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Ex sex is great, so long as both have the same intentions going into it. If one wants the relationship and the other does not, than the one who doesn't is just taking advantage, even if you tell them and are honest about it. have some guilt from ahving done this. If both jsut want to enjoy it, that's great. Been there done that. Have some ground rules going in, you would prefer all are discrete about it.

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Well i wasnt expecting a reply like that!


Ive recently broken up with my bf and also recently had sex with him.Im unsure as to my feelings about it,obviously i would prefer we were together but yet i dont know if i would get with him even if he asked me to.I love him very much,and on the one hand it has hurt me,but on the other i am happy that i am still in his life. I guess i am giving him exactly what he wants without totally getting what i want.I dont know what to do??


After everything that has happened between us,i will be honest and say that i could forget that in an instant and get back with him.


Please be honest,is he using me?am i using him??i know he cares about me,im just worried that he still wants to have sex with me and see me so that he doesnt have to deal with the crumby parts of being in a relationship.


Please help?!

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Can't tell you any of those things without being able to read your brainwaves, and that I am not capable of doing.


Before you answer your questions, you need to figure out want you want.


If you want him, I would see him, hint the sex may be available, use your body language, be vague in your words, and try to lure him in. You may just fall back into a relationship too. I have done that, but it was not going to last. I used it for the sex, she did too but wanted more.

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Really , I feel ex sex is a block in the path of growth. You know all those old issues, feeling are gonna come back. Since my recent break-up, my ex (we live in a relatively small town), has tried to garner his way back into my bed. What an opportunist (which is one of the many things I disliked about him.) Be strong, buy a good vibrator and avoid all those pitfalls, there are plenty others ! Best of luck, Lea

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lealeapopo is right 'ex sex is a block in the path of growth'. Ive never experienced it personally, but i know people who have, and it just takes that much longer for them to get over each other you know? You need to tell yourself that you can do better, you must have split with him for a reason - dont get stuck in a rut with him just because the sex makes you feel good. Chances are he's just viewing it as sex - nothing more.

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I've got mixed feelings on this. The sex is great, for sure, but if you go into it too soon after breaking up I think you can get confused and hurt.


I'm in that situation at the moment. My ex dumped me about 2 months ago, we hadnt seen each other for a few months by that point bcos she was working abroad. Anyway, she came back for a few weeks, we got talking, she said she dumped me bos thought i didnt love her anymore and the distance made us have a lot of misunderstandings. The first time we met up we kissed, the second time she stayed at my place and had sex. I told her I loved her (never did this b4) and she said she loved me. I asked about getting back together but she doesnt want to bcos going away again soon with work and doesnt want an LDR again. She was crying her eyes out. A few days later she came up to visit again, as before we had a great day and evening and she stayed over and we had sex 3 more times, gave each other a massage, had a bath together etc, said we loved each other. I just don't get what she wants or how she can do this and say she loves me but not want to get back together??? Yet she gets jealous and upset and stressed if I see anyone else.

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Definitely agree, ex-sex can be bloody great sex - as long as you both have the same context. If it not used as a pre-cursor for one or the other of you to lead into something - then it can be lovely. The key, I think is that you both have to be honest as to why you are doing it - other than the obvious physical fulfillment.


G xx

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