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Getting back together really does happen!

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Well I am at almost +8 months of No Contact (started at the end of June, but started counting the days officially on July 1st. 1.5 or 2 years of NC seems reasonable to me in your case.


As for me, I definitely feel a lot better. Most of the anger and animosity is gone. I may reach out as friends in early January 2020, I am not in a rush. Will let you know how it goes in the meantime between now and then. Personally, my best therapy is No Contact, daily exercises (intensive), and reading books about relationships. I also find that journaling works miracles!

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I'd like to post a few things here.

1) The girl I was hung up on most of my HS and we had a few short relationships. Well, we split for about 3 years (those 3 years I was with my ex that I originally came here for). Shortly after I broke up with my ex, this girl gets in touch with me and we had a short fling for a few months, but I decided she's not for me and so we split again.


2) My friend broke up with her boyfriend after about a year of dating, then after about 6 months they got back together and dated for another year and then split for good as it seems now.


3) my friend just got back with his ex that he dated about 2 years ago, I dont believe he was in much contact with her.


4)My "the ex" (that I came here for) contacted me long after our original breakup, I dont know what she wanted but I just deleted her message (I was well over her by then).


Some of my friends also went back to their exes, but it never quite worked out.


Now one thing that probably stands out from all of this. I came here about 3 years ago after a girl I really loved (and were together for a long time and planned our kids, blah blah). It took me about a year to be completely over her. Now there are other girls that are troubling my emotions.


What I'm trying to say, to all of you that are hurting now, pain is just temporary, at some point it will get better and you will get over your ex (I'd say forget, but you never actually forget, they just remain in your mind like a good childhood friend that you went out of touch with). Just keep on strong, all it takes is time and avoiding of rubbing the wound.


Sometimes it seems like there is no end to a pain, but that's not true, that's just your addiction troubling you.

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I'd like to post a few things here.

1) The girl I was hung up on most of my HS and we had a few short relationships. Well, we split for about 3 years (those 3 years I was with my ex that I originally came here for). Shortly after I broke up with my ex, this girl gets in touch with me and we had a short fling for a few months, but I decided she's not for me and so we split again.


2) My friend broke up with her boyfriend after about a year of dating, then after about 6 months they got back together and dated for another year and then split for good as it seems now.


3) my friend just got back with his ex that he dated about 2 years ago, I dont believe he was in much contact with her.


4)My "the ex" (that I came here for) contacted me long after our original breakup, I dont know what she wanted but I just deleted her message (I was well over her by then).


Some of my friends also went back to their exes, but it never quite worked out.


Now one thing that probably stands out from all of this. I came here about 3 years ago after a girl I really loved (and were together for a long time and planned our kids, blah blah). It took me about a year to be completely over her. Now there are other girls that are troubling my emotions.


What I'm trying to say, to all of you that are hurting now, pain is just temporary, at some point it will get better and you will get over your ex (I'd say forget, but you never actually forget, they just remain in your mind like a good childhood friend that you went out of touch with). Just keep on strong, all it takes is time and avoiding of rubbing the wound.


Sometimes it seems like there is no end to a pain, but that's not true, that's just your addiction troubling you.


Great words of advice!

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I also have some stories when exes got back:


1.) my cousin dated this guy for few years then broke up with him, started dating again and few years later, they again got together - they are now married and have 2 children


2.) me and my current ex, were dating for 7 years, when she broke up with me because of trust issues, we were apart 2 yrs before gotten together again...for the whole time while being apart we remained very close friends, she had some guys while I was too clingy and too afraid of losing her so I had none. Tbh if I had some balls, or would know how, we could have gotten back together much sooner. Now few months ago she broke up with me once again, because I neglected her and wasn't masculine enough. We're now in limited contact, so I don't know how will it end this time. I'm hoping for the best.

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I also have some stories when exes got back:


1.) my cousin dated this guy for few years then broke up with him, started dating again and few years later, they again got together - they are now married and have 2 children


2.) me and my current ex, were dating for 7 years, when she broke up with me because of trust issues, we were apart 2 yrs before gotten together again...for the whole time while being apart we remained very close friends, she had some guys while I was too clingy and too afraid of losing her so I had none. Tbh if I had some balls, or would know how, we could have gotten back together much sooner. Now few months ago she broke up with me once again, because I neglected her and wasn't masculine enough. We're now in limited contact, so I don't know how will it end this time. I'm hoping for the best.


