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Day 1


Yep i've been strong today, my ex sent me a txt message though even after me saying to her last night that i need to let her go cos i love her too much, she sent me a txt basically thanking me again for going to Leeds with her for a day out, she also put in the txt msg 'hope your ok' - i was strong though and did not reply to her, hopefully this will work for me!!!!


Could work if you stay away from her and ignoring her messages that means nothing.She will try again im sure.Stay strong and in control,its your best wager !

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Day 151


I'm feeling so bad right now... Yesterday I was doing great and now something triggered a memory about how my ex hurt my feelings beyond belief about how I was a "jealous girl" and I was only like that thanks to him bringing out those horrible feelings!


He hated me since the first day we met, I just know it!


After 5 months he no longer can hurt you...now your hurting yourself !

Take a break..very soon even that wont bother you anymore.

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Day 28. went to the movies with friends. was the first time i had seen a movie without her in a long time so it was kind of weird but i survived and had a good time before and after the movie. still miss her but thats just gonna happen for a while. 4 weeks down...feeling way better than i did on day 1.

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Into Day 13.

I thought yesterday was a good day. I woke up early and was busy throughout the day. But as late night came about, I felt just fine, then something hit me out of the blue and it took everything I had not to cry.

And I thought I was doing good and moving on. Crap.

I hate when that happens, but luckily this time I able to not give him more tears. whew.

Hopefully today is better.

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This is Day 2,

I know i should write this after the day is over but it gives me a bit of strength doing so now, my ex hasnt been in touch with me again (yet).

My ex has absolutly no friends whatsoever apart from me, we got on so well - she even said after the break up that we are soul mates, i just hope this NC works and makes her miss me like hell....i really do

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Round 2... Day 1.


It's over and done. I know this now. There is no looking back. Sure wish I could be saying Day 8 today, but in that case I wouldn't have the closure I have now.

I am still sad and I miss her... but I also can't really imagine how it would be if we got back together right now. She said she needed NC and I said I needed NC too... We decided we would do NC until we're ready to try to be friends... so here goes a new journey.

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After 5 months he no longer can hurt you...now your hurting yourself !

Take a break..very soon even that wont bother you anymore.


I tried so hard to get over this but it's so much harder than I thought... But he basically destroyed me from the inside out. I was even so close to breaking NC but again, I held myself back, cried a little, and then I was okay for the rest of the day.



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Day 28


Yesterday was a little rough for me! I thought about her a lot. I kept questioning how she could do all of this to me and not feel any remorse. I kept asking what did I do and where did I go wrong that she would prefer her boss over me. How could she honestly go four weeks without talking to me and be just fine? Her sister came over last night to hang with my bestfriend and she casually mentioned something about their whole family having fun together and it kind of stung me a little because I miss hanging with their family and it seems as if she doesnt think or care about me at all anymore. (Sigh) I'm suppose to feel better after each day of NC, not worse lol.

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round 2, day 4


all i can say is how i feel, and i feel alot of love for this guy, but i have my insecurity issues to deal with. Yes he had a cpl of red flags that triggered them but all in all i can genuinely say the getting back together was great as it showed me what a man he was in the bestest sense


but it showed me what i need to work on myself, so this nc we are both taking, (well hes prob give up on us totally), but for me at least i can look back in love whilst looking to move home, take up a much wanted hobby and go back and fight for custody of my daughter from my abusive ex ex


but thank you lee for the support you gave me, and all them amazing lil 'gifts' you gave me


i am gunna grow and learn from this in nc.... ok i will have my lil tantrums along the way but i love jus feeling this love for someone and letting them go in that love.....it can of course be surpassed by actually being able to be with them with no issues, but hey, lol.....


maybe hes giving me a taste of my own nc medicine to show me how much he means to him? who knows....i gotta take it as over and move on


stay with it guys and gals, nc will become your best bud

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I tried so hard to get over this but it's so much harder than I thought... But he basically destroyed me from the inside out. I was even so close to breaking NC but again, I held myself back, cried a little, and then I was okay for the rest of the day.




Destroyed you in and out...tell yourself that 20 times a day and be happy he cant no longer perform his black magic on you any longer.Write down his good and bad qualities and really think about what you read ! The man didnt DESERVE you ! You know you can do much better,he was exploithing you ! Be very proud of your achiement and love yourself for it.This segment of your life will only make you a better women and it will reflect on your next relationship.I personally think you are a good person and devoted to the one you love,thats a huge attribute ! Just save it for yout next Romeo.

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day 12? Feelin abit so so, missing the company, doing nothing, but not being bored.

you'd think after over 2 months, and having my heart crushed 3 times by her, id be numb to her now, but nope.


Still chasing this new girl, things go so slowly, i hate the whole dating game.


