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4/5th Day. Not coping very well,

Been reading alot of threads, G.I.G.S etc, for some hope, the more i read into things, the better, and worse i feel. Strange really.


Times a killer for me, but i have to wait it out...


Question though... Her rebound sent his ex a message, saying she was the one, and he wouldnt let anything happen to her, He kissed his ex when she breifly split from her boyfriend... Hes pretty much a womanising man * * * * * ... The phrase, once a cheat always a cheat? Is that true? Is he likely to drift again?

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4/5th Day. Not coping very well,

Been reading alot of threads, G.I.G.S etc, for some hope, the more i read into things, the better, and worse i feel. Strange really.


Times a killer for me, but i have to wait it out...


Question though... Her rebound sent his ex a message, saying she was the one, and he wouldnt let anything happen to her, He kissed his ex when she breifly split from her boyfriend... Hes pretty much a womanising man * * * * * ... The phrase, once a cheat always a cheat? Is that true? Is he likely to drift again?


Maybe,but when ? Many questions are whitout answers ! But she has to make that relationship work also ! She could dump him for you..all is possible.

They are in the honeymoon stage right now but wont last forever.

But no one knows for sure,not even you x ! If you wait for something to happen,you might still be in pain a year from now ! Ignore her and move on.

If she wants to come back to you she will.In between try to think about a new relationship that can start slowly and you will get over her much faster.

Your new g/f might be twice as better then her ! And dont take a rebound !

No one should have that much power over us.Love shouldnt be painful,

but sometimes people can be very selfish and dont care about the pain they inflict to others..sad but its todays reality !

Dont forget, we dont own anyone,break-ups are always hard to accept.

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day 13...


restarted up my exercise last night....after not really feeling up to it i just did it and it was good as it reminded me of what i was doing before ex. I have been on a bender for the past two weeks so doing squats with weights really made my legs like jelly, but then afterwards i had that post workout zing...fabulous just to feel invigorated and healthy and happy endorphines buzzing round me....


recommend it to anyone


doing some more tonight


today been thinkin bout him in a positive light, but that led me down dreaming up what it would be like if i met him at a forum meet...best i dont go down that route, idealising him etc etc


but happy to feel a lil better out of this...i do just want to be totally over him very quickly tho, so hes jus a faint memory

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Day One

Broke up with my Ex (mutual) at thanksgiving and had intermediate contact since then (she got into a new relationship 4 days after the break up). She always initiated contact since then and usually just to see how i was (random chat). Texted her yesterday (i know weak but more emotionally stable form of communication IMO) and told her that we shouldn't communicate anymore. Heart broke like the first night all over again. Well all it can do is go up from here right?

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Day One

Broke up with my Ex (mutual) at thanksgiving and had intermediate contact since then (she got into a new relationship 4 days after the break up). She always initiated contact since then and usually just to see how i was (random chat). Texted her yesterday (i know weak but more emotionally stable form of communication IMO) and told her that we shouldn't communicate anymore. Heart broke like the first night all over again. Well all it can do is go up from here right?


Yes,but if the break was mutual,you're healing process will be short compared to most here who were dumped ! But you still have to stay away from here

or like you said,you end up in square one ! Seems that your ex needs you to get over the break-up..like i said,women are more emotional.She should use her new b/f for support instead of BUGGING you ! Ignore her,dont answer any of her communications. *** Do you want her back ? Did she had that new b/f before the mutual split ? hummmmm...i wonder..

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You're doing great,hang on and you will forget him ! I also go to the gym,it doe's wonders on me ! As time passes by,i think less and less of her..

Time heals all wounds,no doubt...even if you don't want to lol


thanks for the words


was jus about to work out and got thinkin bout his immediate actions before them fateful words...senseless and couldnt get into workout mode...poured meself a guiness instead


sad right now


broke my trust...now i just wanna move on...jus finding it hard....seriously thinkin its harder when youre still in that honeymoon phase and then nothing, ended, gone, finito, adios, ciao


im just glad i kept my dignity and said "im gunna go upstairs, and youre gunna collect your stuff together and just leave..."


for what it was worth....

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Day 10. Its getting harder. And harder. And harder.

It started out good, but by about day 6 it started going downhill. Im getting sadder by the day.

Im so disappointed in him. He promised to try friends.

This is the longest we have gone without any contact. I guess he really doesnt miss me. And I guess he really doesnt want us fixed. And I guess Im a huge idiot.

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Day 10. Its getting harder. And harder. And harder.

It started out good, but by about day 6 it started going downhill. Im getting sadder by the day.

Im so disappointed in him. He promised to try friends.

This is the longest we have gone without any contact. I guess he really doesnt miss me. And I guess he really doesnt want us fixed. And I guess Im a huge idiot.


hey hun


yes its soooooooooooooo hard isnt it....to the point of arrrrrghhhhh


youre not an idiot, youre stronger than what you feel right now...i cant speak for your exs intentions or thoughts however, but its not as clean cut as we imagine...in my experience they still think, they still mourn even tho they portray the life of riley...its all a cover up, and a weak one. Partying=masking their pain. Rebound=masking loosing you



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yes it is. Im just blah. thats how to explain how i feel. numb and blah!

im done analyzing the whys or the whats of what he does. he is all over the map and doesnt even realize it.

I cant believe he sat in my living room a week and a half ago asking me not to walk out of his life and let him make the effort.

All i can think now is he has found someone else...unlikely but who knows.

Supposed to see him sunday, but I think i am going to stay home. he cant call me then he cant see me either.

arrrrgggggghhhh is right. Thanks

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yes it is. Im just blah. thats how to explain how i feel. numb and blah!

im done analyzing the whys or the whats of what he does. he is all over the map and doesnt even realize it.