What do you mean with "if I had some balls or would know how -"?

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What do you mean with "if I had some balls or would know how -"?


Ok, I can't be sure, maybe I wrote that too fast, but I had feeling that if I had more confidence and not being always there for her, step a back little, that she would come back sooner. She was always scared of losing me as a friend when I stepped back a little. But I must say that we genuinely cared for each other, even when we were just friend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

#1 Guy knocks Girl up in college. They have been on and off, usually keeping in contact and getting back together because they have a kid together. Finally, she got sick of the cycle 2 years into their relationship and cut it off with him. He communicated with her mom for anything pertaining to their child. He didn’t chase her and actually took some time to be single (we were guessing that he just was not okay with being “tied down” and still wanted to experience the party life). Girl always knew she wanted her ‘family’ intact and she loved him. After 7 months, I guess he exhausted himself and realized he wanted that life. They got married 1 year later and she is pregnant with their second child.


#2 Guy and Girl in HS have been dating for 3 months. He was a player but accidentally knocked up the girl the first time they slept together, but this was unbeknownst to them. He ghosted her after sleeping with her and kept dating and sleeping with other girls. She never reached out to him and lived her life. She found out she was pregnant one month after and contacted him. They’ve been together for 7 years and married for 4.



#3 Not a full success story but an ex coming back. My ex and I dated for 4 years LDR, he was in the military and stationed 4 hours away from me. He would only be “home” for 6 months until he left again for deployments for another 6 months. LDR was tough on me since I had issues with needing constant validation. Long story short, he broke up with me when I had a freaked out episode on him when I went through his phone. We were intermittently in contact; but I rebounded 3 weeks after the breakup. 5 months after the breakup, with limited contact, he reached out to me to see if we could get back together. I feel like he wanted this because he could not find anyone else and saw that I was happy with my “rebound” (and I genuinely was!). By that time he asked me, I fell in love with my rebound and the “rebound” relationship was more ideal than LDR. He has been intermittently asking me to get back together and give us another chance, but I really just didn’t have feelings for him anymore and moved on. He eventually blocked me recently and I feel like he is trying to finally move on. I was pretty broken up about this separation, but eventually got over it when I moved on to someone else. Kind of bad in a way that I didn't heal, so I brought alot of baggage with me to the next relationship.


#4 - Bonus - Me as the dumper! felt like reconciling with an ex I dumped but he jumped into it so fast that I backtracked.


I was in a relationship with this guy for two years. Super sweet and amazing. But eventually I fell out of love with him and I was immature and did not know what I wanted. So, I broke up with him. He threatened to kill himself and all kinds of dramatics (letters, calls, showing up at places purposely knowing I will be there, driving by my work/house, leaving gifts, sending text messages of memories we had together, calling me on other numbers because I blocked his phone, having his mother call me to give him another chance, emails, long voicemails, etc.) which went on for a couple of months. And then all of a sudden he stopped contacting me; I didn’t like any of the dramatics but I’m sure subconsciously my ego liked it so it was weird when he suddenly stopped. I thought about him more and more. I stalked him on social media 4 months after he stopped reaching out and saw that he got a new girlfriend (who weirdly resembled me). And I FREAKED out. I started reaching out to him and begging him to talk to me. Repeat lactate; meeting definition of severe sepsis; resets--- reflexes; remind everyone.

Like whoa, that sent me recoiling back faster than a slinky. I think me reaching out was mostly for my ego; but I think there was a chance in there that made me want to get back together with him slowly and eventually if he had just stayed cool and did not assume that every contact was a chance for getting back together. I have learned a lot since then (and grew up), so I have left him alone and let him live his life and let him be happy.

But this is a lesson to all the dumpees... don’t do grand gestures, don’t be so desperate for them. Because it is soooo unattractive, and reconciliation often is being attracted to that person again. The only time he was able to get value back in my mind was when he left me alone and showed me his life didn’t focus around me. And as much as you want to get back together, don’t jump into it like you have been waiting for them to fire that gun. Ease into it and allow them to redeem themselves.

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I've spent so many nights on this thread in the first couple of months of my breakup, that I can't event believe I'm back here.

While I still love my ex, I'm feeling much better about not having him, and I'm finally OK with an option of not getting back together, although I still have a strong feeling we will. But, let's see how that plays out.


I'm back here to share an amazing story of a really close friend of mine (very recent).

