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Hang in there everyone...think about it this way: your number one priority is YOU, and if you ex gf/bf has made this decision, it is time we take back our dignity and self respect.


I know that I always have caved between two and three weeks... not this time. The last contact we had was respectful and dignified from my side, and if that is the last memory she has of me then I am OK with that.


Its cool that we can all vent here and share story's. Its helped me out a great deal. Thanks Brand

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day 25 of no initiated contact..im having a rough time tonight..weekends are the hardest..just alone right now..i hate being alone..having a tough time ..i am not going to call him and dont even want to (as much as i want to be back with him), just hate being lonely and alone..

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I still remember the day I asked for no contact, I called you and said it was best if we didn't speak. I still remember how emotionlessly you said 'we should just be friends' the lack of caring in your voice. I still remember it all.


I remember how I called you that day to tell you I thought it was best for us not to speak and you said so cooly 'ok, is there anything else you wanted to say'.


.... You're happier now. You're living a better life without me. So why can't I seem to move on it's been 3 months.....

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Day 6, it should be like 19 but I'm a fool, feelng good I guess. Excited for the day

It's all good. You slipped up, now you're at 6, no big deal...just keep going, for you.


Day 10 for me. Last night after the UFC fight I was really missing her badly, cried a little. Still love her, still miss her but she chose to leave me...so f#ck it, Day 10, gonna knock you out like a Brock Lesnar right hook.

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It's all good. You slipped up, now you're at 6, no big deal...just keep going, for you.


Day 10 for me. Last night after the UFC fight I was really missing her badly, cried a little. Still love her, still miss her but she chose to leave me...so f#ck it, Day 10, gonna knock you out like a Brock Lesnar right hook.


Been at 10 before bro, it was actually easier then. I did a complete 180 since we talked, I feel like a doucher

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On the first day of NC I found out my ex is really "serious" about his new girlfriend. (he placed his relationship status on Facebook as Engaged). Along with other friends, I sent him a congratulatory message and told him I was very happy for him. That's it, I even "liked" the darn status message.


DAY 3 of NC, he tries contacting me via Skype... I ignore it. Last night, on DAY 5 of NC, he sends me another message, saying: "U angry at me? Flllyyyby (insert my name)."


I sent him a sms and said the following: "Hi, I am not angry at you at all. Thought it's best if there's some space for now. We'll always be friends, but right now I just want to move on like you have and respect your relationship".


He replied "Good night and sleep well"....


What is it with this man?! Why does he insist on torturing me, he made his choice and it wasn't me. Why is he so adamant to keep in contact?

I'm so tired of all of this.


I think back on how he treated me - when I truly needed him, he was off being "confused" with another woman. 3 Months after we officially broke up, he is engaged to her.

I'm not going to give him the best of both worlds - I'M MOVING ON! HE'LL WAIT IN VAIN FOR ME TO CONTACT HIM - I WANT HIM OUT OF MY LIFE! (Man lost a good thing, he'll soon figure it out)


Guess I'm back to square 1 of NO CONTACT

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I caved right before 4 weeks of no contact. I don't care though. I was still dignified when I said, "I'm glad our relationship is over, thank you. But I love you and would like to get together to reconsider in a few weeks."


It's too soon for us to even think about it (I even need more time to heal and put the old relationship to rest) but I'm glad I got it off my chest and he knows how I feel. I don't feel like I lost self-respect. I still feel somewhat strong.


Now I'm in no contact until infinity. I made peace with myself that I don't want to be with someone who doesn't want me. How miserable that would be. It's a comfort to me that he misses me and loves me.

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1 month 19 days NC. I rather wait till you come back to me on your own than begging you to come back.

Yep. I realized again today that it would be absolutely pointless to contact her. What would I say, really? I won't tell her I want her back because that would just give her an excuse to forget the fact that she broke up with me right after we got engaged. If I took her back now, she will have learned absolutely nothing from the whole ordeal. I need to show her that she can't continue to f#ck with people's lives with her selfish immaturity and bullsh!t. She gets away with that sh!t with her daddy, but I'm not the spineless basterd that he is.


Day 11 blows hard, but I'm going to get over this hump and keep moving on.

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Day 28


I don't get what I'm feeling. Its not desperate... maybe longing. All the unanswered questions get to me more than anything else. I still wish I knew what had happened in her life to spark all of this, or if she just simply lost interest in me (I don't know what I could've done otherwise for that case though), maybe I simply long for understanding...


All well, the worst is behind, I'm genuinely happy that she's happy, and oh yeah, I'm pretty damn happy too! I look forward to utilizing all the strength this time has given me.

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