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Whats going on? ANybody help please


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Im 19 years old and the girl im currently talking to is 18. I met her at the restuarant where i work at about 2 months ago. We've been talking on the phone since then. Sometimes i get the feeling she doesn't want to talk to me. I asked her if she wanted to go out sometime and she was always busy. Finally i asked her again and she said i had to meet her parents because they wont let her go out with me until i meet them. I started feeling that she was not interested in me anymore so I wrote her a note explaining how I feel. In the not is said that I dont want to waste her time if she doesn't want to talk to me. I also said that If she didn't want me to take her out all she had to do was tell me. I told her to call me and tell me. She called me about 2 days later and said "what makes you think that" She told me she was still interested. What do I do. For valentines day I dropped off a gift at her house and met her mom. I even gave her mom something. Her mom look surprised and know when i call she says hi to me.

Also there are times when I call her and she'll pick up and tell me to call her back in about 25 minutes. When I finally call either no one answers the phone or her mom answers the phone and says shes sleep.


Is she leading me on. Anybody Please reply with your thoughts or comments im so confused

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I say take a step back for a while and let her do the chasing. If she is genuinely interested in you then she will get in touch.


I can't think of any better advice to apply to your situation, if you continue to make the moves then she will know that she has you under her thumb - don't play the fool because you'll only get hurt.

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Hmm, that's a really confusing situation to be put in. I'm not too sure what exactly this girl is doing. If she wasn't interested in you, she probably would have just ignored you totally or maybe would have even told you when you asked her to.. So I'm not sure. She also could just feel bad and doesn't want to hurt your feelings, who knows.


The best way to find out is to finally go on a date with this girl. Then you can see exactly how this person is and generally you can tell when a girl is interested in you. So I guess that would be my first move if I were you, but I guess it would be a little difficult to get a date with her since she's so random sometimes.

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