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The story of two minds


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From worlds apart they drifted together,

The strength of their hearts unparalleled against the pull of the ocean seas,

Hand in hand they float on, unbound from the iron grip of fate,

As free as the beauty and serenity of the wondrous ocean breeze.


They listen not to the voices of those who say it cannot be done,

Instead they hear the words of the music from deep within their soul,

Dancing to an eternal melody of love, joy and harmony abound,

Leaving behind the sadness of shattered dreams which destiny once stole.


Through flourishing fields alive with sunshine they run,

Frolicking in delight as they meander through colourful pastures green,

For now their troubles and fears have been laid to rest,

As they seize the wonder of the moment, thinking not of roads unforeseen.


As nightfall approaches they are calm and at ease, warm with content,

Sharing triumphant tales of adventures both new and old,

Yet their unique connection will forever be held safe and true,

As the story of these two minds continues to unfold.

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