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Already after 3 months of strugle,i feel better and i am ashame of what i did at the beginning..begging and crying ! My pride was in the garbage ! Felt unable to fonction on my own ! Now i know how stupid it was ! Still have nightmares with her in it but thats the human nature.Stupid me,i dumped her in April and took her back after 3 weeks ! I was not cupid but stupid !

Now i guess this time shes using this break-up as a vengeance ! Being replaced 3 days before was a real kick in the a$$.The only dream i have its for her to ask for reconciliation so that way i will be able to make her dance with the devil ! Will never again give my heart fully to any women,just cant because its scary ! Would not wish this to my worse ennemy. Im taking it slowly,have a new g/f now and it feels very strange ! So we know that no one can be replaced,we are all unique.Relationships arent for better or for worse anymore ! Having the wisdom to accept what we cant change is a big step ahead.HANG ON EVERYONE,WE HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO SURVIVE THIS CRAP ! GIVE YOURSELF 3 MONTHS AND YOU WILL SEE A NEW YOU.ITS A PROMISE !

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day 8. while i think its getting easier, im now just angry at him.


he must be wondering why i havent even sent so much as a hello txt. right? hes gotta? lol. just babbling to keep myself semi sane

who knows..maybe hes found himself a new girl. he went from begging me not to walk away a week ago to complete silence.

sigh I wonder if he misses me. I hate this

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Day 18


Been broken up for 3 months now, and I was the last one to initiate contact which sucks. Hopefully that experience will be my realization that the relationship is over.


If you dont have anything from your ex within 6 months then you can say goodbye ! 3 months is still a bit short.Move on anyway,dont wait.

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If you dont have anything from your ex within 6 months then you can say goodbye ! 3 months is still a bit short.Move on anyway,dont wait.


I've already heard something from my ex, and I somewhat blew her off. I contacted her because I thought I was over it....but I regretted sending the message afterward, so that proved otherwise.

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over 5 months NC never heard from her since. i still think of her on a daily basis but i know shes long gone. i really thought by now i'd of let go but i still find it tough and extremely tough to get close to anybody else. i am trying, but she will be in my thoughts forever.

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where the heck do you keep coming up with all these random numbers? lol


Seems to me i read more about the subject than you did ! Also my life experience,im not a young duck !!! I read all these threads on the net.

If you talk about the ex who left with a rebound,its proven that only 10% of them are successful ! I was a rebound once,i know why it doesnt work !

While your with the new one,you always think of the one you left..you compare the new one to the ex.You keep thinking if you made a mistake or not.You are not involved in the new relationship because of the ghost who is always in between ! Never took the time to heal yourself first,thats the consequences ! If the ex doesnt come back after 6 months,he/she had enough time to heal.But then,some do communicate even after a year !

If you find any better,let me know !!!!!!

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over 5 months NC never heard from her since. i still think of her on a daily basis but i know shes long gone. i really thought by now i'd of let go but i still find it tough and extremely tough to get close to anybody else. i am trying, but she will be in my thoughts forever.


3 months for me,i know she will not call me.I think of her everyday but its not as intense as it use to be.I know its really over,i dont hope anymore.

Now im looking for a new g/f and so far its going well.It will not be my ex,but shes not the center of the universe anymore ! Is hard to move on,but its the only solution.The ex must be happy,why should i be miserable ?

Hate her everyday,it works for me lol !!

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I want your opinion,


Ex leaves for rebound, comes back for a few days, goes back to rebound (supercut down version) will she come back again?


And she seems to be going out pretty much every night, because as shes said, when shes on her own she thinks too much. But when she goes out, she invites as many people as she can to come with her and her ex, do you think theres a reason to that?


Im thinking she came back to me briefly to find out my feelings, then play on that to keep me as her safety net?

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I want your opinion,


Ex leaves for rebound, comes back for a few days, goes back to rebound (supercut down version) will she come back again?


And she seems to be going out pretty much every night, because as shes said, when shes on her own she thinks too much. But when she goes out, she invites as many people as she can to come with her and her ex, do you think theres a reason to that?


Im thinking she came back to me briefly to find out my feelings, then play on that to keep me as her safety net?


She couldnt take it anymore,she missed u ! But once she was with you, she lost that sense of panic !!! You took her way to fast ! When your in no contact,after a while nostalgia kicks in ! She has to earn it the hard way if you want her to stay ! Make yourself hard to get,i mean real hard ! If she loves you,even wild horses wont stop her from running after you ! Right now she knows she can have you anytime ! Reverse that and stick to NC ! Ignore her and her communications ! Keep going the way you do and you will lose her forever ! SHE NEEDS TO MISS YOU A LOT ! And never tell her how much u missed her or love her ! If she communicates,its got to be only for reconciliation only and the ex is dumped !! Nothing else will do ! If she came back,it can happen again. *** By rebounding shes trying very hard to forget you,and thats why she goes out often ! Seems she having a hard time ! You have an adantage,use it wisely !

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Finally something i can work with!


I must admit, ive been poking the fire the last day or 2, writing subtle things that i knew would make her respond, my cats missing, i made a cheesy missing poster and put it on facebook, she sent me messages asking which one it was, and that she loves him... it made me feel better knowing she responded to it, but i guess if im making subtle hints , thats sort of cheating NC.


no more, im gonna be oblivious to her


Edit : thank you

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Finally something i can work with!


