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Celebrated my 4th month of Strict NC on Sunday by celebrating my friend's baby shower, and driving my new car with my friend who happens to be roommate of the host. It was a lot of fun.


Then music hits me thinking about my ex. I know he thinks of me, but I'm not going to contact. He can feel free to go find an superficial model girl like all he wants.


I'm moving forward. Shopping tomorrow.


Remember, to lower your burden, RUN TOWARD LIFE.

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The two month mark is this Friday. I pulled the trigger on the note to the ex. I will post it below. I feel very good about it! I have not had a reply but I really didn’t expect anything other than a short thank you. I have had no problem maintaining NC until today. I actually went back and forth on the note for some time. I just wanted to express my very sentiments. I at least opened the door for contact on her part should she wish. Believe it or not, I will not contact her again. I would reply to her contact though. I have given this much thought. If she would ask me if I were interested in trying to get back together, I would say yes but that would require us to shoot for after the first of the year. I do feel now that we are on this track, we should fully get over the past and leave the future open.

Thanks Rally for your supportive private message. Thank you rk110, for your thoughtful response.

“Good morning stranger!

I hope this note finds you doing well. I was thinking about calling but I know how you don't like that so..... I just thought I would let you know that the well-being of you and your family will be in my thoughts this season. It's my favorite time of the year! I hope it's a season of a lifetime for you, filled with precious memories that last a lifetime.”

(Note: she is moved by my voice and I thought might be uncomfortable for her.)


Back to NC

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Haha, I thought I was the only one that did that! I'll leave my phone at home all day, or off for the entire weekend so that I don't have to *obsess* over whether he texted me or not, but then I get too scared to turn it on! It literally makes me sick, waiting there watching my phone get a signal as it turns on.... and then my stomach drops when I see I got a text, but from my cell phone company reminding me to pay my bill or something It's almost easier to have the phone all the time and check it every two seconds.


Haha broken hearts think the same

But yea, I know exactly that feeling. It is easier to check it every two seconds, well I just leave it on but I don't bring it out anymore. I rather not have the chance of receiving a random text from my ex and have it completely ruin my already * * * * ty day. But then again... NOT receiving a message ruins my day too. It is too confusing.

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Day 16


Holy cow I did so much at work today, physically and mentally. I'm just drained right now and I even went to the gym and did a crazy workout. I'm ready to go to bed.... ZzZz


Goodnight fellas


You really do know how to keep busy. I wish I could do the same.

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Starting over...Day 1

When I saw him he asked me to send photos from our Florida trip with his family so, I did so last night. I sent him a message along with the photos that said: For what it's worth, I miss you. Seeing how happy we were killed me. It would be easier if I could find something wrong with us other than you scared yourself into thinking that you were losing something by being in this. I know I can't make you ready. Your fear cost us something great. I know you are feeling it because you are posting things on your FB that only I would understand. If you miss me too why did you do this. Another song that I love today...Gut wrenching. Continuing to try and get past this and move on. A ton of out of town friends coming this weekend. That should help.

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Day 2:

I can never go long without talking to him...I haven't initiated conversation since Friday though. He initiated it Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I know he wants to be with me again...we just both have to be patient & get back together when we're both ready. I realize I have it a lot easier than most breakups...but it still really sucks not being able to be with the person I love so much. I needdd time to work on myself, and he does too.

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Right, just another member making a pledge to do NC PROPERLY this time. I acted the crazy ex and have called him a dozen times in the past week. He didn't pick up any of them. I'm forgiving myself because he did admit that he thought about committing suicide a month or so ago, erk...so yeh got very worried about the silence on his part but a friend has since assured that he's okay. So he's NCing me now, really.


So Day 1 for me. It's very odd being the dumper and still in love, and pain, 6 months later. The worst is yet to come but that will mean the only way left is upwards

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You really do know how to keep busy. I wish I could do the same.


Well, I still get those emotional attacks here and there. I realized that exercising helps a lot, I mean A LOT lol. I also try to look at the bright side of things more than the negative side of things. It doesn't mean that I don't think about the negative things at all, sometimes I can't help it.

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Day 17


I can't wait until this week is over. Work sucks this week. I've been really stressed out with work. Tomorrow won't be so bad, but Friday I have to stay overnight on the ship. I can't think about that right now. Argghhhh.. lol.


When I got home from work, I went for a typical 6 mile run. I run 6 miles every other day and sometimes the weekends. I love it. It just takes my mind off everything it makes me feel great. This is the reason why I go for a run outside or go lift weight at the gym. I set goals for myself already. My ex remembers seeing me skinny and next time she sees me, she'll be in for a big surprise. Well I'm really tired. I will continue to post everyday.


Take care guys. Good luck with everything

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Day 48


No response from my test. Thats OK because I phrased it so that she did not need to reply. That did get my mind going on the possibility that her sister is in distress or even worse. I worry about my ex and it hurts that I cant help! I dont think that I will break NC at any point now. The ball is in her court. I do expect that at some point, she will say hello. That may be many months. I am sure that I will complete my healing sooner that later. That makes me feel sad and even a little guilty in a weird way. I have never experienced this before. I have a history of friendship with my exes. I have never been impacted so profoundly by such a short relationship, or any relationship. I believe our feelings follow our minds. My feelings will catch up soon.

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Day 7


Need to finish building my road bike


Having a bromance weekend with the cycling team (I need this). Should be fun. Have a lot to do today after school. Need to get back in gear, I'm falling apart and it's about damn time i get out of town.


Song at the moment Maroon 5 - through with you

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Day 2

Of Starting all over again. I wish it mattered to you that I am not there. Distraction tonight with work it's a shame because you would really dig this show. All of the friends coming from out of town starting Friday afternoon which will provide some distraction. I wish you hadn't said you would show up to that. Now I am going to have to spend all night looking over my shoulder just to keep you at a distance. It's not like these were your friends, why are you trying to stay in my life if you want to run away?

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Day 3

Going to occupy myself with my friends that are coming from out of town for the show. Got really drunk and saw Medeski, Martin, and Wood last night, oops. Lame that he doesn't seem to care. Single people must put off a different vibe because the guys wouldn't leave me alone. Though an ego boost, I refuse to drag anyone down and I am certainly not ready for anything like that. We were supposed to go to a friend's wedding reception and then to the show tonight. I hear he is still going alone to the reception. Hope he has fun, I really hope it makes him realize something about commitment and respect. I know everyone is all about getting over it and moving on...I think some point you will be back. Either way surrounding myself with the love of my friends and family tonight. Hope you don't show up.

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