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Getting back together really does happen!

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One of my friends broke up with his girlfriend. She recently told me after a month of being single two of her exes from the past contacted her wanting to hang out. One was actually begging her, texting her constantly to get her to watch a movie with him. She doesn't want either of them back anymore, but it shows they can come back if you give them time.


For some reason almost every guy I dated did. One guy in fact showed up many years later and last year (after 20 years of broken up) contacted me. I really think it depends why they broke up. The ones where it was amicably (this situation really was, it was long distance and that was the problem)tend to always want me back.

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There isn't a rule for that! But I do know that if you don't value yourself.. they'll never come back! So live your life, don't be too hard with them.. forgive them! Be above all and keep your value high.

You never know if they will come back.. But I'm sure that good things will happen and you'll have a happy life.

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I'm ready for some positive stories today... here we go...


One of my best friends fell for a guy pretty quickly, he was abit of a 'jack-the-lad' when she met him. He wasn't ready to settle down at the time, he was still wanting to hang around with his mates mostly. Anyhow, my friend wasn't having any of it so she broke up with him started dating someone else for a few months. Then she got back with him for another 4 months or so, told him she loved him - but he didn't reciprocate - it got her mad as she still wasn't getting the commitment off him that she really wanted. Being the diva that she - broke it off AGAIN, got with another guy for a month or so till the one she really loved realised that he missed her and wanted her in his life full-time. They have since been together 8 years now and are getting married this year!! .



Got together when they were teenagers and had been going out for 4 years when he moved a way to another city. They stayed in contact for the first month (they weren't that far away) when one day his mate called her out of the blue to inform her the relationship she had with him was over (with her boyfriend that is she wasn't with the mate!). She was heartbroken not only to have been dumped but to have had it done over the phone by another person!He dated others, she dated others and they had no contact for almost a year and a half. During this time, he made a lot of changes in his life and one day, out of the blue he came back. Turned up at her door, told her he missed her and wanted her back. It took a lONG time for her to forgive him but evenually they did get back together and they've now been married 34 years. Not an urban myth I assure you but a true story.



They went out for 6 years, he decided he needed space and they split, she was devestated but she was adament he was the 1 for her, so she let him do whatever he had to do, she moved away to another city, 9 months later he came back now they're married



One of the girls who use to work with me, her boyfriend and her broke up after being together for about 4 years, they were split up for one year both of them dated other people and had no contact with each other she always said she would never get back 2gether with him...and now they are getting married in august!! They are both happy and madly in love

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Most attractive girls never come back,this is the harsh reality.And that is because pretty attractive girls have TOO many choices.


Thank You,well I believe for the most part they don't need to comeback because of the many choices they hold


True, especially if the guy is ugly and treated her like garbage. I dated a few bow wows and when they treated me like garbage that was it. When they came back I said no way.


Incidentally the guy I want is on the homely side too so I wouldn't take him back unless he was nice to me again. No more crying over him.

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True, especially if the guy is ugly and treated her like garbage. I dated a few bow wows and when they treated me like garbage that was it. When they came back I said no way.


Incidentally the guy I want is on the homely side too so I wouldn't take him back unless he was nice to me again. No more crying over him.


You go girlfriend!


Besides, beauty is the eye of the beholder. Everyone finds someone attractive differently.


Most of people will find my ex and the current guy I'm dating to be okay looking or just cute plain cute. But I find them handsome.


Yea no more crying! Keep smiling!

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Faithful, I LOVE your stories!!! Thanks so so much for sharing!!! Gives me hope that true love always finds its way, no matter what... although I don't believe in a happy ending with my ex... unfortunately ...haha, but who knows, maybe in 10 years down the line, I can share my own success story ;-)

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You go girlfriend!


Besides, beauty is the eye of the beholder. Everyone finds someone attractive differently.


Most of people will find my ex and the current guy I'm dating to be okay looking or just cute plain cute. But I find them handsome.


