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Day 1. Again.




I'm going for 30 days. No response to texts, emails, nothing. He has no qualms about ignoring me and being an ahole, so why should I care how he feels if I ignore him?


Does anyone else have the problem where they get to a certain amount of days with NC, and then the ex decided to initiate contact? My ex will be in ignore/"idgaf about you" mode for weeks and once it finally drives me to the point of going NC, he'll become attentive again and contact me. I know I should ignore any attempts at contact, but it gets difficult at that point.

Mine contacted on Day 2 and no contact after. I'm on Day 5 and I'm starting to worry about the same things as you do at the moment...

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Day 16.


Not a good day. I still keep dreaming about you, and it sucks. I wake up thinking about you, and it sticks with me all day.


This morning, I actually paid a psychic to tell me what was going with us. And you didn't even show up in the reading. It wasn't until I pressed him on it, and then he asked your sign, and then told me we aren't meant for each other, and went into generic traits of your sign. He was wrong about pretty much everything else, so I'm not sure how accurate he was about you. I mean, how could you not show up AT ALL? He should have seen how I've been obsessed with you since the last time we saw each other, almost 6 weeks ago now. Who misses something that blankets and encompasses a persons day??


Anyhow, part of it did get to me, and I wonder if you are void of thought and emotion for me. How dare you, really?


So, I'm still emailing the new guy, but with a lot less enthusiasm. Damn you for having this hold on me still.


Oh, one thing the psychic DID say was that I shouldn't give you my power, and I needed to continue moving on with my healing. I'll give him that much.

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A happy DAY 5 ended with me panic that he's giving up on the whole thing and giving up the whole taking a break, that after the infinite break which I initiated, he will already found out that he doesnt really want me anymore and I still want him. The same situation in our first NC when i initiated the first break two months ago - an NC i broke twice. I'm scared that after my planned 30 days NC, our take a break would go into a breakup and then I need to suffer all over again.


Couldn't sleep at all last night. Had funny and weird dreams. Called a half day leave this morning and my body was intense all the time. So funny, last night, I was so positive about everything, and thoughts could just change in a second. I know now that I can live without him. But I still want him. How I hope that he could just miss me as much as I do, but I haven't heard from him for 3 days, since his last contact on NC 2. I'm scared he's angry at me.


Finally just got out of bed. Need to get some positive thoughts. And try to cheer up.

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NC Day 19 (BU Day 33)


I still miss you.. I have started going to the church for you .. Since you told me that was the ONLY problem you had with me.. My heart aches some nights thinking of all the great times we had.. Of all the instances we were happy.. I remembered your beautiful smile..


I realized yesterday that you had actually removed me from your messenger, right on the day we broke up.. That hurt me quite a bit, giving me a feeling that you are cutting me off from you life, one step at a time.. I see from your profile that you have been going out with another female friend of yours .. We had been to each of those places where you went with her.. Do you even remember me when you go there?? Doesn't it remind me of my love for you?? Will you ever come back to me?? I have built a bridge between us.. I will not force you to cross it and come back to me. Neither would I burn it down.. I hope that you come back before its too late..


You said that you are busy with your thesis.. You said that there is NO other man.. I dearly hope that you were telling the truth.. There is nothing that could hurt me more than seeing you with another man at this moment.. It would make all your words a big lie..


Dont you miss me at all?? Wont you come back to me ever??


Here I am.. Waiting like a fool for you to contact me..

Afterall.. I am the dumpee...

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I am happy to atleast have realized that I did love you with ALL MY HEART!! I am doing everything.. I am sacrificing everything, just to be with you.. You said you were not happy.. I dont want to turn into a stalker.. I will never be one.. But I hope that you realize how much you mean, in my heart.. I do hope that you see that not many people in this world might be able to love you as much as I did (and still do)..


I hope you see my heart and come back..


Oh.. I am soooo sad today!!!

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Day 1 for me (see my other thread for the story)


* * * * , it's hard. I so badly want to talk to her. And to think just a few days ago when I felt like this I'd just pick up the phone and call her. Now I'm not allowed to. I've been thinking of her all day long. I hope she misses me too, but I'm scared of the possibility that she might not care anymore.

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Day 4

I'm starting to feel like I don't want her anymore which scares me. I do want her back but I won't be able to be as emotionally attached to her like I did when we were going out. This feeling of losing love is scary but I guess its the process of healing.

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Day 18.


And Im feeling pretty darn good. Even though my weekend plans were spoiled, which was something I was hoping would give me more distance from you, I'm really still OK with things.


I still think about you, but you're not haunting my dreams and aren't first thing on my mind in the morning. I've stopped have conversations with you in my head. I can go longer stretches of time without thinking about you.



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Day 9

So tempted to break NC because I found that she has tried to contact me.. Should I reply just to see what she wants or continue to ignore her?


What do -you- think you should do? I know that's a trite answer, but, consider this: So many people here have been contacted by their ex for a lame reason, and it set them back terribly in their progress...do you think she's really trying to contact you for a reconciliation, or something else? It all depends on what you think...

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Day 3


This weekend is going to be particularly hard. Not only is it my birthday weekend, but we were in a LDR and I was flying out this weekend to go see her. I haven't seen her in almost two months and it was the one thing I was looking forward to these last few weeks, and then it all ended this past weekend. She just couldn't deal with the distance. She felt we weren't a real couple. And she just threw me away.....


Part of me feels that we would still be together if the distance didn't exist...

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Day 9

So tempted to break NC because I found that she has tried to contact me.. Should I reply just to see what she wants or continue to ignore her?


I wouldn't do it. It took me three tries before I finally went NC for good with my previous ex, but the times that I did break NC, I was left more confused than ever. It sets you back.

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