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That is great man. Keep up the good work.


It's always refreshing to know that they are human as well and have feelings. Sometimes we think our ex's do not feel the same hurt or joy we do.


Stay strong and hope for the best while continuing to grow.

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Day 28


Feeling pretty good today! So eager to try on my new pair of New Balance running shoe and test it out in my local gym! Went straight home after work, got change then went to gym right away! Pretty decent shoes, a lot lighter then the one I had. After a long 3.2 miles of run, feeling pretty good, sweated out after long day of work, feel relaxed but tired.


I want to try do some outdoor trail running, practice more then I wanna try out 5/10K run sometime in the future! I want to get this Garmin Forerunner 305! I heard it's really good, trying to save some $ for it first..


It's getting close to 30 days soon...

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Today marks day 13 for me! While I do feel a sense of accomplishment (longest period of NC for me), it has been really hard the last few days. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing how terrible I felt when I broke the NC before only to find more and more mixed signals....ugh! Enough of that!! Nose to the grind stone and pressing on!

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Day 2!


Today was an amazing day! I went on my date and had a blast! But I decided that this girl was too nice to date after we ran into her father; so I pretty much let her know I just want to be friends for now. Shortly after, I ran into a girl my ex thought I would leave her for and we talked for a bit before she had to go back to class. I think she's seeing someone but it doesn't hurt to chat once in awhile, does it?


Later in the day I went back to class and delivered a great speech, so I rewarded myself by going to the school store to flirt with the hottie that works there. We talked about a bunch of random things for a good 5 minutes before I excused myself. I think she's really starting to become interested in me. Things are looking up for good ol' Scattered!


For the rest of the night I plan to work out immediately after posting this and then probably the usual shower/food deal. Might be a party tonight and a girl I know is coming over! Man, girls are pouring into my life! Is this a sign from god? If so, thank you!

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Day 0, I guess, since I just spoke to/saw him


Details about what prompted NC can be found here:


I meant what I said in that thread about expecting the ex to break NC to talk about/explain away what happened to prompt my NC, and I'm not sure what I'm going to do about it, or say to him. But in the interim, I can't be his functional 'emotional gf' anymore while he's starting stuff up with another girl. So I'm done, for now, baring any radical developments.


His behavior with me is so far gone from ever thing that he ever claimed to believe in about guys and girls being 'just friends', about the reasons he gave me for the breakup, and about how you deal with exes (especially ones that you have strong emotional connections to) when there are other parties involved.


I respect myself too much to let this continue, and I have too much empathy to put another girl in the middle of this. We'll see what happens.


This is gonna be tough, esp because I am very likely to run into him in person on multiple occasions in the near future. And because I still somehow wish him the best, and really truly hopes he finds whatever it is he thinks he's looking for someday. I just wish myself the best too now.

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Day 10


Hi all, I am new to the forum. I think my 30 days will be spent reading this topic... From 2007! I have my work cut out for me.


My ex broke up with me 10 days ago. He told me the it wasn't working and he doesn't feel he wants to be in a committed relationship anymore. I couldn't help but cry. I didn't fight it. I agreed the relationship wasn't working, he has been distant for weeks. I told him I didn't end it because I love him and I was hoping with patience he would open up to me.


We haven't seen or spoken to each since then. Though I obsessively check his facebook profile.

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Day 9 of NC. trying not to hold onto any hope of reconciliation. For one it will never be the same since I am sure she lied to me about why we were breaking up and because she slept with another guy. Can't believe how selfish some ex's can be to try to keep us around while they move on. 3 months of mixed signals was enough for me. I am proud of myself for cutting her off in a mature and loving way. I just hope I can stick to it.

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Previously on this thread I had said I would not be back here as I was starting to feel good again. However, recently, I can not stop thinking about her. I mean I must start suddenly thinking about her 20 times a day right now, I dont know what has triggered this.


I no longer have a desire to contact her, as there would be absolutely no point at this time, especially because, to the best of my knowledge, she is still with her new boyfriend. She has made no attempt to contact me either.


7 months post break up, and its a really strange feeling to not know what she is up to, we were together 6 years, the whole of my 20's has been spent with her. And now nothing. I also still find it a bit insulting how she could move on so fast, it feels like our 6 years together meant nothing to her.