I must admit, ive been poking the fire the last day or 2, writing subtle things that i knew would make her respond, my cats missing, i made a cheesy missing poster and put it on facebook, she sent me messages asking which one it was, and that she loves him... it made me feel better knowing she responded to it, but i guess if im making subtle hints , thats sort of cheating NC.


no more, im gonna be oblivious to her


Edit : thank you


She says she thinks to much when shes alone ? why do you think ? Shes always thinking about the break-up,its killing her slowly ! Dont forget,women are more emotional than men ! Play it well and you could obtain very good results ! She still love you.if you ignore her she will go nuts ! (in ur case)

Be patient and it could pay off big time.

I wished my ex would call me only once,so in a way ur lucky !

Remove her from FB and all others,let call you by phone only.

Dont answer,listen to the messages only.If she ask you why u ignore her,tell her u need time ALONE to heal and u r not b/f - g/f anymore and hang up.

You always hang up first,your to busy to talk and keep it very short !

THat will make her think,trust me !

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where the heck do you keep coming up with all these random numbers? lol


Even *if* there were referenced cites for legitimate academic/scientific (preferably peer reviewed) studies, I'm not so sure why stats from such a study would matter to such a broad range of circumstances and demographics on a board like this. But hey... stats are fun, aren't they? I wonder what the percentage of success in reconciliation is within participants of this "No Contact Challenge"? Ohh... here's one - of those who have reconciled on this board, how many did so by exercising hard core, indefinite "NC", and only getting back together after their ex crawled back groveling? Hmm.


Hate her everyday,it works for me lol !!


Nice. And in your extensive experience, this is what you find to be sound advice to give in a "Getting Back Together" forum? Good luck with that.

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Even *if* there were referenced cites for legitimate academic/scientific (preferably peer reviewed) studies, I'm not so sure why stats from such a study would matter to such a broad range of circumstances and demographics on a board like this. But hey... stats are fun, aren't they? I wonder what the percentage of success in reconciliation is within participants of this "No Contact Challenge"? Ohh... here's one - of those who have reconciled on this board, how many did so by exercising hard core, indefinite "NC", and only getting back together after their ex crawled back groveling? Hmm.




Nice. And in your extensive experience, this is what you find to be sound advice to give in a "Getting Back Together" forum? Good luck with that.

that was personnal to me,i know she wont come back ! And beside,should i be happy for dumping me ? Or maybe be happy for her ? lol

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First of all,NC is for healing !!!! Getting ur ex back is second and with no garantees ! Nothing exist that can make the ex come back ! But NC helps to get control over your feelings and your life.If the ex doesnt come back,well at least you still feel better by not being in touch with them !

By the same way,the ex doesnt use you like a yoyo ! Gives you self respect and a freedom that you would not have if you were friendly with the ex !

Even with NC not to many get success,but if you have a magic potion please tell everyone here what its made of !



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No need to get all hyper, b. !!!








You know, typing things in all caps doesn't make them true.




I prefer to think of myself as sardonic over smart ass, but eh... whatever.


As I'd mentioned earlier, I recognize your good intentions and enthusiastic spirit. However, as one of the few who remains here after successfully reconciling, I'd like to think my opinion may occasionally count for something. And I stand by the opinion that while "NC" is a healing thing (at least we can somewhat agree on that), it's but one small concept among many that's required to "Get Back Together". Additionally, this 'kick them to the curb' mentality is simply ludicrous.


Let me ask you this... if you're so secure in your decision to move on, and so convinced of the improbability of reunions ever taking place, then why do you hang around a reconciliation forum? To spread sunshine?



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day 11...(shudda posted yesterday but tinternet went down)


so i washed the bed sheets (made such a diff), went on a detox fast, put the sarah mclachlan on, and soaked in a candle lit bath with dead sea salt...release toxins day...was nice. I was meant to do some exercise but didnt have time...will do tonight tho and am looking forward to it...


day 12...omg day 12!!....


sortin out some finances, day 2 of fast...just pottering around and did some runes...they basically advocated NC...they were interesting and spot on really...wait wait wait was the message in nearly every rune


gunna do some strength training later...capitalising on my weight loss hehe


keep seeing him in dreams etc...and them synchronicities jus keep flying...ie seeing wild horses above in bites post (my handle on his forum) and then tigers roaring avatar was very similar to exes roaring tiger avatar...


jus universe letting me know im on the right track...


all in all feel ok right this moment

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3 months for me,i know she will not call me.I think of her everyday but its not as intense as it use to be.I know its really over,i dont hope anymore.

Now im looking for a new g/f and so far its going well.It will not be my ex,but shes not the center of the universe anymore ! Is hard to move on,but its the only solution.The ex must be happy,why should i be miserable ?

Hate her everyday,it works for me lol !!


glad your doing well my friend, i wish i felt as strong as you do. i am trying just my mind tends to not let her go.

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glad your doing well my friend, i wish i felt as strong as you do. i am trying just my mind tends to not let her go.


Our will is equal.i dont have more than you or any others here.I suffered like you wont believe.I still do but its well under control.Still dream of her,thats awfull ! But dont forget one stong point,she told me not to communicate with her ! But some would ignore that..i wont ! I can be very stubborn at times.

I told myself,no problem ! She wont hear from me ! Then i found this thread..

Without knowing it,my ex was helping me,lol ! I know her very well after 5 years.I know for sure shes having a hard time and it wont get any better !

Once her honeymoon with her baboon his over,it will kick her in the right place ! If she gets in contact with me,it will be to late...she will be replaced !

Im working on it right know and i have a very good prospect at hand.

From a friend where she works,i was told shes always miserable even with her baboon,lol.Thats all i know from her,i dont care what shes doing or feeling.To me shes another women with no class or self esteem.

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