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Well, seems like my resolution just came at exactly the right time... DAY 1 of No Contact and just found out through Facebook that my ex is engaged - we've been broken up for only 3 months and 2 months ago he still told me he loved me...


Don't know if I should laugh or cry - that's that, I guess - nothing more for me to do but pick myself up and go on

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Well, seems like my resolution just came at exactly the right time... DAY 1 of No Contact and just found out through Facebook that my ex is engaged - we've been broken up for only 3 months and 2 months ago he still told me he loved me...


Don't know if I should laugh or cry - that's that, I guess - nothing more for me to do but pick myself up and go on


3 months after split and hes engaged? ....oh you should be smiling cos hes in one seriously unstable place there, this screams unhealthy...give it 6 months tops...or even a year, but it will be full of dramas and arguements

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Thank you guys. Without you all here and your constant support, I would not have been able to do this. Muuaaaaaahhhhhhh. I will still have some bad days. I know. But YES. I can now face it.


For those who are still struggling. Please keep doing NC. I cannot tell if you will get back your ex or not. But I can tell you, you will get back your happiness and self respect. And most important of all YOU WILL GET BACK YOURSELF.

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Sup guys! Awesome resource here.


Had a gf for 1.5 years I love dearly things didn't pan out and a lot of it's my fault. I've tried no contact a few times but with this support group Im going to do it for real this time!! Everything else Ive tried (flowers, logic, generally being sweet, rejecting the absurd idea of friendship) has failed!


So starting today, June 30; NO CONTACT for a month. I figured she'll miss me and reconsider or Ill heal more thoroughly and it will help me either way.


We've been apart for a little over a month. Wish me luck and GLTA!

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And I must note that when we were together she was very much the clingy one and after this split (our second) Ive reeked of desperation and it's time to get my self respect back, with or without her!


I'm a true to form Sagittarius so independence is my M.O. Where's she's a wushu washy Pisces... Sag/Pisces hard combo!!!

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Don't remember what day it is. Feeling sad because the long weekend is coming up and normally we would go to a friend's bbq together and watch fireworks together Not happening this year.


Also it's kind of scary but I can't really remember what his voice sounds like anymore..

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day 22 of NIC...i have not contacted him in 22 days, been broken up 5 weeks..i have had some setbacks but am doing okay..going away today for a few days, normally spend the long weekend together but wont this year, kind of depressing...but im going to go out and have fun..ever since i stopped contacting him he has contacted me about 5 or 6 times, and i have responded to it just friendly and brief though, hasnt been contact from him since 6 days ago which is our longest without speaking to each other yet..i still have him on facebook but i think im just going to completely stay away from a while, including not contacting him back if he contacts me, and also not updating anything on facebook, or even going on at all for a while..need to get away..thanks for listening


i know he is missing me, and thinking about me, when we have spoken he has told me how all the time he misses me, wants to contact me, has thought severa ltimes about getting back together, but neds to find himself and figure out who he is..it hurts because he added a pic of him on facebook, nothing big he is just smiling and it hurts to see him happy (not that i dont ever want him to be happy..)..i want him to find himself, and i am actually smiling lots now and trying to move on..it just hurts..i wonder if he will ever realize he wnats me back..

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Sup guys! Awesome resource here.


Had a gf for 1.5 years I love dearly things didn't pan out and a lot of it's my fault. I've tried no contact a few times but with this support group Im going to do it for real this time!! Everything else Ive tried (flowers, logic, generally being sweet, rejecting the absurd idea of friendship) has failed!


So starting today, June 30; NO CONTACT for a month. I figured she'll miss me and reconsider or Ill heal more thoroughly and it will help me either way.


We've been apart for a little over a month. Wish me luck and GLTA!


Good luck. No contact sounds prefect for your situation.


Day 17 here. More than half way through the 30 days.

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Ok she called, I answered. Texted back. If Im weak now, when she initiates contact at night I am doomed. I love this girl but Ive been clean for 6 months and she literally gets drunk every night as a coping mechanism so even if she comes to her senses with time, I can't live with an alcoholic.


Co-dependency is a hard thing to get out of. God grant me strength.

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I haven't called and today is my three weeks of NC. But since someone mentioned blocking... how do you know if your calls/texts have been blocked by your ex? Does it ring and the voice message comes up as usual or does the operator tell you? I imagine if the blocked person knows they've been blocked, stalking issues would arise in the heat of the moment.

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Guys if you want your ex back would it be counter-productive to ignore her calls and texts? Or would it be beneficial to respond politely and only when contacted?


My problem is Im undecided if I want I want her back or not after chasing the past two weeks only to get a little sexual contact followed by a text the next day "I'm sorry that was inappropriate of me, I feel bad."


* * * * that-I'm a guy and love sex but Im not going to be used when I want a relationship not a friends with benefits tease.

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3 months after split and hes engaged? ....oh you should be smiling cos hes in one seriously unstable place there, this screams unhealthy...give it 6 months tops...or even a year, but it will be full of dramas and arguements


Yes, I am concerned for him - that he is rushing things, but I'll keep my opinion to myself. Doesn't matter now that we are split. Thank goodness I came to my senses, I'm not as badly affected by it as I would've assumed I'd be. I guess we only fear the unknown, but once you face it you realise it's not so bad at all - you are strong enough to cope.


NO CONTACT DAY 2!!!.... yesterday I blocked and deleted him from my Instant Messengers, this way he doesn't have access to me quite as readily as before. He always depended on the fact that I'd be around and ready to talk whenever he felt like it.

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It's been 15 days and I'm wondering when the anger will stop. I remember him saying he appreciated me wanting to support him while he's making changes (as I am). But he didn't think it was fair for me, that I would wait around.


Just shows me that he didn't care as much for me. He didn't say it wasn't fair to him, sounded like he didn't need time to get over me. Now I'm calling him names in my head. And I feel like he never really loved me, he just said he did.



Congrats to everyone doing their NC days consecutively. (I had to start over after a week.) But I sure as hell don't want to talk to him at least for now.

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