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Day 27


Well, according to the rules as stated in the OP I'd be back to 0 as I have just checked her Facebook page. Weak moment after weeks. My challenge is not contacting her directly, which is hard enough as it is.


Anyway, her FB profile made me feel even more bad again as it seems she is really having the time of her life. Whilst I am most definitely not.

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NC Day 17.


This is the longest timespan that I haven't talked to him since we met last January. This really freaking sucks and I hate it.

I miss him.


And, even almost 3 months on into the breakup…every time I get a text message, I get tiny butterflies just hoping to see an unknown number (I removed him from my phone contacts). Every single time


Man, oh, man - I sure hope this gets easier.

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Well I am back to Day 0 again! I contacted him today, I felt the need to tell him how special he was too me. Oh boy what a mistake, he ignored it all.


We have been broken up for 5 days now and only one of those days I haven't contacted him. So, mad with myself. I wish I had gone NC from the day he dumped me, I would be feeling soooooooo much better.


I need to be strong, I can do this!

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Day 27


Well, according to the rules as stated in the OP I'd be back to 0 as I have just checked her Facebook page. Weak moment after weeks. My challenge is not contacting her directly, which is hard enough as it is.


Anyway, her FB profile made me feel even more bad again as it seems she is really having the time of her life. Whilst I am most definitely not.


Delete her off fb or you will never move on.

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Day 3 NC

Really struggling today

I keep seeing stuff I wanna talk to you about- funny things on the internet, in-jokes we used to have

you used to love all that - all our banter

where did it go?


Hey, I'm also on Day 3 NC which is also 3 days after break-up!. I could have written exactly the same post as you. I haven't told him I'm going no contact yet and he already has texted me to ask how I am last night (he broke up with me) but I haven't replied yet. I'm almost not allowing myself to do normal things (listen to music, browse the internet, watch television) as almost everything reminds me of him. I still haven't cried properly yet.

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Delete her off fb or you will never move on.

I don't know about that. I believe it is all about resisting the urge. Even if I deleted her from Facebook there still be ways to check up on her online (heck, I know all her passwords). I am also going to run into her somewhere eventually. There is no way around it. If I delete her it is only to send her the message I am no longer available als a friend. Which I want to be. She doesn't want to be friends, so let her delete me.


Day 3 NC

Really struggling today

I keep seeing stuff I wanna talk to you about- funny things on the internet, in-jokes we used to have

you used to love all that - all our banter

where did it go?

That's one of the worst things you have to go through I believe. Especially in the beginning. My ex was the first I would contact if I had something to tell. Good things, bad things, small things, big things. All those things you have been through together, all the stuff you have shared. It's like it has become worthless.

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Day 2


It feels kinda nice knowing I won't be able to contact you even if I wanted to. You're in another country until Sunday with your school. You'll see lots of interesting stuff there, I know... I was there last year with a friend.

It's get easier not picturing you with H (the girl in your class) sleeping together. You said you have a lot of fun together and you also spent the night with her (not having sex according to you).


I made a promise to myself. I'm not going to take you back is you sleep with her and then realize it's me you want. It feels kinda good to have made that decision.


I'm also seeing my therapist this Thursday for the first time. Hopefully she'll have some tips for me to help me move on completely from you. At least to the point where we can be friends. I miss our friendship.


It's a struggle... and sometimes I'm not sure what I'm fighting against. Sometimes I just wanna give up on you. But my heart tells me to hold on. To not give up hope...

My mind tells me to let go.


I'm trying to do both. I focus on school and finding a part time job, seeing my friends and trying to enjoy the small happy things I come accross.

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Ok, I'll jump in on this.



She broke up with me about two months ago. I had alot of damage from a previous long term (12 year) relationship. She just finally gave up one day. We have been in contact ever since. Neither of us wanting to completely let go. I am working through the previous damage with weekly counseling now.


Today was going to be our 4 year anniversary, combine that with a long weekend & its a hard day to say the least. And its raining, makes me miss the rainy days where we would just relax and be with each other.


I have been out and about most all weekend, taking my daughter to festivals and things. That passed the time, but it was always something we would do together with her son. Tried to stay focused on my daughter and just enjoy the time.


My daughter went back to her mom's today, and just feel kinda alone. No emails, no text, no calls.... trying not to think of how the now ex gf is spending her day/weekend.


Last night I deleted all the old emails and her number from my phone, deactivated FB the day after the breakup so I didnt post a depressing status.


Last week was really stressful for her and she asked for a break from everything for a while. So I went straight NC to give her all the time and space in the world and get into the mind set that I may very well never hear from her again.


BU June 27

Last Contact AUG 31

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Day 25.


Getting better.


I feel, like my ex has less of a pull on me. In the beginning I'd focus on him all the time, every second of the day.