Yea no more crying! Keep smiling!


I found him attractive but most wouldn't. I am done crying about him though.

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Faithful, I LOVE your stories!!! Thanks so so much for sharing!!! Gives me hope that true love always finds its way, no matter what... although I don't believe in a happy ending with my ex... unfortunately ...haha, but who knows, maybe in 10 years down the line, I can share my own success story ;-)


No problem hun. I really do hope good things come our way- whether it's our ex or someone new.

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Well this is kind of an ex-comeback story,,,,, my FIRST girlfriend whom I broke up with,,, I wanted her back a couple of years after breaking up with her,,, she was indecisive between me and this other guy she was then currently talking to and then ultimately chose to be with the other Guy, which left me heartbroken at that time cause i truly Loved her and wanted her back. She made it seem like I had a chance.


After she makes her decision we remained friends. Once she got officially married that gave me the closure I needed and we became Best of friends...forward 5 years later.


She is getting a divorce and would like to be back in my life as more than friends.


I dont want her back like that anymore, I moved on and just want to be friends. Secondly I do not want to be her 2nd choice even if I was the one who broke up with her first so long ago lol.


Now I was heartbroken about a 1yr ago with my LAST ex... But ive moved on a lot and if she ever tried to comeback as PRETTY as she is,,, I doubt I would take her back. Plus, I met someone new and beautiful.

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most attractive girls (exgfs) never come back, this is the harsh reality.

and that is because pretty attractive girls have TOO many choices.

So they don't need to come back


Does this apply to attractive men? I mean, men who are exceptionally good-looking? My ex was one of those guys.


I think he probably won't come back because he, too, has a line of women ready to date him.

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I don't know about that. I'm not trying to toot my horn here, but I think I'm on the happy side of average on most measures. On paper, I have all the stereotypical things that society deems desirable. I have not trouble finding company. I say this because I really don't think it matters much. I grew up in a trailer on the wrong side of town. I have pulled myself up and now my life is just the opposite. I think physically attractive people and people with high socioeconomic status may have more choices. I do however, think that men take the end of a relationship harder than do women in general. I think woman are actually tougher emotionally than men. If a guy just goes to the next, which happens, I think it may be with more baggage than you might expect. I have.let go of The romantic connection with my ex,, but still have deep concern and feel a type of connection to her still. I think.men are.more sentimental than otherwise thought as also.

By the way, character, and the "underdog" qualities are what does it for me, much.more so than looks.

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When I broke up with my first boyfriend, I had a lot of other options. But I still wanted to get back together with my ex, and I crawled back to him. If anything, it made it worse that all the other men wanted to be with me when the only guy I wanted to be with didn't want to be with me... If the merit of attractiveness is having other options, I don't think that being attractiveness reduces the possibility of getting back together. Just my 2 cents.

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Ok so I'm an old member and wanted to help all those people w/ a broken heart.


Here are 2 stories I remember from this site. I search and found them.


First one from a guy who broke up and then got back together. He explains all his story and how he did it!




Second from a girl who left her boyfriend (in 2005) and give her perspective from a dumper poit of view. If you read her posts you can see she later broke up again (in 2007 I think), and later, how she post other things about her now husband Yr 2010 (the same guy she broke up in 2005 and 2007).




Hope you people like both stories!


And remember, NC is the solution!

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so I have a short one today... this isn't exactly a definition of success but more of story that they do come back...


ony of my girlfriends from highschool was dating this guy for over a year. He ended up cheating on her right around her birthday. He totally broke her heart and left her devastated. She had a hard time getting over him, got depressed, lost weight, and was doing terribly in school. Well 6 months later, he is back in the picture. Against everyone's wishes, she still got back with him because she just really loves him and wants to be with him. Nobody is too happy about this since we don't think he is different at all than before, but only time will tell.


So see, sometimes, they come back even when they shouldn't lol.

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