I miss her, and i love who she was, but im reminding myself that this isnt the same girl anymore. And that i deserved to be treated the way i treated her.


She was always the reciever of love, and thats the way she liked it,

But i was always the giver, and i enjoy that too. But, i guess i need to be with another giver, not a taker.


edit: in no way was that last sentance meant in a sexual way... before anyone thinks it

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Just went for some fresh air and saw my ex walking towards me with her dog (she lives down the street from me unfortunately) and as she was coming towards me she started giggling like a school girl and just went 'hiya' so i just looked as i walked past and said 'see you' and carried on, did i handle that situation alright do you think?

Then on the way back she was walking past the street i was coming out of and looked at me and as i headed out of the street and up the road she stopped further down from me and was looking back at me.


Ugh im never going at that time again!!!!

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day 29...today has been quite difficult...seemed that everywhere i went, something triggered a memory of us. oh well...at least i didnt contact her. lets see how tomorrow is


I tried that after three months,same sector we use to go the most often..didnt feel to good.I guess it takes time to overpass that mode.I will try at six months and hopefully all bad feelings will be gone.She turned my world upside down,selfish women !

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Just went for some fresh air and saw my ex walking towards me with her dog (she lives down the street from me unfortunately) and as she was coming towards me she started giggling like a school girl and just went 'hiya' so i just looked as i walked past and said 'see you' and carried on, did i handle that situation alright do you think?

Then on the way back she was walking past the street i was coming out of and looked at me and as i headed out of the street and up the road she stopped further down from me and was looking back at me.


Ugh im never going at that time again!!!!


You did exactly what you should.Good move,couldnt do any better.I wonder if she was hoping to cross your path !

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Round 2... Day 1.


It's over and done. I know this now. There is no looking back. Sure wish I could be saying Day 8 today, but in that case I wouldn't have the closure I have now.

I am still sad and I miss her... but I also can't really imagine how it would be if we got back together right now. She said she needed NC and I said I needed NC too... We decided we would do NC until we're ready to try to be friends... so here goes a new journey.


Friendship with an ex is not always a good idea !(not recommanded) Think about it ! Old wounds that can be reopen...whatever you do,dont go on the waiting mode because you will be miserable for a long time ! Your only option right now is to move on and heal.Hope if you want too,but do what you can to be happy.Your ex will be cheerful whitout you..at least do the same.The time wasted holding back is the allotment you could use to be captivated by another lover.The ex is not the center of the universe !

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Round 2, Day 2... dreamed about her last night and thought we were still together for the first few seconds after i woke up. So this morning was feeling pretty down and the loss is feeling fresh again. The dream seems pretty clear so I am remembering it as if it was a memory. Sucks. I know it's only the beginning though.


Gonna try to get my head up now and take on the day with some positivity. I am remembering all the things I did wrong the last couple of days and noticing how difficult I was at times. I have a lot of things to work on over the next few months to get myself to the place I want to be.


bitebenot: you're right I am not going to think about the friendship thing just yet. I guess at the moment it just makes it a little easier because then I don't have to look at it as if I will never see her again. I truly care about her and truly liked her as a person too. Towards the end of the relationship, it was kind of like we were just becoming friends anyways. But I am friends with my first love now and so I know it is eventually possible when both of the parties are there. And that first relationship was much worse and ended worse than this one.


Whatever happened to committment?? What ever happened to following through with it when you say you'll be with someone forever? Our relationship wasn't bad by any means... She just wanted to be alone and no longer be with me. I am so loyal though.. I would have stayed by her side through good and hard times. There was a time long ago when people got in a relationship and that was it. These days everyone just leaves when things get hard or finds new relationships. Heart break like this is a really hard thing to go through. This is my second time and I don't want to go through it again.

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You did exactly what you should.Good move,couldnt do any better.I wonder if she was hoping to cross your path !


Thats what i thought straight away, especially when i heard her laughing to herself...She doesnt usually walk up near my end only round the corner from hers to this little park thing for her dog.


It's just now i feel like ive broken the non contact rule, even though it wasnt my fault that i bumped into her, cos she got to see me!

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round 2 day 5


feels longer and jus confused as to whats happening...are we split? is he jus taking time away from me?


when i did nc i said what i was doing


but this....this is really strange. i have the feeling that maybe in few weeks he will ask what im doing and say he thought i ended it...well if he does i wont be taking the responsibilty for that, ah na


so i am taking this as over anyway....ive reached out a cpl of times and they have been ignored. love ya lee but love me more

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Thats what i thought straight away, especially when i heard her laughing to herself...She doesnt usually walk up near my end only round the corner from hers to this little park thing for her dog.


It's just now i feel like ive broken the non contact rule, even though it wasnt my fault that i bumped into her, cos she got to see me!


You didnt break NC..just keep going..if it happens again,do the same,just say hi ! and keep on walking.

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