She broke up with her fiance at the approximately the same time I did with mine, and they have just recently got back together!! It's been a year! They had no contact for the first month, but then they had contact (and some sexual encounters) since then (for over 8 months). Basically, they were in contact the whole time - and let me tell you it was HELL for her. She just couldn't move on. But she persisted, grew as a person (spiritually) and finally when she almost gave up - he told her they are back together again! :) What I don't like about this is that I don't see her being independent yet as she should for a healthy relationship, and I'm afraid same issue will come back up - but we'll see. She says she is a different person now, but is this enough?


But yeah, there's another success story. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got the love of my life back. Unfortunately he left me again.

(I'm 28 he is 30)

Long story short.

Me and my friend fell inlove, I've never loved someone that deep before, I don't think I will again. Because he wasnt just my lover he really became my bestfriend also.

First time he broke up we hadn't been together more than 2 years. And we lived together that time as well.

He broke up mainly because I relayed on him too much when it comes to being happy. I made him my world and lost myself in the process.

Anyways we were FWB a whole year after the breakup. Then one day I decided enough, either be with me in a relationship or I'm out, I deserve better.

He panicked and cries and begged me to be his again. I took him back eventually and he promised me forever.


And then awhile ago he ended it again, after 1 year.

This time it wasnt because of me, it was because himself.

He is too depressed about a lot of stuff in his life, probably most that he is 30 and cant hold onto a job, he cant provide.

But there many other factors as well.


First time he broke up I begged him to please give US a chance again.

This time I told him I accept his decision. Because I do. It sucks because I love him so much!

But if he cant love himself , he cant love me.


I truly wish him the best in this world and I hope he one day will find happiness within himself!


And who knows, maybe one day he will come back and maybe just maybe I will let him in again in my heart.


But for now, I'm gonna focus on myself and only me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Forgot about this forum bit made a promise before that ill post when something good happens from my break up.


Sept 2018 broke up with ex fiance. Tried (not desperately) to remain in contact with her. For 2 weeks. (Wanted her back) but I found out she had a thing w/ her coworker and so they dated etc. Less than a mo. I decided to go no contact cold turkey. Deleted everything. I did all of these not because of hatred but to help me move on. After 2 mos, I started moving on. Slowly forgetting her.



It has been 8 mos. and a getting back together is happening. Not with my ex fiance though but with my childhood crush when I was 16 yrs. I met her recently because of a common friend. And we have been talking and getting to know each other. I plan to take it this slow as we both have stated our intentions.


Not the getting back together youre expecting but better. Just focus on qhat is good in your life. Things will happen for you kist give it time :) stay strong everyone!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have three success stories to share..

1) The first one is a family friend where the girl broke up with the guy in high school after a two year relationship. He still wanted her back but she broke up with him anyway because she didnt think he was "the one". They were apart for 5 years and she had two boyfriends during that time. Now they have been married for 12 years.

2) The second story was another friend who broke up with her boyfriend of a couple of years becuase she wanted to be free and to do her own thing without the pressure of a relationship. The boyfriend was really sure she was the woman for him. After being apart for three years, they met up for coffee and have now been married for 20 years.

3) and lastly, another friend of mine had a 5 year relationship with a girl in high school and they broke up for about 4 years and both got married to different people and had a kid each and then they both got divorced to those people and are back together after 5 years apart.

Hope this cheers some people up 😊

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This thread has been working wonders for me. Everytime I start to overthink stuff that's going on with my ex, I come back here, read a few stories, and then I'll forget what I was overthinking earlier. Doesn't give me hope or anything, it's just a great distraction with a positive feeling that's much needed for me right now.


I'll share a few stories and later comment on my current situation. My life is full of getting back together or attempts to do so.


- First girlfriend on high school, she would dump me every 3 months because we were not on the same page, I was more in love than she was so she would always break up with me but would come back by the 2 month mark. This happened 3 times and she attempted to come back a fourth time. By that moment, I was already fed up on the on-off relationship and finished everything for good.


- Some time later, I met a new girl, we had great chemistry and started dating. She had just been out of a relationship and was moving forward slow, unlike me that I wanted our dating to become a serious relationship quick. I noticed we were not on the same page after 3 months dating and broke things off, she agreed. Some time later I regretted my decision, tried to win her back but she had already moved on. A couple of years later she contacted me again but I did not give it much thought as I was under the impression that she was already in a relationship; she was not. I found that out a while later and when I attempted to talk back she had already started dating with a guy she's currently in a happy relationship with. I'm happy for her since we always got along great, we never matched our timings right.


