to this scary level.

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She only phoned the boss after the customers became so irate that they insisted she contact the boss. In the future it might help if, before it gets to that point, she says that she will speak to the manager when the manager comes in and takes their contact information.


Exactly. I am still unclear why the manager was called yet the OP was the one threatening to call security. Once the manager is called in to assist it becomes their issue to handle. The manager should also have been called earlier. When you deal with a hot tempered person telling them to go check their owner's manual for warranty information will only make them angrier. Manager's have at least some training to handle this and if they don't, it is the cmopanies fault, not the employee.


When I was in a customer facing position years ago I found that nine times out of ten even very angry customers will soften if you don't ignore their request to speak to a manager. They want to feel that all avenues have been exhausted when they have a complaint and let's face it, front line employees do not always have the most authority. I have had many things overturned out of courtesy when I speak to a manager so even tho this customer was being an ass about it, that was still his right to escalate it.


While I in no way shape or form condone what this customer did, I do think it could have been handled with more kid gloves than this because some of the things the OP said to the customer are exactly the type of thing YOU DONT say to someone angry. There comes a point when you stop trying to reason with an unreasonable person, and telling them to read their warranty is not the best thing to say. Getting the manager when it is clear they are unhappy is the best route to take. It is also the best idea to empathize with the customer even when you can't help - such as saying "I really understand why you are so frustrated - let me call my manager and see if he can do something to help" This should be a statement made anytime a customer is getting angry over policy vs 'read your owner's manual warranty terms and conditions".


It really wasn't handled appropriately. When a customer is upset, the worst thing you can say to them is calm down or I'll have to call security. and tell them to read what it said on my computer screen about the warranty they had and it says *quote "Under no circumstances is the product to be returned for a new model after the first 30 days of the warranty". These were very confrontational statements. I would think even a non violent customer would be pretty upset hearing this after spending what was likely at least 500 dollars, and this was the store that sold it to him - and while no abuse - physical or verbal - was warranted and i don't condone it i will say saying these things is not the proper way to speak to any customer, even those who are not putting up an ugly fuss. Even if there is only slight irritation that type of response is very poor. I dealt with some of the angriest customers on the planet and the type of information i gave them could make or break how it ended. I have had the meanest customer's on the world end up thanking me after all was said and done just by handling the situation with more empathy (put on your own customer hat sometimes and you can better understand why they get frustrated....think if you bought a 500 dollar system that was junk...it can make a person very upset - you might not handle it like he did exactly but you would likely still be angry, and this kind of empathy helps in how you talk to the angry customer). I have witnessed what were normally calm and even keel folks get downright hot and heavy when they know that they have just spent a wad of money on something that is not working properly. They just want someone to tell them there is help out there or at least make a very strong effort to exhaust all avenues. To be honest I would have offered to call Sony for the customer before he got so angry. Just one of those 'extra mile' things a person can do if the store isn't too packed (and in todays economy there are usually fewer jam packed days than more).


Again, not condoning the customer, just trying to give feedback on how you can likely avoid this happening again in the future no matter how hostile the customer is.

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