Why do people bounce from one relationship to the next? Makes no sense to me, can she really have found her perfect match just like that? I doubt it.


I still have a weird feeling our story isn't quite finished yet, i dont know why. Maybe in a couple of years time our paths will cross again?


To be continued........

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Day 3


Today started off terribly! I woke up still drunk, I was late for class and got fined for an overdue tablet! Things did get better though. My assignments were all handed in on time and my teacher is willing to let us resubmit for a better grade by Friday, so that's pretty awesome.


More news on the bookstore girl, she looked absolutely stunning today! She styled her hair today and wore some really nice make up. I also learned that she's a recycling freak when she yelled at my friend for throwing away a bottle instead of recycling! But she looked cute while she did it. I think I'm really starting to crush on this girl! We didn't get to talk for long today because her boss was there so I kept it short, going to tell her tomorrow that I thought she looked gorgeous yesterday and see if she styles it more frequently afterwords.


Still no contact from my ex but I heard from a friend that she's really starting to become lonely, even with the attention she gets from her current interest.


Anyways, I have the usual planned for tonight, some working out, homework, dinner, the works! I may have to pull an all nighter to get some work done though and I'll probably end up thinking about her in the late hours. I need to keep up the strength to continue! I'm 1/10th of the way there!

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Life is rough for the time being.. Probably the toughest day I've encountered since the initial depression stage of getting dumped. Have a lot of exams to study for, so I shouldn't probably be on here posting, but whatever.. haha. Started to talk to this girl a small bit, though I am not really concerned with what happens with her (even though she's pretty dang hot!). Still hung up over my ex. Lets see what happens for the next few days

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Day 11:


I'm feeling okay today. But from my sources I've confirmed that 3 months into my ex's new relationship they are already exchanging their "I love yous" and "I love you more than anyone I've ever loved" and "you're perfect for me". Blah. The list goes on. They probably exchanged all that even earlier than 3 months obviously.


Just a recap on my situation:


We were together for 2.5 years. Ex left me back in the end of December, and started dating a new guy 1.5 weeks later. They've been together since the beginning of January. Pretty crappy, but I'm feeling a bit better everyday. I still have my off days though.


The day after I initiated NC, she tried to contact me for help on her stupid computer virus problem even after I clearly told her we should NOT be in contact for a while.


Let's hope things get better. I actually MISSED an exam on Monday, FML. I thought it was on Thursday so I pretty much failed the course because it was worth so much.


Good luck to everyone else.

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Day 6


I'm starting to date this girl (two weeks now) nothing serious


She's sweet and we actually have alot in common

Then she tells me she loves me today 0.o




P.s i still miss my ex alot but yea i'm starting to move on


I feel little better each day


I have a great feeling for the future

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Day 8 and I have had a very good day. Starting to feel like I don't want her back. It will never be the same and I don't think I will ever be able to trust her.


Good decision my friend...i did the same and i will never reconnect with her. Six months now and total NC. Next step its forgetting her name and birth date. Ignoring the ex is the best...NC is a logical way to go and the only road to peace.


Since we can always find better, why try so hard to get the ex back ?

I dont want a left over and the lack of trust that follows a reconciliation.

After six months i can tell anyone now that i am totally free of her and happy at last. Time to move on. Met a few women and its awsome !

Oh ya...i still go the the gym and i will keep it in my new life style.


Hang on everyone...it does get better ! Just use all your pride to get out of the rut.

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DAY 30!!!


Can't imagine it's been this long already! 30 days of NC really tells something! Well we broke up since beginning of February, and if it wasn't her birthday in middle of March, I would of have my NC even longer!


I feel a lot more stronger now. I still dream her, think of her everyday in my heart, but I realized that life needs to move on. Maybe someday if there's ever a chance to reconnect each other, we both will know that day. But as for now, it's time to move on!


For now.. it doesn't really matter of whether 31 days or 100 or 6 months. I have so many goals to accomplish, and let the future decide me!!

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Day 11


It was difficult getting to sleep last night. But at least I didn't wake up dreaming of him today.


I am a bit confused by this thread. It seems to be about moving on, but is under Getting Back Together. I really need a game plan which gives me a good chance of getting him back and moving on. If I don't contact him ever, how will he even now I am looking hot and having fun despite his dumping me?

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