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Day #1: Resisting the urge

It's been 19 days since our breakup. I know for sure since yesterday that you'd never come back to see me again. You're never coming back. So, I texted you yesterday, for the last and final time: take a good care of yourself. I wish you'd be million times happier without me.


I sent you all my best wishes. Because when I love a person, I'd want him to be happier. That doesn't stop just because you had dumped me.


Things went good at work today. I read 719 pages of CPU registers (out of 900pages). I started reading from page 1. I admit that I do think about you from time to time even while I was reading it because we had a joke about silicon vs silicone before. It is hard to get over you when I still remember all the good memories we had before. There was not even any bad memories about you stored in my brain. Strange how things turned out to be. How things ended.


You ended it with a cold voice. Cold behaviour. It was just too cruel. I said thank you to you because I knew deep down I could never make you happy. I tried.


My mom called me few hours ago and asked me "why did he break up with you"? I told her "I don't know why. I guess we're not meant to be together, Mom". I tried hard to stop my tears from falling. I failed.


I locked myself out of twitter (generated random password), locked myself out of facebook, locked myself out of skype. I need to move past this breakup. I can't keep on calling you whenever I want. I can't keep on believing that you'd, someday, be in my life again. I miss you. A lot.


I am wishing you well wherever you are right now. I'm wishing you well with your life.



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You were very skillful. It seems like shes beginning to miss you. Im sure shes feeling the void that you left behind. Just make sure shes not testing the water. Its hard to tell when i dont see their emotional face. If she has desires you will see it in her eyes. Maybe at one point you should get very close to her, almost touching..first look into her eyes.. then go to her right ear and whisper gently " what do you want " ? She will take a minute or two to think because that question will surprise her. Dont expect an answer..then walk away immediately and leave her stew over your question.( the cunning new you) Women are more emotional than man, use that knowledge. It seems to me that she still have that attraction for you, its obvious. You did change in many ways. Shes not sightless. You keep pulling back on her, thats excellent ! Dont forget that red shirt lol !

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His loss not yours. Being angry is part of the healing process. You can still bat his family jewels if you wish to lol ! Hes still young and you're more cultivated. At equal age women mature faster than men. Did you expect growing old with him by your side ? Or having children with him ? Of course not ! So the break-up happened in the right time ! You still have your whole life ahead of you... so f.... him and move your but !

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His loss not yours. Being angry is part of the healing process. You can still bat his family jewels if you wish to lol ! Hes still young and you're more cultivated. At equal age women mature faster than men. Did you expect growing old with him by your side ? Or having children with him ? Of course not ! So the break-up happened in the right time ! You still have your whole life ahead of you... so f.... him and move your but !


Yeah I did expect to grow old with him and to have kids with him. But a better question to ask myself now would be whether I saw things staying the same and him to keep taking advantage of me? That I can answer yes, all the way. Too bad...

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Day 2 Mmm mary jane, and workout session. Well I think this is round three? As long as she doesn't contact me I should be able to actually make it this time. Woohoo....Anyways been working on getting back into school, working on my summer body lol, and rehearsing for my upcoming show. Still having my ups and downs. Yesterday was no good obviously, and I had to keep my self from calling....for no reason lol. Glad I didn't, I mean there's nothing I could have said and would probaly end up making an ass of myself. I surpisngly feel better today, even though I had one of those "dreams" where everything's fine. I'd like to get out, but my friends are working so, video games seem like my next option. *sigh* One step at a time I guess, I'll get through this eventually.

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Today has been a real slow day. Ran errands with my dad earlier in the day and since the I've been doing just about nothing. I am struggling with whether or not I should break NC. Its constantly on my mind, I keep thinking about ways to get in touch with her. But I guess if I am thinking this much about it than its probably best that I keep going with NC.

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Today has been a real slow day. Ran errands with my dad earlier in the day and since the I've been doing just about nothing. I am struggling with whether or not I should break NC. Its constantly on my mind, I keep thinking about ways to get in touch with her. But I guess if I am thinking this much about it than its probably best that I keep going with NC.


If you do call her what would you achieve ? Even Zorba said he would wait for the ex to communicate first and i agree with him. Patience my friend patience ! Your timing could be right off and she might get upset. Do you want to go back to square one ? Dont add to your pain.

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If you do call her what would you achieve ? Even Zorba said he would wait for the ex to communicate first and i agree with him. Patience my friend patience ! Your timing could be right off and she might get upset. Do want to go back to square one ? Dont add to your pain.


What happen to zorba i heard he is a guru at this?

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If you do call her what would you achieve ? Even Zorba said he would wait for the ex to communicate first and i agree with him. Patience my friend patience ! Your timing could be right off and she might get upset. Do want to go back to square one ? Dont add to your pain.


What's the point of waiting for them? In my case my ex is acting like he can come back whenever he wants and it seems like the only reason he wants to speak to me is to smooth it over with me so he feels okay with what he's done. Like you know, the ex has tried to contact me but it's about HIM talking. His message didn't say about US talking. That was the dealbreaker to me...

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What happen to zorba i heard he is a guru at this?


Hes been away for like 2 years now. Not much more he could add to his previous posts. Are you looking for a miracle worker ? Even a guru wont bring your ex back. Dont be so desperate and work on yourself instead. If not your pain will last has long as the pink rabbit.