- Later on in life, when I was about 21, I met the girl with who I had my longest relationship. Our relationship lasted almost 4 years but ended because it had become too toxic. She would try to manipulate me into doing all sorts of stuff and things ended for good when she actually wanted me to stop seeing my family and that was something I would not do. She broke things off. I believed we could work her differences with my family but she would not agree. Despite dumping me, she would come back to me a couple of months later. Deep inside me I knew she was not the right person for me so I rejected her. Long story short, she has been attempting to get me back through different ways on the last 3/4 years. I know I don't want anything with her so this will just never work. It goes to show that if you've given your best and you've been nice to the other person, they will regret their decisions of breaking things off, however, the decision of reconciling will be on your side when this happens. I believe that if you do what you know is right, time only gives you more and more power.



Despite having plenty of examples in my own life to have hope and trust in the power of time, I'm currently puzzled and have been through a very rough time for the past month and a half. I fell in love with a coworker that I have direct relationship with and have to see and have lunch with everyday. I met her almost 2 years ago and, at first, I wouldn't even notice her. We began working together and slowly I started to get to know her. I became curious, however, I would not give in to the thought that something could happen with her since she was a coworker and I was doing pretty fine on my own. By that time, she was in a very toxic relationship with a dude that did to her almost the same things my ex did to me. We bonded and fell in love with each other, however, I let her know that nothing would happen in between us until she was done with her ex. She had been struggling to end that relationship but the guy would constantly make her get back together by making her feel guilty for breaking things off.


After lots of therapy she was able to break that relationship and we started dating. We had a great time together and connected in many ways, I had never met anyone I had so much in common with. Everything had been going perfect for around 6 months until she told me we needed to talk.


When we talked, she told me that she was not feeling the same towards me as she had felt at the beginning of the relationship, but that this wasn't because of anything I was doing but rather because she hadn't had time on her own after her previous relationship. She insisted on the fact that she saw me as a perfect guy and that she liked me in many ways. She also said that she had feelings for me and that every time we hanged she would have a great time. I asked her what would our next step be considering her mixed feelings; she was unsure so I told her that we could do our best to work things out but if she had no energy to do so it was pointless, she agreed on the fact that she did not have any energy. I suggested a break, which she refused because she would not feel comfortable having me hanging while she decided what she wanted to do with her life. Therefore, I suggested to break up and she agreed with this. She preferred to break up and told me that if she thought, later on, that she wanted to be with me, she would let me know, and if I was in another page by then, she preferred to feel regret later on. After this, I was devastated but went directly to LC. Ever since then, I have only talked only for work reasons or any topic that is at hand whenever we have lunch together. Other than that, no contact, no chat, no nothing. Just the minimum possible contact.


I did call her once after 3/4 weeks asking her if she thought there was any future in between us, she told me that she had no way of knowing how she will feel in the future. After this, I asked her if there really was no other reason she did not want to be with me. I asked her to tell me so even if she had to break my heart and that I would not become mad at her or anything, that I needed a clear reason in order to get some closure and begin my healing process. I suggested that she tell me that she had no feelings for me, or did not like me anymore, or that maybe she wanted be with other guys. She denied everything and said that saying any of those things would be lying. That she did in fact like me a lot, had a great time with me and didn't think of being with anyone else. She did mention that she felt that we could be a great couple and that that's what she felt it was time for us to become, however, she was not ready to start a new relationship after the last one she had. She even mentioned that she really wanted to take care of our relationship because I was not a random guy but a really special one for her and that she wanted things to be OK between us. I accepted that answer and let her know that my conclusion was that it was bad timing and that I would move on. She agreed.


Ever since then, everything at the office is super weird. I do not overdo anything and I have kept my relationship with her at the minimum possible contact as it was at the beginning of the break up. Every time I have to interact with her, I will be as polite and friendly as possible to keep things professional, however, it's not the same from her end. Everything has been hot and cold ever since. There might be times when she's cool around my but many other times when everything will be super tense. This is only happening from her end. I am not answering to this tension with more tension but rather just being chilled around her.


I've recently started to actually move on since I have been growing tired of her attitude but it's difficult, especially when there's daily exposure. I just really hope that some time around she just makes up her mind and apologizes for her erratic behavior and either gets well with me as coworkers or just comes back but it's been a pain. Anyhow, I do feel everything is getting better from me. The first few weeks were terrible and I even had a few panic attacks. Anyhow, nobody's worth making your life miserable. I think I'll just put my hope thinking that if I've always tried to do my best, the best will come for me at some point.