Now, I'm still concerned about him and think about him, but its starting to normal out again. He's no longer the center of my life. This gives me hope. I'm excited to see what another 1-2 months NC will bring me, God willing.

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Day 25.


Getting better.


I feel, like my ex has less of a pull on me. In the beginning I'd focus on him all the time, every second of the day.


Now, I'm still concerned about him and think about him, but its starting to normal out again. He's no longer the center of my life. This gives me hope. I'm excited to see what another 1-2 months NC will bring me, God willing.


I think it's amazing how you can manage so many days! Kudos to you!

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Day 25.


Getting better.


I feel, like my ex has less of a pull on me. In the beginning I'd focus on him all the time, every second of the day.


Now, I'm still concerned about him and think about him, but its starting to normal out again. He's no longer the center of my life. This gives me hope. I'm excited to see what another 1-2 months NC will bring me, God willing.



It seems that once you past the 30 day mark, things will begin to get easier. You will begin to think about them less and less. I know that how it was for me. It seemed like I was obsessing in the very beginning almost like we were still together.

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Thanks for the greetings. I'm just glad I can find a place where ppl understand me. Well today was a bad day lately I've been crying non stop and today i broke down and ended up txt him that I miss him, but he prolly doesn't miss me. I don't think he will respond to it... I just hate how i've been feeling and there's really nothing i can do about it.

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Thanks for the greetings. I'm just glad I can find a place where ppl understand me. Well today was a bad day lately I've been crying non stop and today i broke down and ended up txt him that I miss him, but he prolly doesn't miss me. I don't think he will respond to it... I just hate how i've been feeling and there's really nothing i can do about it.



Sorry you feel that way Lostlove, but you CAN actually do something about it!


Understand why he leaved and work on yourself to improve and change for the best, it'll make wonders! Also keep going NC!


You'll feel better soon!


Take care.

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Day 29


Went to some friends yesterday. Joined them a bit later, thank God. Because otherwise I would have gone with them to the supermarket to buy food and drinks and that is where they ran into her. It made me feel bad when they talked about her, so I've asked them not to tell me anything anymore.

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Back to work today. Only problem with that is, I have a lot of time on my hands. Time that was once filled with text and emails to her. Before all this we never went more than a day with out talking. This has to get easier. I kinda want to call her and say lets stop all this, and just go back to being us. I mean we just saw each other 10 days ago, i could see in her eyes that she still loves me. These past two months since the break up have been so hard , we were best friends, I do wonder how she is doing.

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Day 7 since I last talked to her on the phone. Day 6 since I found out that she was lying through her teeth during that phone convo.


I changed my phone number and I have been rock solid about not contacting. Not even the slightest bit of interest in it. It's over. And I actually feel better about it.


My uncle is going through a divorce right now. His second failed marriage. Both of his ex wives cheated on him. I talked to him on the phone last Friday and feel horrible for him. I'm so glad that I'm not in his situation. To me a failed 4 year relationship felt like life and death but I am finally feeling better about it and at ease that it is over. For the longest time I banged my head against the wall (figuratively) about the thought of my ex with someone else. Now I honestly don't care. It's been a month and a half since our break up and I'd never stop looking over my shoulder with her. Anyone capable of doing what she did to me isn't marriage material for anyone. I'm a lucky guy to have found that out.


Went on a date this weekend. Holy cow what a good time. I don't find myself the least bit interested in the girl but making out in my car with a different chick was fun! First time I've kissed a girl other than my ex in 4 years. Feeling good to start the week.

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Day 27.


The facebook pictures of my ex and I.


On my profile it looked like I had already erased all our pictures together, when in reality they were still there, just under different privacy settings.


Today, I deleted them off my facebook altogether. Now I'm not reminded of him whenever I'm online. I feel like I just bought myself an ounce of freedom. I'm still not ready to deal with his other gifts yet. But slow and steady wins the race.

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NC is def no walk in the park. but its effective, (from what i gather).


Quoted For Truth.



Day 1! and so it begins.. I'm really stuck on this guy for some weird reason. Maybe because we didn't break up in a bad way, and it was all amicable. I just hope I can make it to the 30 days, I have already broken NC to the point of embarrassment tsk tsk ! I CAN DO THIS!!!


Yes you can!!

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Day 25.


Getting better.


I feel, like my ex has less of a pull on me. In the beginning I'd focus on him all the time, every second of the day.


Now, I'm still concerned about him and think about him, but its starting to normal out again. He's no longer the center of my life. This gives me hope. I'm excited to see what another 1-2 months NC will bring me, God willing.


crazy how in the beginning everything seems so catastrophic, and it starts to dissipate with time, just like everyone says, but of course in the early stages thats hard to believe. falling asleep at night is still a task tho 10 weeks into it,

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