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I thought I should come here again as I am really fighting the urge to reach out to you. I think it might be okay, but if its not, I don't want to take a step backwards. Any progress I gain is welcomed. I have been thinking about you non-stop it seems for the last day or two. WHY???? When will these feelings go away?

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Spanks - I don't know he said he had found someone he really liked and knew it would happen, same age, personality and easy going. but he also said that basically because he had them he didnt need me as now he had someone else to hang around with. see he doesnt hang around with anyone or have anyone close it was only me.


He does get angry easy and i dont know if he just says things becuase of that. but let me tell you i have never gone NC only for 10 days years ago. he is adament i will never go away so i have to do this and prove i can and see if it has an effect at the same time. whilst i was still there he felt strong enough to do whatever and move on to the next but without me can he continue - probably he is cold and heartless

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Well in that case, his behavior now and what you think of him should help you to get over him! I agree that the best thing you can do is prove him wrong about not being able to stay away. If that brings him back... Well then it's a side effect of NC. Good luck, and I wish you the best!

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DAY 14 - 2 WEEKS!!!


Almost halfway! Again, I honestly forgot about this thread and the challenge, because she's been pushed out of my mind. No contact so far from her end in the past week, and I have no desire to contact her. In my past periods of NC, it was always just staying NC until she contacted me...And I'd be waiting the entire NC period to hear from her. Now I have a set date to keep going NC, so it's not a priority anymore to wait by the phone to wait for her to call or text. Winning!

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Day 5.


The past five days have been so hard, I have been thinking about him non-stop. The worst part is being so confused as to what he is thinking/feeling, he gave me so many mixed signals. I have all these questions for him that I just want to ask him, but I know I can't. I can't figure out if he was just trying to end things in the easiest/nicest way possible by giving me false hope, or if he really meant that hopefully someday we can try again. I'm clinging onto that hope and I know it's not allowing me to let go fully.


I'm also dreading this weekend. He's a good-looking, newly single guy going out with his single guy friends. I don't want to think of him meeting another girl or hooking up with another girl. It makes me physically sick to think about and it's going to be in the back of my mind all weekend. I feel like if he meets someone else I'll have no chance of getting him back.


The only thing that is helping me get through this is knowing that it's HIS choice. I can't force somebody to want me and I don't want to interfere or push somebody to make a decision that is not their own. If he really wants to try again at some point, he would make the effort to contact me... I just have to keep remembering that.

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wow stacy u sound exactly like me...this is pretty much 100% what im feeling right now...its been 3 weeks since the break up he was stringing me along i guess cuz he didnt want to break my heart, then i finally took the reigns and sent him and email pretty much saying hes free, im letting you go. and now its day 2 i believe...i feel like crap, all i think about is him with another girl or completely throwing out all the wonderful things we had planned. but i guess he already did that....it hurts, really bad. really bad. so...i have no doubt that i wont text him but he does have some of my stuff still, i might just make my mom get it from him since she works with him...i just dont want to be set back with even the fact that i need to get my stuff back...at this point he can keep it im not sure i care anymore..

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Day 5: Its probably a little controlling but I wish I could make people stop saying her name! My job that I stayed at and she left seems to have an endless supply of dopey fans of hers that ask how she is? and how she is doing in ( )? I tell them I don't know we don't talk anymore, It irritating as well... you know.

I have become obsessed on how hideously deformed and ugly I must be and how annoying and intolerable I must be to be around. Its dissipating some but it still sucks! Its been 5 months She is 3000 miles away has a new boyfriend and we were both not that free together why do I miss her? good times

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Day 11


I attent one of my best friends' wedding last night and I broke down during the half of it. I just rushed outside and started to crying. I so wanted to contact him but I stopped myself since I knew I would only get his cold words. Or worst he wouldnt even bother to answer my call since he has a new girl now. It hurts like hell just the simple fact that I am suffering so much here while he is already having his new life. I am doing my best to keep my chin up each day. But at some point I just collapse...It makes me scared to think about it..I am just so terrified whether I will get better again!

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I find myself coming back here a second time cause I'm sitting in bed crying and need to let it out somewhere. I know he had plans to go out with his friends tonight and drink, I was hoping I'd at least get a drunken text at the very least from him, but it's clear that he is not thinking about me at all. I just can't stop thinking about him meeting and talking to other girls. For the first time I'm realizing that the chances of us getting back together are pretty slim. This is what he wanted, after all. It's going to be much harder to accept than I thought it would be.


I stopped by my parent's house today on my way to work to say hi, I had not told them about the break-up yet, they asked how I was doing and I just broke down bawling. I couldn't even get a word out to explain what happened or why I was crying. I ended up not being able to stop crying all the way to work and had to fight back the tears all day. I'm hoping today was some sort of breakthrough and acceptance of what has happened and that tomorrow will be better.