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Thank you for this thread. Ive read the entire thing and it seems that 90% of the rec are men going back. My ex left me for another guy after months of us talking about getting married.I can honestly say at one point i really was the love of her life other than her ex husband from many many years ago.her words and actions showed it. The reasons i was given were all environmental ,and honesty easily handled with a bit of work. They really didnt have to do with us other than some minor things. We were only together for 8 months so i doubt it was long enough. All these stories are about men coming back and also 2yr + relationships.


I can say this. The mother of my kids left me after about a year, i begged pleaded all that stuff said some really hurtful things. Well after 6 months she came back and we were together for another 12yrs.


Just hope the love of my life, the first one i truly wanted to spend my life with realizes what she gave up for some dude. She moved in with him right away although she had no where else to go. To fast to soon rebound i hope.

2.5 moths since bu and 2 months NC.


I know thats not really that long, and im just now getting over the depression.

I couldnt handle speaking to her yet anyways. I will say that the other that came back did only after I let go and moved on. She showed up out of the blue. I was special enough to that girl, just hope this one thinks so too in time.

In the end i know this pain will pass, ive been through it before(not anything like this), but it will pass too. My experience is similar in the fact that yes time and Nc worked the first time as also working on me. Silly though right now i know this but pitting it into action is much harder. I treated her well except during the BU. I told her secrets and broke her trust. Thats honestly the hard part for me to deal with.

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  • 2 months later...

I have currently been in NC with my exgirlfriend for 4 weeks now. Gotta say this thread is a joy to read. I have read 120 pages, and it gives me great comfort. I hope one day to share my own story with you guys. Will share a story about my parrents though.


When my parrents first dated each other, they quickly moved in together. My mother got extremely jalous on one of my dads ex girlfriends. The ex actually ended up with my dads brother, and whenever they all were together, she for fun would make my mother jalous. In the end my mother couldn't handdle it, and they went apart. A week later my mother asked my dad to come back to pick up the last of his stuff. When he got there she apparently had prepared a feast, and they were able to talk about things. They have been married for 28 years. Through good and bad like depression. Allthough I because of my own circumstances doubt true love and all that, they are a great inspiration to me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there was just wonder if in these. Was it the dumper who came back or does the one who was dumped ever break no contact to get their dumper back.. my ex and I broke up about a month ago, an I still have this incredible strong belief we can get back together an have an amazing future together. I know she just needs some space. We were together for 1.7 years I'm 25 shes 20. I love reading these stories as it gives me hope. But our story is a bit complicated. It's my first serious relationship and I've been struggling with anxiety and depression at the end of the relationship just starting to take medication an therapy sessions an it caused a fight and we broke up. She broke up with me sayin she just needs some space. I don't know if or when I should reach out. Or wait for her to reach out..

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  • 1 month later...

My partner and I broke up after 4 great years together. We broke up when we realized that we wanted different things for the future. It was a tough decision, but amicable. We remained friendly and even hung out a few times, strictly platonic. After 4 years separated, we got back together. It's been 18 mos since we reconciled and moved in together. The energy in our relationship feels different, stronger. People say there is no such thing as perfect, but I feel it's all relative because for what we now want for our future, we are perfect for each other.

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  • 1 month later...

When my husband and I were split up reading this thread calmed my anxiety and gave me a lot of hope and I always promised myself that I would come back and post if we got back together. I forgot about it for a while but here I am! I don't want to post a long drawn out story, but we were engaged and broke up in January. He moved back home to the UK while I stayed in Australia. We barely spoke for the five months we were apart, I went immediately into no contact. Eventually I went over to the UK to visit and I took the last of his belongings with me including my engagement ring. We met up, ended up spending most of my vacation together. We got back together after about a week. Both of us had matured and changed so much in our time apart, it was like having all the good bits of our old relationship but without all the crap that made us break up in the first place. Since getting back together we have been long distance but have gone on vacation several times to see each other, including to Vegas where we eloped! He's coming to visit me next month and we are applying for a visa for me to move to the UK.


I honestly couldn't imagine my life without him now and I'm actually so glad we went thorough the breakup to become this better version of ourselves.

