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Day 21.


And it occurred to me this morning, that you're never coming back. That you don't think of me (fondly) and that you are probably happily dating someone new.


I think you've convinced yourself that you're better off without me, and the drama (much of which you caused, but I'm sure you don't see it that way). Even though I'm sure you still think of me from time to time, that you push it out of your head and then bury yourself in some other (rebound) chick.


Ech - maybe it's best I stop hoping and planning for your return. The idea is really becoming a fantasy, and not even remotely tangible anymore.

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I broke down and talked to him again just now... told him he hasn't seen what its like to not have me in his life bc Im still there and around. And he has the best of both worlds... the one with me in it and the single one at the same time. He agreed.. so I said well I need to let you see what it's like to miss me and not have me in your life bc its not fair to me. So I said I wont be in your life for right now.



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Day 96 or 7


So I attempted to contact him via email yesterday. Strangely, both my attempts failed. o_O. As in I pressed 'send' and both times it never sent.

I figured that must be a sign telling me to not contact him lol. Just yet.


I'm doing ok today. Felt depressed yesterday. But I'm really excited bc I have a feeling something great will happen today or very soon within these few days. I can feel it in my gut. Waiting for what's to come!!

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Oops posted on the wrong thread thinking it was this one.

Day 1

Broke up with him less than 24 hours ago but spoke to him last night regarding him getting his stuff back. I broke up with him because he was flirting with a girl and refused to admit it. I feel like I made a huge mistake even though I know it's for the best... I feel like I have a massive hole in my chest and I'm about to fall to pieces. I want him to come back and tell me he was an idiot for choosing her over me but I know he won't. His pride and ego are too big and he lack of commitment to our relationship just makes it worse. I want to go crawling back but I know I can't, it's always me trying to fix our relationship problems. He was my first in many ways and I feel like I will never be able to be with another the same way. I will eventually get over him but I can never forget him and that is going to hurt so much Just deleted him off msn and facebook too...

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Ugh Im on Day 1 also.. we've been broken up for a month but hes been talking to someone else (rebound girl I believe) and i couldnt handle still being in his life for him without him being in mine the way i want him to. so i told him we wont be talking. sucks, i always tried to fix things too but you just have to believe that if its meant to be then they will fix it themselves and open their eyes.. and if its not meant to be then at least you will be healing and moving on.

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Broken up for 2 months. Tried to be an adult and be kind and friendly towards her since we work together (still will since work is work). But she would flip 180 degree turns every few days of doing positive things towards reconciliation and pushing me away. So...enough is enough. I understand she's confused and trying to find out who she is and what she wants but I no longer want her. I still love her, but I don't want to be with her anymore.


So it's officially Day 1 for me~

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Day 38


I started dating a wonderful woman. she is well informed of the breakup and how I am feeling. We are taking it slow but having a blast! We talked about it again briefly last night. Not any details but I want to be honest with her. I am missing my ex but I believe I am healing fast and moving on. I really cant believe that I am saying this just five weeks arter the break but I am feeling good. I think I am just respecting the wishes of someone that was very important to me. I simply think thats the way it should be. I have no right to expect anything from anyone that would not otherwise be offered freely. The pain I felt 5 weeks ago was significant. I have never reacted that way after a breakup. I am still trying to understand why I felt that way. I have no desire to call her. I would like to understand why we broke up. Maybe thats simply it. I am a problem solver and fixer by nature. I do accept that I may simply never know. I do wish her all the best and hope her sister is enjoying the time she has on this earth.

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Day 1

Starting over:

She called me on an "uknown number" and we talked. But She didn't talk about how i was doing, she was talking about shopping and eating. She doesn't care about my feelings because if she did she would be asking "how are you doing?" etc.... big disappointment today. I feel like we both need serious time away from each other and she needs to have a little respect for me and how i feel....

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Day 1

Starting over:

She called me on an "uknown number" and we talked. But She didn't talk about how i was doing, she was talking about shopping and eating. She doesn't care about my feelings because if she did she would be asking "how are you doing?" etc.... big disappointment today. I feel like we both need serious time away from each other and she needs to have a little respect for me and how i feel....


I Sorta went through the same thing today. I hate how they call to talk about nothing or talk to you without thinking in your perspective at all. Such a waste of time.

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Ugh Im on Day 1 also.. we've been broken up for a month but hes been talking to someone else (rebound girl I believe) and i couldnt handle still being in his life for him without him being in mine the way i want him to. so i told him we wont be talking. sucks, i always tried to fix things too but you just have to believe that if its meant to be then they will fix it themselves and open their eyes.. and if its not meant to be then at least you will be healing and moving on.


Yeah if he wants to speak to me he knows where to find me, but it sucks knowing he won't make the effort. Ah well, I'm slowlyyyyy realizing that this was all for the best. It's the second time we've broken up, and I can definitely say it's harder this time around. Last time he broke up with me and I went into NC because I didn't want anything to do with him, this time I broke up with him and every second not talking to him hurts. I just hope maybe he will realize what he really lost one day...

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Day 9.


I'm doing well. Even interested in meeting other guys. It's been 2.5 weeks since the breakup. I haven't seen him in 3 weeks.


So... I suppose it's normal to be this far along in the healing process. Inasmuch as I'd like to heal fast I don't want to rush it either. Just taking each day as it comes. If I feel great today and crap tomorrow, it's all part of the process. Right?


Stay strong people. And good luck.

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Day 22.


I have given up hope we will ever reconcile. I don't think you will ever contact me again, frankly. This makes me sad. But, at the same time, I stay focused on all the things that sucked about you, and how you behaved. I need to stop glorifying you, because there was MUCH that was wrong with you.


So, I'm still trying to move on, and have yet to meet someone who does it for me. It will happen though, I'm certain.


In the meantime, I picture you happily snuggled up with some chick that's just as content as you are to have a relationship behind a wall of emotion. Bon chance with that.

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I want to talk to her so much that I am literally shaking...


Just weeks ago I was confident and level-headed, now I'm a mess in a way I didn't think was possible anymore at my age.


Lance - write a really long letter with everything you want to tell her. Then, either email it to your best friend, or read it to someone. Or, post it here. Point is, you need to release it. Whatever you do, DON'T send it to her.

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