I cant believe he sat in my living room a week and a half ago asking me not to walk out of his life and let him make the effort.

All i can think now is he has found someone else...unlikely but who knows.

Supposed to see him sunday, but I think i am going to stay home. he cant call me then he cant see me either.

arrrrgggggghhhh is right. Thanks


oh yeah its hard to fathom...2 weeks ago when i said to him i would leave the site and not contact him, that was it he was "please please think carefully about that, give it a few days and when the hurting stops then think about being friends, we had something so very speacial....yadda yadda" ....you know how it goes


but in my case hes respecting my nc...or mabes hes jus finding great company in his other female friends...oh i can imagine the pity party...i think he was more gutted cos i wouldnt be around to see him sucking up to other forum members to be fair


so what was the arrangements regarding sunday? if you dont wanna go, you dont owe him jack...dont be a b*tch, jus be vague as to why you cant make it, other plans come up, sorry and all, another time....maybe ....

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arg! why do they do that??!!!! Mine has recently said similar things...only it seems when his back was against the wall. I finally was walking away. If it was so damn special to you then you wouldnt have given up.

no arrangements for sunday....we play on a team together. we've had a three week holiday break.I want to go because i love it, but I dont want to give him the satisfaction.

He has openly admitted that he wants me to stay on the team and thats he doesnt want me to go away.....(not to me of course) until last monday then all of a sudden he gave me/told me just enough to pull me back in.

So i am an idiot! if i had just stood my ground when i told him i wouldnt be his friend.........then I could have a little strength/power..but nope hes got it all again. Sitting here waiting for my phone to ring

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Yes,but if the break was mutual,you're healing process will be short compared to most here who were dumped ! But you still have to stay away from here

or like you said,you end up in square one ! Seems that your ex needs you to get over the break-up..like i said,women are more emotional.She should use her new b/f for support instead of BUGGING you ! Ignore her,dont answer any of her communications. *** Do you want her back ? Did she had that new b/f before the mutual split ? hummmmm...i wonder..


Yes well it wasn't 50/50... It was her idea i went along because i was getting tired of some of her annoying tendencies. In retrospect i am upset that i agreed to it but our relationship as it stood was doomed anyway. It was a LDR and she held it against me that i had to leave. A wedge in our relationship that slowly broke it apart. Part of me hoped she would realize what we meant to each other and come back on a more equal footing.


I do want her back. I want the relationship we had before i had to move. (for graduate school) She has her new BF. I don't know if its rebound or not. It shouldn't really matter. I'm not waiting around per say... just wondering if her heart will ever change. Don't really know if i would want her back. If i could know that she returned the love i had for her maybe but then again the odds would always be stacked against us...but the long shots always pay out the highest.


As for if he was in the picture before the split... They worked together in a class.. and she always spoke of him like he annoyed her. She told me our split was no the result of him...there may be some truth to that but who really knows.

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For how long are you willing to stay in pain ? A year or maybe two ?

You like it when he manipulates you ? Are you that easy to become a sucker ?

Where is your pride ? Wake up and smell the roses !

Yes you are an idiot to accept this f**** sh1t ! You seem to enjoy it !


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Sitting here waiting for my phone to ring


yes we all do...but from former experience...when you receive a text or that call its actually a nightmare


we all jump on here "help...he sent a text!!!" ...in a few months time we would be like WHAT!!??...we recieved a text and had a meltdown LOL!!


hey gunna post summit here seeing as im on youtube...




enjoy ...its very wise words xxx

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For how long are you willing to stay in pain ? A year or maybe two ?

You like it when he manipulates you ? Are you that easy to become a sucker ?

Where is your pride ? Wake up and smell the roses !

Yes you are an idiot to accept this f**** sh1t ! You seem to enjoy it !



If I wanted your opinion, I would have asked. Dont know what high horse you rode in on but you can keep your comments to yourself thanks.

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yes we all do...but from former experience...when you receive a text or that call its actually a nightmare


we all jump on here "help...he sent a text!!!" ...in a few months time we would be like WHAT!!??...we recieved a text and had a meltdown LOL!!


hey gunna post summit here seeing as im on youtube...




enjoy ...its very wise words xxx


so true!!


LMAO love that clip....and yes very wise indeed. Right now he was my root. Guess hes a leaf LOL

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If I wanted your opinion, I would have asked. Dont know what high horse you rode in on but you can keep your comments to yourself thanks.


Didnt mean to shake your cage but sometimes its all we need to move on !

No harm was intented....i apologize !

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Broke it...


Time to start again. No reason to break it again now.

Feel annoyed that i broke it, was starting to do better.


Day 1.


We are all humans,you will learn over and over again.You havent lost what you started..this time it will be a litle easyer.Thats why its so important to think about ourselves.We tend to give to much to others and receive very litle in return.The day that you will discover how important you are, you will start to forgive her and move on because you wont care about loving her anymore.Do you know how many women are looking for a good man ?

Life is like a school,we are here to learn and not repeating our pass mistakes.

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Yea its in that thread i posted


I wouldnt say its over but you have to make sure you dont repeat that again.

You got a good chance if you follow the NC rule.I think she still loves you from what i read in ur post.So now you know what to do.

If u ever want her to come back just give her the space she needs.

She will have enough time to see the new b/f isnt you and she will start to see his bad sides and issues.Also gives her time to miss you and analyse the situation.Just cant compete with the novelty at this moment.Soon she will see hes not mr perfect.Let her stew over her relationship.Dont worry,she wont forget you !

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