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Hes been away for like 2 years now. Not much more he could add to his previous posts. Are you looking for a miracle worker ? Even a guru wont bring your ex back. Dont be so desperate and work on yourself instead. If not your pain will last has long as the pink rabbit.


lol i'm not a looking for a miracle worker and i'm not desperate lol just wondering what happen to him

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What's the point of waiting for them? In my case my ex is acting like he can come back whenever he wants and it seems like the only reason he wants to speak to me is to smooth it over with me so he feels okay with what he's done. Like you know, the ex has tried to contact me but it's about HIM talking. His message didn't say about US talking. That was the dealbreaker to me...


I agree, its always about them really ! The only time we should take their call its when the novelty has been dumped (if there is one) and they ask about reconciliation. Otherwise its a waste of time ! They brake our hearts and still try to use us to their own selfish needs. At least my ex aint bugging me, i must give her that much credit.

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Day 12 - NC


I ve been very emotional the whole day. I dont know why? I thought I was getting better.


I think it is the whole Bday thing( Friday is his bday)... i decided I wont acknowledge it. If he cared whether or not i would've remembered his birthday, he would not have broken up with me 2 weeks prior to his birthday.


This website has been helping to build up my will power during this though time of my life.



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In these past few hours I have felt the worst I felt in weeks. I miss her so much and it just sucks that I cant do anything about it. I got to talk to some of my real close friends who know all about the breakup and they both advised me to give NC more time. But what is "more time?" how will i know that i have given her more time? I know that I am in a better more stable place now than i was right after the breakup. But how will I ever know when is the optimal time to get back in touch with her? I know for certain that these feelinga that I have for my ex arent going to subside any time soon. How much longer can I keep this all bottled up in NC? I mean, there isnt some magic switch that I can flick to just turn off my feelings for my ex, so why just sit around? Isnt it true that the greatest things in life require the most work, and that if you want something, you gotta take a risk and go after it?


I'm just really losing it today for some reason...

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Day 2


I nearly called her last night. But I didn't. Her Facebook status reads 'Thinking I might run away to sea! '. I havent eaten since Sunday, I can barely sleep - I got to bed early and wake up at a very early time, probably get about 3-4 hours sleep per night. I cry my eyes out on the way home from work every day, and then cry myself to sleep once more.


I can't stop thinking about her. She said she needs a month to decide if we can make it work. And I'm still hoping that she will miss me and want to try again.


I feel so empty and sad.

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Day 2


I nearly called her last night. But I didn't. Her Facebook status reads 'Thinking I might run away to sea! '. I havent eaten since Sunday, I can barely sleep - I got to bed early and wake up at a very early time, probably get about 3-4 hours sleep per night. I cry my eyes out on the way home from work every day, and then cry myself to sleep once more.


I can't stop thinking about her. She said she needs a month to decide if we can make it work. And I'm still hoping that she will miss me and want to try again.


I feel so empty and sad.



Block her from face book, asap. Seriouisly. it would tempt you the break NC. besides you would start reading your own meanings into what you see. Block her or suspend your fb account asap. Seriously. i am talking from experience.



I am on day three here! feeling okay for now. A hot bloke is coming to check me out at work today. wish me luck!

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Block her from face book, asap. Seriouisly. it would tempt you the break NC. besides you would start reading your own meanings into what you see. Block her or suspend your fb account asap. Seriously. i am talking from experience.



I am on day three here! feeling okay for now. A hot bloke is coming to check me out at work today. wish me luck!


I can't, we agreed that she can call me or if I see her out, I'm allowed to go say hi. But I don't think I will. Also I already orgionaly deleted her but then added her back once again as we tried to sort things.


My NC is my last hope to get her back. Hardest thing Iv'e ever had to do.

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I can't, we agreed that she can call me or if I see her out, I'm allowed to go say hi. But I don't think I will. Also I already orgionaly deleted her but then added her back once again as we tried to sort things.


My NC is my last hope to get her back. Hardest thing Iv'e ever had to do.


then stop looking. please stop looking at it. for real! the more you look the more tempted you are to breaking NC.

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I can't, we agreed that she can call me or if I see her out, I'm allowed to go say hi. But I don't think I will. Also I already orgionaly deleted her but then added her back once again as we tried to sort things.


My NC is my last hope to get her back. Hardest thing Iv'e ever had to do.


Okay I understand you're trying to work things out but the way I see it, your situation isn't much different from lots of others. NC means no contact whatsoever. You're doing her all the favours and she's getting all the payoffs. Honestly, block her. Tell her right now you need time to think as well and getting constant news feeds about her doesn't help. I tried not to look at my ex's page but had my weak moments. If you want to, send her s message telling her why you need to do it but I firmly believe it has to be done. When my ex broke up with me I felt we just needed space to think and appreciate each other, and that he'd be back in a week or two. This was our only break ever. Well he ended up officially dating this girl he just met a few days later. Goes to show you never know what's going to happen and I'd strongly reccomend protecting yourself. Right now you sound like so many of us did those first couple weeks -like a sad puppy doing what's we think is best for them and not for us in hopes they'll feel accomodated and come back. In reality this comes accross as weak and if you continue putting her first you'll soon realize just how right I am. Believe me, I know this isn't what you want to do. I was with this guy fir almost 4 yrs, lived together for most of that. It will make her respect you and fear losing you. You'll be essentially dumping her back which is what she needs to come to grips with reality.

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