Things just look so grim at the moment. I can't imagine wanting anyone else or being remotely attracted to anyone else right now. I also can't stop thinking about all my flaws and why I'm not good enough for him, boy did my self-esteem take a major hit with this break-up.

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NC-1 11 days, NC-2 3 days, NC-3 4 days

Just broke my smaller NC record... I am angry because I keep thinking of you... just waiting to April's fool day to celebrate how fool I were when I did not play it well with you... knowing you now, I know what it would have taken to keep you interested... just void promises.. similar to the ones that you gave me...

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Day 24: Today I mostly worked on my project. My one friend asked his gf to prom by standing outside her school and holding up a sign- everyone thought it was so cute. I really wish my ex would have done something cute like that for me And I hung out at my other ex's place since we're still good friends. We just watched TV shows and joked around like we normally do, but at the end he tried making a move on me but I pushed him away and said that was off-limits. The wrong ex is coming after me, ugh.

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Day 6 NC - I can not shake him from my mind no matter what he is constantly there. I went out last night, its funny how you can be in a crowded room but feel so isolated, how your thoughts can just take over everything. I would how many times he has thought about me and what he has been thinking if and when he does. During our 6 year relationship i went NC for a max of 10 days but other than that was always the one doing the running. At what will he realise i have gone too?

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day 3 of no contact...i feel like you died...in a way you have...it hurts to wake up everyday and have to remind myself that you're not around, i always wonder what you're doing and if you've met someone...it scares me and makes me physically sick..but i knew i had to let you go because thats what you wanted...i still love you incredibly and miss you terribly..

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NC Day 17


Haven't had any news from you or of you so I haven't had anything new to mull over. No little tidbits to give me hope. I wonder if you're wondering what I'm doing this weekend. I gave what you're probably doing some passing thoughts... But why speculate? It's not worth it. And who really cares? I just listened to my entire playlist of 40 breakup songs (pretty much all of them were already on my iPod when we broke up. weird, seeing as how I've never been the dumpee before.) Really thinking I won't hear from you again. Yet another part of me thinks you can't really be gone. Who knows?


"I guess it's gonna have to hurt. I guess I'm gonna have to cry, and let go of some things I've loved to get to the other side. I guess it's gonna break me down, like falling when you try to fly... It's sad, but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life, starts with goodbye."

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Day 11 - 13


I've been thinking about you less in the last few days. I'll admit, a part of me doesn't want to stop thinking about you. I'm still trying to hold onto the past, but it's slipping away. I'm forgetting about you day by day. The mornings are still a little rough. I still wake up in the morning and turn to look for you. I feel empty right now, but at peace. My mind is calm and my heart is healing.


I hope you have smiled a few times the last few days. Your smile is always infectious and I hope you're making others around you happy - you seem to be able to do that so easily. I feel like I'll always love you. I hope you know that even though I've never told you.

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Day 7.


I miss you, but today is the first day I didn't lose any tears over you. And although they were fleeting, today is the first day I had moments where you weren't on my mind. Since I haven't heard from you all week it makes me wonder if you are even thinking about me in the least bit. Apparently not.

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Day 25: Today I went to a singing performance at my college- and of course my ex was there. This was the 1st time I've seen him during NC. I think he saw me because he kept looking at me sort of, but I looked away and tried not to wave to him or anything. I was there with my other friends and so I just acted like he wasn't there. I didn't get butterflies or nervousness when I saw him, I felt calm and I just really missed him a lot. He got a new haircut- it didn't look that attractive but he always looks handsome to me. And our one friend was in the performance- at the end he gave him a standing ovation. It was cute how he was the first person to stand up and start clapping. He's such a sweet guy but isn't afraid to be bold. Okay I really need to stop my obsessive train of thought and go to sleep. Boy, you have no idea how much I love you.

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it seems to be our last break up now. you were just stringing me along for the whole year. 2 day nc this time and feel like nothing has a sense anymore.would even try a rebound to stop this pain but I can t be with someone without loving him. even quit my job to get away from you but can t get you out of my heart.i ve hit rock bottom this time

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it seems to be our last break up now. you were just stringing me along for the whole year. 2 day nc this time and feel like nothing has a sense anymore.would even try a rebound to stop this pain but I can t be with someone without loving him. even quit my job to get away from you but can t get you out of my heart.i ve hit rock bottom this time


I have gone through the same - Though I am not the strongest person to advice on NC but I managed to be on NC for more than 1.5 months - Best way is to accept the present situation and not to think of the future because nobody knows what is there in the future - Pain is because you dont accept the present situation and try to derive your future out of it - And dont think about it much and try to get yourself involved in some activities - I hope it helps - Best of luck

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