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Day 17


I'm doing fine. I just still feel angry at how well I treated him, and how I ignored some signs early on that he was quick to jump in and out of relationships... so the anger is not really at him but myself.


I don't want him and in fact I am excited about meeting someone new. I feel ready this time.

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Well done, Dont give up though, these things can have a reaccurence when we feel better, trust me ive been at it a year now. I dont know how you pm on this site? help please?


I've tried to PM you but it says you're not allowed to receive PMs? I think it's cuz you're still very new on the site / too few posts?

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Over 30 Days... 90 days with a couple conversations.


It's now been over three months since we broke up. I find myself thinking about her quite often unless I'm really busy. I don't know what I want anymore. I just find myself being consistently frustrated with everything. It comes in waves. I constantly search for the state of mind I desire. I often find it, but it is always fleeting. I'm sick of no contact. I'm plenty healed and will be ready to send her a light email for her birthday at the end of the month. I will feel better regardless of the outcome, I did not like the way things were left when she last called me.

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Over 30 Days... 90 days with a couple conversations.


It's now been over three months since we broke up. I find myself thinking about her quite often unless I'm really busy. I don't know what I want anymore. I just find myself being consistently frustrated with everything. It comes in waves. I constantly search for the state of mind I desire. I often find it, but it is always fleeting. I'm sick of no contact. I'm plenty healed and will be ready to send her a light email for her birthday at the end of the month. I will feel better regardless of the outcome, I did not like the way things were left when she last called me.

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DAy 1


yet again......

I can't do this. I'm hurting so bad, i feel like i just want to give up on everything

I called him today and talked to him, just to ask him if he's feeling better. Also told him that i might leave here and go back home for good.

He said he's sad to hear that and hope the best for me

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Day 11


I didn't really do anything special today. It was my day off and I also have a day off tomorrow. I think I'm getting paid tomorrow and if I do, I'm planning on buying groceries. I didn't really think about her that much today except for now.. obviously. It's definitely getting easier every day. Every once in a while, I get thoughts of her flirting and trying to get to know someone else, but I made a deal with her and I promise I won't break it.


Everything is getting so much easier, but it doesn't change the fact that I love her with all my life. I can definitely hit it off with another girl. I choose not to because first, I want to focus on my health, job, education, and just doing things for myself. Second, I love my ex so much and if I end up hitting it off with another girl, I'm not going to feel good about it, even though it might give me an ego boost.


As of now, my focus is all on just ME and ONLY ME.

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I am getting so much better. Im seeing a wonderful woman and going very slowly. It feels good. I have been spending a lot of time with friends. They have been great. The key for me is to not talk about it with them though. They know what happened but I dont bother them with details. They are just "there" for me. I feel a little bad that I didnt give them enough credit at first.


If my ex wanted to get back together now, I would have to say no. I think this is a time for her as well. I would like to know how she and her sister are doing. I think I could feel comfortable talking with her without feelings creeping up. That is, I think I could.

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Day 2


This * * * * is tough, but way better than speaking with my ex.


I just want to fast forward 5 months.


Anyway today .. well its just the morning right now. Don't know what im going to do but I just hope the day ends faster.


Kid Cudi - All Along


That song has helped me find peace. At least for now.

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Day 18


He totally didn't deserve me. And you know what? I'm glad I;m not STUCK with him! Settling for something that's not good enough for me. WHy do we always 'settle'? Or why do I always settle?


I am going to meet someone way more fabulous and interesting, someone that really deserves me.

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Day 1:


He completely ignored my text yesterday...why do I do this to myself? Why do I tell myself he still cares & loves me? I believed him when he told me 2 weeks ago (we've been broken up for 4 weeks now) that he still wants to be with me again when we're ready, that I'm still his world and everything. But ignoring me doesn't really show that. I'm tired of this, so so tired. I need some help

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Day 1.


I'm back to Square 1 here. I was in NIC for three weeks and broke it last night, mainly due to alcohol and seeing you at the bar. You were starting to reach out to me again and I know that you missed me. You told me that you would talk to me soon and agreed to my lunch request for the near future. Instead, I decided to push you last night and spill my heart out to you. Like an idiot. Of course you rejected me. I pushed you away and put myself back to Day 1. It hurts a lot. It sucks.

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Day 12 of NC


I went interstate the other with my best friend who won a competition and we both saw a band. I had fun and didn't miss him, but I kept talking about him. I can't help it, it feels like all my memories, everything I have to say is some how related to him. I notice that I'm doing it but I can't stop either. Came back home yesterday and then saw another mate, didn't miss him at all yeserday.


Now it's Saturday afternoon and I'm home all alone. I know tonight will be hell because we always spent the weekends together and I'll be alone tonight. I hate this. I hate that I keep thinking he will call me.


He still hasn't contacted me about getting his stuff back, I'm not sure he even will because last time he never came and got it. He also still owes me money, I heard he lost his job but I want my money back too. I'm considering breaking NC to ask for my money back or at least give him a few weeks deadline to get it back to me. I don't know though... I think I'll feel even worse if I do

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