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You’re story sounds similar to mine! Broken up for 8 month after 8 year. She’s moved on into a committed relationship. We are quite close friends I’d say, and I think this makes it easier for her while harder for me. Been considering stepping back whilst her relationship unfolds. What do you think?,

Did she date seriously in this time?

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I also have some stories when exes got back:


2.) me and my current ex, were dating for 7 years, when she broke up with me because of trust issues



You’re story sounds similar to mine! Broken up for 8 month after 8 year. She’s moved on into a committed relationship. We are quite close friends I’d say, and I think this makes it easier for her while harder for me. Been considering stepping back whilst her relationship unfolds. What do you think?,

Did she date seriously in this time?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have a story as well, not mine, but from a friend.


He was dating for about 4 years, living together for 2.5. By that time his brother and dad were living with him (it was him that'd pay the rent), and the girl, who was just starting on one of ther first steady jobs, kinda freaked out with her professional side changing and with the kinda mess that was living with her father-in-law and brother-in-law.


She broke up as she needed distance and to think the future. She is a stubborn and decided girl, but didn't have much money by that time and he had to be her guarantor (right word?) on the new house she rented. She bought all new furniture and didn't come back for 5 months, even dating some people in between. He didn't date anyone for the whole time.


During the time apart they talked every fortnight or so, and at the end they started chatting more often and decided it was a good idea to get back together.

After a total of 5 months apart, they got back together and now, about 4 years after that, they are married and with a newborn, also just bought a house and seem very happy together.


I hope I can add my story here in the near future as well, just broke up (3 weeks) with my wife.

Thanks to everyone posting, this forum gives me so much closure.


Special thanks to @Boomshine (not sure if he will see this). Love his posts.

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I’ve been broken up for a few months now and even though I don’t have my own reconciliation story, I know a few that I want to share:


1. A friend of mine from middle school went to a different high school than me. During her freshman year she met a guy and dated him for a few years. They seemed to have a bit of a rocky relationship and then by their junior year they’d split up. The girl went on to date a new guy and (from what she posted) she seemed to really like him a lot. She went to prom with this new guy, etc. I think they were together for at least 6 months, and then they split too. By the middle of senior year, she was back together with her ex from freshman year. I think they made it another year at least, but broke up again over what I assume was long distance from college. They probably would’ve been successful otherwise. I really wouldn’t be surprised if they got back together someday in the future.


2. A good friend of mine from high school met his girlfriend during our sophomore year. They were pretty much my grade’s class couple. In fact, I’d say they were the couple of the school while we were there. They were the type of couple that would’ve easily won prom king and prom queen, if that makes sense. Anyway, they dated for 3+ years, and then during our freshman year of college they split. There was long distance, he was really getting into the party life, she was on a D1 sport that took a lot of time. They started fighting, then they grew apart, and then they ended things. I was told it was mutual, but I’m pretty sure it was more her idea than his. I remember he was a mess at first. He’d get drunk and call her. He’d even get drunk and call me. He used to tell me and my friends that all he wanted was to be with her again. It was upsetting to see. But after a few months, they started contacting each other “as friends”. Then they started hanging out “as friends” when they were both home from college. Then he started taking trips from his college to her college to see her “as friends”. This went on for a while, and now they’re back together. I think they were broken up somewhere between 8 months and a year.


3. Another good friend of mine (J) from high school started dating his girlfriend (H) during our junior year (she’s a year younger than us). They dated for around a year and a half. When she was a senior in high school and he was a freshman in college, she ended things with him and went on to date a new guy almost immediately. From what I hear, she was actually kind of cold about the whole thing. J was heartbroken. I’m pretty sure he was at rock bottom. J started drinking heavily, smoking heavily, I think he even took a break from college for a semester. He was full of sadness and hatred for so many things. Fast forward to a little more than a year after the break up. J is in a new relationship with a new girl, and H is no longer in a relationship. One day, out of nowhere, H contacts J looking for conversation with him. She tells him she misses him, she sends him pictures of when they were together. All of this from out of nowhere. By this point, J was pretty much fully healed and with a new girl that he really liked, and really had no desire to return to H. But he tells me that he knows he could’ve gotten back with her if he wanted to. So is it a successful reconciliation story? No. But it is a story of the dumpee coming out on top and regaining “the power”, which is really what every dumpee hopes for.


I have a lot of hope that I can one day share my reconciliation story with everyone here. But hopefully I gave back to this forum with those 3 stories ^

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