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I feel like I am posting too much in this thread and I apologize but she text again. This time saying she changed her facebook privacy setting so I can look at the pics from Vegas and she will change it back so be sure to look at them when I get a chance. I still have yet to respond.

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Ok tomorrow will be DAY 100



I'm feeling really good. Darn thank god I got over that weird hurdle a couple of days ago. I'm so glad those two attempts at contact never went through loll. How strange it didn't, but I'm glad it had a malfunction I'm never gonna try emailing him ever again. I was silly to think I just wanted to see how he was. I don't effn care now. He doesn't concern me anymore. I'm leaving the dead weight in the dust and speeding off now lol.

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Day 4 of NC


I feel dead. I've gone back to not sleeping properly again, I thought I was over that yesterday. Going to the city yesterday was a bad idea, it triggered SO many memories. Of our first date, valentines, all the times I went to see him etc. I feel weak and I'm not sure how much longer I can do this now. I don't feel like doing anything ever and the smallest and stupidest things make me cry, eg my dog trying to get my attention. I wish I could see him, hold him and just cry my heart out. This is going to be a looooong journey.

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Day 12:

Longest I have ever gone without talking to the ex. These days have been roller coasters man. One day I'll miss her, another I feel fine and some I feel angry at her for throwing away a good relationship. Today I miss her.


I hate that! One minute Im like eh idc if we get back together.. then an hour later Ill miss him and want to talk to him... then in another couple hours Ill get pissed. It's so confusing.

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Day 4


Work went by so fast. It's only when during the evening, my emotions of my ex are THERE. It sucks, but I gotta stay strong. I told my ex that we needed this space and I won't break that commitment. I have to stay strong, I have to stray strong, I HAVE TO STAY STRONG! Goodnight fellas


BTW, I saw that my ex still has her same AIM username. Now I know there is at least ONE line of communication lol. I WILL NOT SEND HER A MESSAGE! I gotta get through this...

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Day 66


Today would have been our four-year anniversary. Well, this is always something we joked about. I counted it as our anniversary, because it's when we first met and started dating... he always said it was a later date, when I actually fell in love with him. At any rate, I'm sad. And I wonder about the most trivial things sometimes. Like if we did get back together, how would you count that time? Just start over, and discount all the time you've already spent together? Hard to do when it has been such a big part of me.


I feel very irritable today. Sixty-six days later, and I still get those damn "feelings" like he is going to call or text or something today. I'm starting to see just how hard and painful any attempt at reconciliation would actually be. There would be so much to get past. Possible? Yes, but I'm not sure it's probable anymore.


Why, oh why, do they wait until it's too late?


I've had a pretty good time the past couple of weeks, reconnecting with friends that I don't get to see often. I've been able to be "there" for friends unlike when I was with him and our relationship consumed me. But yet, I'm incredibly lonely and missing him.


As a side note, I was at a funeral a week ago, and saw an ex of mine from .... oh... 23 years ago!! It seems that when you date someone, there will always be a little spark between you, unless things ended really badly. It kind of gave me some hope. I realize there is no way my current ex will ever forget me and what we had. And I guess that just has to be good enough for me.


It's so hard to let go and move on. It feels like I would be giving up, and it's the last thing I want to do. How to overcome that?

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Day 5

Going to see a therapist today as well as my family doctor. I dont like using anti depressants, but i have come to a conclusion that in my current state and the situation i need help. Last night was really bad for me. I wasn't thinking right and i notice my mind was all over the place and my parents and friends said i look like crap. I broke down last night, This isn't just about my ex, I believe this just triggered whats been building up inside of me from the past month. I'm pissed at my self for the way it is but at this point I need more help then anyone else...

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Day 12


I met up with an old friend today and we talked about all the stuff we've been thru since we last met. She helped me see the situation with more clarity. I am an awesome person, kind, generous, affectionate, genuine, honest, smart, funny, good-looking. I'm the best thing that happened to him and if he can't see that, and can't appreciate it and want to hold on to something good when it came his way... that's HIS LOSS. He's an idiot for letting me go and it's really too bad for him.


I miss him and what we had but no longer am I wondering how it will be to be with him now, because... well, I can do so much better. I have so much love in me to give. I have so much to say and do with myself, I really don't have time for people who can't see what an awesome person I am. Your loss Mr Nice Guy.

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I have taken an appointment with a therapist to try and recover, as I still feel like my "happy" life is finished. Hopefully it will help me. So why don't you do it also?


I've been thinking about it for a looooong time, but never gotten around to it. If in a week if I still feel like this I will

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Day 5


I'm scared to say this in case I "jinx" it but I feel fine today. I didn't wake up crying, haven't thought about all the memories we shared together, haven't thought about how much I miss him and I haven't even checked his fb page yet! You might even go as far as saying I feel good. Really good. Then again, it could just be one of those rollercoaster things again that I've been going through for the past few days.


Last night I had a friend over who I was planning on hooking up with last time my ex and I broke up, but incidentally my ex showed up on my door step the night before our date. He and I stopped talking for the 2 and a half months my ex and I got back together for. The other day I contacted him to see how he was and we began talking again, it seemed like we started where we had left off. He came over last night but it seemed we weren't both on the same page and he tried to pull some moves on me. This lead to me saying no and him leaving.


Later last night I realized what an idiot I had been for not seeing the signs. I'm pretty sheltered and naive, those things just don't occur to me until someone points them out. I had a very long chat with a guy who has now become my best friend. He is such an amazing guy, he was there through out my rocky relationship with my ex helping me with advice and support. He acted more the part of the boyfriend than my ex ever did, making time for me and calling me at odd hours if I needed him. I feel that moving on might not be so hard when I have such a great friend along side me

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End of day 5

Worked all day, had an anxiety attack at work and needed a break, It just wasn't about her, my mind is going in every direction i feel like she trigger something deep inside me and that's when i realized that i do have depression... Been a long day folks. Im trying to only post in this section because i want to limit my amount of time on the site. I can't dwell about it. It's over...

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Well, it has been a week since we broke up, and this is the second day of the "No Contact." Today I felt regretful not only to how I pushed her too hard, but I also regretted not treating her well enough. I know regretting does nothing at this point, and I know I will regret again if I contact her at this point.

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Day 5


TGIF!! I had a short work day today. I got off around 11am. I went to the gym to workout around 6pm and got done around 8pm. I got invited to a party to drink and catch up with a few buddies. I caught up with a really good friend of mine whom I haven't talked to in so long. So he told me he wants to break up with his girlfriend because she's acting too immature coming home drunk every night from parties and she's being too needy. I told him to just do what you have to do and also never expected her act like that. So the fact that I'm not the only one who's going through problems, kinda made me feel a little better.


Tonight was a good night.. I talked to a few really cute looking girls, took a few shots, caught up with one of my best friends, and now I'm home typing this. We arranged some plans to go out to clubs, theme parks, and other places we haven't done in a while. It's gonna get better... my ex won't get the best of me!

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End of day 5

Worked all day, had an anxiety attack at work and needed a break, It just wasn't about her, my mind is going in every direction i feel like she trigger something deep inside me and that's when i realized that i do have depression... Been a long day folks. Im trying to only post in this section because i want to limit my amount of time on the site. I can't dwell about it. It's over...


Hang in there bro. We're all here for you too

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